fight as quickly as you con because there is a WER for each st-. Each stage YOU score points by destrogng Cobm ottadws: ends when the iimer drops to m. You ahwys play lhrough all 4 dqes of the game. - for d&eaiing each T.A.R.G.A.T. ottacker by Dcke or by tAWNG for help1 60 FONTS with normal weapon Thegonepar=&reDchdogedhenext~numberisshown. PRESS 80 FONTS with more powerful weapon RE ONNAKT WITON TO .WART RY W(I STAGE WHEN YOU ARE READY. - for defeating each 0.A.A T. aiiacker (by Duke o
BRA- STm- The gome gets hder as you odvonce fmm stage to stage: -4 dages of galatlc &lure -game plays all ihe woy through -call for special hep in each stage -bonus 'P for 'sfaf mnk -weap upgrades -stage timer I -built-in sound -sound owoff control ROU('NR0LL YES -maximum wore retained GENERAL HAWK YES - -built-in automatic power-off Rrner ARMOR-BOT Yes I TIMER MCI I 60 80 I 100 I 1X) I SPEEDOFCOBRA 1 MED I MED 1 MD I H I NOTE: You face more T.A.R.G.AT, BAAT., and diem in eac
GENERAL HAWK CODE NAME: General Hawk . GI: Joe Armor-tech commander FILE NAME: McCotmel, Craig 5. FRE NAME: Abernaihy, Clayfon M. SN : 989-1314CM53 SN: RA21275406 PRIM MlLlTARY SPLCWN: Cybemeffc Heavy Weapons Specialist PRIMARY MlLrnAKY SPECIALTY: Shotegic Command Operotions SECONDARY MILITARY SPECIALN: PT lnshucb- IPhys~ol Training1 KCONDARY MILWARY SF€C!ALTY: Armor-bot Commander BIRTHPLACE: Wbu, Colimia BIRTHFWCE: Denver. Colorado GRADE: E-6 GRADE: &7 (Brigadier General1 Tcmsiin
THE BP9 GUYS: GCQD GW SPECIAL WEAWN: CODE NAME: TA.R.G.A.T 6.1. J3E ARMOR-BOT . Trans Atmospheric Rapid Uobal Asrrrul Tmppr Crushing asteroids into space dust beneath ik monstrous weight, the ultimate robot wartlor, Armor-M, ~&BS Its mas of circuitry and base camp and prepares far alto&! After meteor shower--until they start shoofing a barmge of lasers and rockt fie, battalion of 0.AA.n once trembled bombs, steel- plated gravity bo wW fear. pistol, stmdard issure Cobm r lunar gun.
- - COBRA BAAT ALIENS Borne Armwed Android Trooper These allens have been gothered by Cobra to hb dnbdlhB Gl )oea IbY PRIMAR( SPKIAlTY Stu Bngode Penonnel Elimirohon lo bndh. In inaedible strenglh. am fire a phaser, don? nd a 5pae space, and hove no conscience Take a bulldozer, a few rdsb launchen and aswult nAes to It and you've got youd a BA AT I' CODE NAME Desho Cobm-Tech Commander BA T's lthe 0rIgJnd Balk Anbid TmoperJ were totally dual robd* FllE NAME Desho. Jam MCCUlkn lmopm
m ~. mORDIMAar High temperature wiH destroy fhe unit Do nol leave un* in If a part of your game Lg damcged OI wmehlng has direct sunlight. R€lURN HE GAME TO THE STORE. Instead, write to us at: TIGER ELECTRONIC TOYS REPAR CENTIR 980 Woodlands FQfhq, Vernon Hllk, lllnols 60061. U.9A Do not press the lquM crystal display and mid heavy shock or ihe chspky may fail. In your note, mntbn he name of *ell us briefly whl fhe pmMem ia purchase and price pdd. We wIH Donot use a pencil or pi
This waronty &es not cover damoge resulting from use, neglgence, anpropar sewlce or dher c- nd Tger Elechonic Toys warrants to the oiiginal consumer purchaser of any of Hs matewor vuakmnskp elechonk games that the product will be iree of defecis in makrial or workman- ship for 90 days from date of purchase. HOW TO RECEIVE YRWE FROM THE TlCfR ELE YWR ELECTKMC GAME WNG AND #TER RE During this 90-doy mnfy period the gane will either be repaired or it will be Dunng the 90day wa replaced [a