RemindeR Rules
1. Set up as shown on page 2 and make sure each player has 2
gold coins and 2 Fortune & Glory cards.
2. Roll to decide who starts and take turns to play. If the DVD
interrupts the game to command you to do something, do it,
then continue your turn.
On Your Turn
• Look at your cards.
• Roll the die and move the exact number rolled
(lay temple tiles if you need to).
• Depending on where you land, select the matching symbol
on the DVD to compl
The DVD will guide you through the game, but keep these written rules Note: Once a chamber is unlocked, it stays open, so any adventurer handy in case you need to check on a rule. can take the challenge to steal the relic you have found. As soon as all three relics have been collected, the curse is fiRst-time Assembly unleashed and the temple could collapse at any time. Remove the gold coins, medallions, tiles and boulders from the cardboard sheets and At the end of the game, trade in you
Relics There are three precious relics in the temple, which you must try to find and win before the other adventurers reach them: r elic c HamBer When you lay a tile with a relic chamber on it, place the matching relic next to it on the board. t rap Bttlea ceasp t He a rk t He s ankara s onest t He Hyol Grail To win a relic: 1. Stop at the space before the relic chamber. 2. If you cannot unlock it, you’re stuck! Play any cards you want to and end your turn. s ecret aassp Gyaew 3.
If you need to break a medallion down into 5 gold coins to pay for how to plAy something, you must take the coins from the coin pile face down Roll the die. The adventurer with the highest roll starts their adventure first and play passes to the left. and cannot choose which symbols you get. You cannot break a medallion down for any other reason. On your Turn 1. Take a secret peek at your cards (see Fortune & Glory Cards). Temple Tiles Knowing what cards you have will help you choos
Archaeological Research (The Temple in Detail) If you want to play any cards, remember to do this before Fortune & Glory Cards the end of your turn. Fortune & Glory cards are vital to a successful adventure, so use them wisely! 4. Where did you land? Look at the cards in your hand on every turn, before you roll the die. •If you land on a trap, STOP, even if you have They could help you decide how to use your move. moves left. Select the trap symbol on the DVD A Fortune & Glory ca
B ! The temple is an enchanted and unpredictable place. Keep an eye on the DVD – it might tell you that a strange and unexpected event has occurred! If this happens, do as you are commanded by the spirits of the temple, then continue your turn... if you can! The DVD will command you to remove parts of the temple. If it’s your •When you reach a relic chamber, STOP on the space before it. You turn when this happens, stop, follow the instructions, then continue need a gold medallion o