Ages: 6+ Pl Ayres: 1+ Contents: 20 Numbered Hop Pads, 1 Double Hop Pad and 1 Round Hop Pad 1
s et u P: Hip Hopscotch can be set up in many, many ways! It’s up to you to decide what specific Pads to put down, and in what order you like. The Hop Pads can be placed on concrete, carpet, grass, hard floors…anyplace that’s got a level surface and is roomy enough to jump freely. Here are a few example layouts, just to get you going: 2
go Al : Hop ‘til you drop! Pl Ay : Take turns. On your turn, jump onto the Hop Pads in numerical order. If there’s just one Pad of a number, you must land on it with only one foot. If there are two Pads of the same number, you must land with both feet at the same time, having one foot on each Pad. If Pads are sideways or upside-down, you must land with your foot (or feet) matching the direction of the number on the Pad. Hop all the way from number 1 to number 10, and then spin around and
Winning : Hip Hopscotch is not about winning – it’s about jumping around and having hip-hoppin’ fun! Everybody wins! gAme iDeAs: • On-Off-On-Off Choose any layout you like. As you go, hop on one Pad as usual, then land with both feet straddling the Pad before you hop to the next Pad, and so-on. It’s harder than you think! • BlindScotch Place all the Pads touching each other in a square formation. Place the Double Hop Pad in the center. Everybody take a good look at where the Pads are in
• CircleScotch Place the Hop Pads in a circular layout with about one foot between each Pad. Players each start on a Pad, evenly spaced from the other players. On “1-2-3-Go!,” everybody hop to the next Pad in a clockwise direction, and keep hopping in that direction, try- ing to catch up to the player in front of you. If you tag somebody from behind, the tagged player is out. Keep hopping and tagging until there’s only one player left. If that’s you, you win! You can play this game hopping
• Leap Pads Scatter the Hop Pads randomly around the floor with about a foot or so of space between them. Start on Pad #1. On one foot, hop to #2, and so-on, until you have hopped all the Pads, or until you can’t hop far enough to make it to another Pad. • Two-legged Hopscotch Pick a partner. Choose any Hop Pad layout you want. Partners stand before Pad #1, both facing forward, and hold both of each others’ hands: right hand to right hand and left to left. Now each player stands on the fo
• Tag-team Relay Race Divide into two teams. Set up two identical Hop Pad layouts, side-by-side. Both teams line up behind the start of each layout. On “1-2-3-Go!” the first player from each team hops the layout forward and then back. When they complete the layout, they tag the next member of their team who must then hop the layout forward and back. The first team to have all of its members complete the layout wins. • Rhyme Hop Choose any Hop Pad layout you want. Assign a word to each
VAriA tions: Hip Hop Hoppy Taw: If you want, you can play Hip Hop Hopscotch with a “Hoppy Taw.” What’s a Hoppy Taw? Well, it’s something you find, like a coin, a stone, or a toy that won’t bounce. A beanbag or a hacky sack works really well. On your turn, stand behind Pad #1 and toss your Hoppy Taw onto one of the Pads. Wherever it lands, you have to skip over that particular Pad as you go. Hip Hop Criss-Cross: Two players start hopping at the same time from opposite ends of the Hip
Write your own Hip Hopscotch game ideas here: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________
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