For Serial Nos.
850,000 & Higher
Par t No. 4500-648 Rev . D
W ARNING CALIFORNIA Pr oposition 65 W ar ning T he engine exhaust fr om this pr oduct contains chemicals kno wn to the State of Calif or nia to cause cancer , bir th defects, or other r epr oducti v e har m. Important: T he engine in this pr oduct is not equipped with a spar k ar r ester muf fler . It is a violation of Calif or nia Public R esource Code (CPR C) Section 4442 to use or operate this engine on an y f or est-co v er ed, br ush-co v er ed, or g rass-co v er ed land as defined in CPR C
Introduction CONGRATULATIONS on the purc hase of y our Exmark Mo w er . T his product has been carefully designed and man ufactured to gi v e y ou a maxim um amount of de pendability and years of trouble-free operation. T his man ual contains operating, maintenance , adjustment, and safety instr uctions for y our Exmark Figure 1 mo w er . 1. Model and serial number location BEFORE OPERATING Y OUR MO WER, CAREFULL Y READ THIS MANU AL IN ITS ENTIRETY . Model No. By follo wing the operating, mainte
Electric Clutc h Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Contents Motion Control Neutral Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Motion Control T rac king Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Chec k the Neutral Switc h Alignment Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Safety • Nev er let c hildren or untrained people operate Safety or ser vice the equipment. Local regulations ma y restrict the ag e of the operator . Safety Alert Symbol • Only adults and mature teenag ers should operate T his Safety Aler t Symbol ( Figure 2 ) is used both in a mo w er , and ev en mature teenag ers should ha v e this man ual and on the mac hine to identify impor tant adult super vision. Be sure a teenag er : safety messag es whic h m ust be follo w ed to a v oid 1. has read and
Safety DANGER DANGER In cer tain conditions gasoline is extr emel y In cer tain conditions during fueling , static flamma ble and v apor s ar e explosi v e. electricity can be r eleased causing a spar k which can ignite gasoline v apor s. A fir e or A fir e or explosion fr om gasoline can bur n explosion fr om gasoline can bur n y ou and y ou, other s, and cause pr oper ty dama ge. other s and cause pr oper ty dama ge. • Fill the fuel tank outdoor s on lev el • Al w ays place gasoline container
Safety Operation – After striking a foreign object or abnor mal vibration occurs (inspect the mo w er for damag e and mak e re pairs before restar ting W ARNING and operating the mo w er). Operating engine par ts, especiall y the – Before clearing bloc kag es . muf fler , become extr emel y hot. Sev er e bur ns – W henev er y ou lea v e the mo w er . can occur on contact and de bris, such as • Stop engine , w ait for all mo ving par ts to stop , and lea v es, g rass, br ush, etc . can catch fir
Safety occur . T he operator is responsible for safe operation Maintenance and Storage on slopes . • Diseng ag e dri v es , lo w er implement, set parking brak e , stop engine and remo v e k ey or disconnect spark plug wire . W ait for all mo v ement to stop DANGER before adjusting, cleaning or re pairing . Operating on w et g rass or steep slopes can • K ee p engine and engine area free from cause sliding and loss of contr ol. Loss of accum ulation of g rass , lea v es , ex cessi v e g rease co
Safety DANGER W ARNING Charging or jump star ting the batter y may R emo ving standard original equipment pr oduce explosi v e gases. Batter y gases can par ts, or using non-Exmar k r eplacement explode causing serious injur y . par ts and accessories may alter the w ar ranty , traction, and safety of the machine. F ailur e • K eep spar ks, flames, or cigar ettes a w ay to use original Exmar k par ts could cause fr om batter y . serious injur y or death. • V entilate when charging or using batte
Safety Safety and Instructional Decals • K ee p all safety signs legible . R emo v e all g rease , • New safety signs ma y be obtained from dir t and debris from safety signs and instr uctional y our authorized Exmark equipment dealer or labels . distributor or from Exmark Mfg . Co . Inc . • R e place all w or n, damag ed, or missing safety • Safety signs ma y be affix ed b y peeling off the signs . bac king to expose the adhesi v e surface . Apply only to a clean, dr y surface . Smooth to remo
Safety 1 16-0404 1 16-3260 1. Forward position - faster 2. Backward position - slower 1 16-2040 1 16-3267 1 16-3076 1 16-3283 1 1
Safety 1 16-3290 1 16-1886 1 16-1887 1. Fast 3. Neutral 2. Slow 4. Reverse 1 16-3067 1. PT O-on 4. Slow 2. PT O-of f 5. Choke-on 3. Fast 6. Choke-of f 12
Specifications Specifications Model Numbers Serial Nos: 850,000 and Higher VT20KAS484; VT20KAS524; VT24KAS484; VT24KAS524; VT24KAS484CA; VT24KAS524CA Systems necessar y for the operator to be on the platfor m to star t the engine .) Engine • Mo w er blades will stop if the right side motion • Engine Specifications: See y our Engine Owner’ s control lev er is mo v ed or released into the PTO Man ual diseng ag e position. • RPM: Full Speed: 3600 ±100 RPM (No Load) • Engine will stop if the motion
Specifications T ires & Wheels Dimensions Dri v e F r ont Caster Overall W idth: Pneumatic Semi- (Air -Filled) Pneumatic 48 inch Deck 52 inch Deck Quantity 2 2 Deflector Up 51.8 inc hes 56.3 inc hes (131.6 cm) (143.0 cm) T urf Master Smooth T read Deflector Do wn 59.6 inc hes 64.8 inc hes Size 20 x 10.00–8 11 x 4.00-5 (151.4 cm) (164.6 cm) 4 Ply Rating Pressure 14 psi Overall Length: (97 kP a) 48 inch Deck 52 inch Deck Platfor m Up 59.0 inc hes 59.0 inc hes Cutting Deck (150.0 cm) (150.0 cm) • C
Product Overview T orque Requirements Product Overview Bolt Location T orque Cutter Housing Spindle 140-145 ft-lb Nut (190-197 N-m) Blade Mounting Bolt 55-60 ft-lb (75-81 N-m) (lubricate with anti-seize) 30-35 ft-lb (41-47 N-m) Engine Dec k/Mo w er Dec k Suppor t Mount Bolts Engine Mounting Bolts 15-20 ft-lb (20-27 N-m) W heel Lug Nuts 90-95 ft-lb (122-129 N-m) W heel Hub Nuts 175-225 ft-lb (237-305 N-m) W heel Motor Mounting 30-35 ft-lb (41-47 N-m) Bolts Figure 3 1. Platform 4. Motion control l
Operation rear , to the detent, will put the c hok e in the “OFF” Operation position. Do Not r un a w ar m engine with c hok e in the “ON” position. Note: Deter mine the left and right sides of the mac hine from the nor mal operating position. Controls Motion Control Levers T he motion control lev ers , located on eac h side of the top console , control the forw ard and rev erse motion of the mac hine . Mo ving the lev ers forw ard or bac kw ard tur ns the wheel on the same side forw ard or rev
Operation T he brak e lev er eng ag es a parking brak e on the dri v e Hour Meter wheels . Located on the LH side of the front control console Note: T he LCD indicator appears in the messag e in the messag e displa y (see Figure 5 and Figure 7 ). displa y on the front console when the park brak e is T he hour meter records the n umber of hours that eng ag ed (see Figure 5 and Figure 7 ). the engine has r un. T o eng ag e the brak e , pull the lev er rearw ard and to the right to position into th
Operation T he fuel g aug e monitors the amount of fuel in the Pre-Start tank. Fill fuel tank on lev el g round. F or best results use only clean, fresh regular g rade unleaded g asoline with Drive Wheel Release V alves an octane rating of 87 or higher . Located on the left rear cor ner of the h y drostatic Important: Nev er use methanol, gasoline pumps . containing methanol, gasohol containing mor e Dri v e wheel release v alv es are used to release the than 10% ethanol, pr emium gasoline, or w
Operation Important: Do Not crank the engine Disengaging the PT O contin uousl y f or mor e than ten seconds at a 1. Set the throttle midw a y betw een the “SLO W” time. If the engine does not star t, allo w a 60 and “F AST” positions . second cool-do wn period betw een star ting 2. Push do wn on the PTO switc h to diseng ag e the attempts. F ailur e to f ollo w these guidelines blades . can bur n out the star ter motor . Note: T he PTO will be diseng ag ed b y releasing 7. If the c hok e is in
Operation Important: T o begin mo v ement (f orw ard or backw ard), the brak e lev er must be disenga ged (pushed f orw ard) bef or e the motion contr ol lev er s can be mo v ed or the engine will stop . W hen the RH motion control lev er is positioned fully outw ard (apar t), the dri v e system is in the PTO diseng ag e position ( Figure 8 ). Note: T he “N” LCD indicator appears when the RH lev er is in the PTO diseng ag e position. W hen the RH motion control lev er is mo v ed directly inw ard