BACtrack S75の取扱説明書

デバイスBACtrack S75の取扱説明書

デバイス: BACtrack S75
カテゴリ: カーアクセサリー
メーカー: BACtrack
サイズ: 0.47 MB
追加した日付: 6/1/2013
ページ数: 13



私たちの目的は、皆様方にデバイスBACtrack S75の取扱説明書に含まれたコンテンツを可能な限り早く提供することです。オンラインプレビューを使用すると、BACtrack S75に関してあなたが抱えている問題に対する解決策の内容が素早く表示されます。


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BACtrack S75 取扱説明書 - Online PDF
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多くの人々は画面表示ではなく印刷された説明書を読むほうを好みます。説明書を印刷するオプションも提供されており、上記のリンクをクリックすることによりそれを利用できます - 説明書を印刷。説明書BACtrack S75を全部印刷する必要はなく、選択したページだけを印刷できます。紙を節約しましょう。


次のページにある説明書BACtrack S75の内容のプレビューは、以下にあります。次のページにある説明書の内容をすぐに表示したい場合は、こちらをご利用ください。


Brea thal yzer
s75 PrO


Table Of COnTenTs InTrOduCTIOn ® The BACTRACK S75 Pro Breathalyzer is a professional alcohol This device is intended to measure screening device, used for the detection of alcohol in the alcohol in human breath. Measurements breath. The BaCTraCK provides a digital result, indicating the approximate BaC (Blood alcohol Content) of the test subject. obtained by this device are used in the The BaCTraCK is powered by two aa batteries and is very diagnosis of alcohol intoxication. easy to use.


The alcohol concentration in the breath is related to that in the some vision impairments that occur when you have been blood, and because of this, an individual’s BaC can be deter- drinking include: mined by measuring alcohol in the breath. The ratio of breath • narrowing of your field of vision alcohol to blood alcohol is generally estimated to be 2,100:1. • reduction in your depth perception Therefore, 2,100 milliliters (ml) of alveolar air will contain ap- • Decreased ability to see in d


* BAC Dose-Specific Effects dOse-speCIfIC effeCTs Of alCOhOl 0.13-0.15% Gross motor impairment and lack of BAC Dose-Specific Effects physical control. Blurred vision and major loss of balance. euphoria is reduced and 0.02-0.03% slight euphoria. loss of shyness. Depres- dysphoria (anxiety, restlessness) is begin- sant effects are not apparent. Impairment ning to appear. possible in some individuals. 0.16-0.20% Dysphoria predominates. nausea may 0.04-0.06% Feeling of well-being, relaxation, l


preparaTIOn OperaTIOn ImPOrt Ant! Installing the Battery Install two aa batteries in the battery compartment. COmpOnenTs dIagram FrOnT VIew Test subjects should wait 20 minutes after eating, drinking, or smoking before blowing into the BaCTraCK Mouthpiece Breathalyzer. Failure to wait 20 minutes can provide Mouthpiece In inaccurate test results and damage the sensor. Display STEP 1: Insert a mouthpiece into the Mouthpiece In slot. start Button STEP 2: Press the start button. Mode Button


START STEP 4: when the countdown reaches Advanced Menu Options zero, “sTar T” will flash and the screen The BaCTra CK offers several user-adjustable features through will display three lines. Blow through the BAC Menu Mode. To enter Menu Mode, turn on the BaCTraCK mouthpiece for five seconds until there is a double beep sound. and during the countdown hold MODe for 5 seconds. To move between Menu Mode options, press MODe. STEP 5: Once the sensor has analyzed the breath sample, the e


Flow Detection Settings speCIfICaTIOns u se this option to adjust how hard a user is required to blow. Press s tart to change BAC Dimensions 2.3 x 4.8 x 1 inches the settings. (5.8 x 12.2 x 2.5 cm) Low level flow detection w eight 4.4 oz (125 g) This is the default setting for the unit. with mouthpiece and batteries BAC sensor Fuel cell sensor technology High level flow detection Technology Press start to change to the high level flow setting. BAC Detection range 0.000 – 0.400 %BaC


preCauTIOns VerIfICaTIOn and CalIbraTIOn 1. w ait at least 20 minutes after drinking, eating or smoking before The BaCTraCK is calibrated during manufacture using ad- testing. not observing this waiting period can cause inaccurate vanced alcohol simulation equipment. Known alcohol concentra- readings and damage the sensor. tions are passed through the sensor to set baseline values for testing. During testing, the unit compares users’ breath samples 2. Do not blow smoke, food, or liquids into


test subject is intoxicated under any definition of that word. KHn One-Year lImITed WarranTY solutions expressly disclaims any liability for direct, indirect, in- cidental, special, or consequential damages of any nature under KHn solutions’ warranty obligations for this product are limited any legal theory. any act or failure to act based on a reading to the following: from this product shall be at the test subject’s or user’s own risk. KHn solutions warrants this product against defects i


Provider; or (d) to a product or part that has been modified to COnseQuenTIal DaMaGes unDer anY leGal THeOr Y, alter functionality or capability without the written permission InCluDInG BuT nOT lIMITeD TO lOss OF use; lOss OF of KHn solutions. reVenue Or InCOMe; lOss OF aCTual Or anTICIP aTeD PrOFITs (InCluDInG lOss OF PrOFITs FrOM a COn- TO THe eXTenT PerMITTeD BY law , THIs warranTY anD TraCT); lOss OF THe use OF MOneY; lOss OF anTICIP aT- THe reMeDIes seT FOr TH aBOVe are eXClusIVe anD I


Obtaining Warranty Service nOTes Please be sure to read this instruction manual carefully if you believe your product is not operating properly. If you still feel that your product requires warranty service, please follow these instructions: Obtain a return authorization (ra) number by calling toll-free 877-334-6876 or by emailing when shipping the product back to KHn solutions, please pack- age the product carefully and ship using a major carrier (uPs, Fedex, usPs,


DO nOT DrInK anD DrIVe 20


® TRAC K BA C KHn solutions llC 300 Broadway, suite 26 san Francisco, Ca 94133 Phone: 877-334-6876 Fax: 415-358-8030 sales: service: www .BaCTraCK.COM © 2009 KHn solutions llC

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