March 2006 • H-1-5218t
Negative Film 5218 / 7218 / SO-218
KODAK VISION2 500T Color Negative Film 5218 / 7218 /
SO-218 is a high-speed, tungsten-balanced color negative
Tungsten (3200K) - 500 Daylight - 320
film with the finest grain available in a 500T product. The toe
Use these indexes with incident- or reflected-light
speed has been optimized to give enhanced shadow detail
exposure meters and cameras marke
EXPOSURE TABLE - TUNGSTEN LIGHT IDENTIFICATION At 24 frames per second (fps), 170-degree shutter opening: After processing, the product code numbers 5218 (35 mm), 7218 (16 mm), or SO-218 (16, 35, and 65 mm; edgeprint Lens shows 0218) emulsion, roll, and strip number identification, f/1.4 f/2 f/2.8 f/4 f/5.6 f/8 f/11 f/16 Aperture KEYKODE Numbers, and manufacturer/film identification Footcandles code (EH) are visible along the length of the film. 5 10 20 40 80 160 320 640 Required Use this
FILM-TO-VIDEO TRANSFERS CURVES When you transfer the film directly to video, you can set up Sensitometric Curves the telecine using KODAK Telecine Analysis Film (TAF) supplied by Eastman Kodak Company. The TAF consists of LOG EXPOSURE (lux-seconds) a neutral density scale and an eight-bar color test pattern with 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 a LAD gray surround. 3.0 The TAF gray scale provides the telecine operator 3200 K Tungsten 1/50 sec Exposure: (colorist) with an effective way to adjust subcarri
GRANULARITY SIGMA D Diffuse rms Granularity Curves Spectral Dye Density Curves 3.0 1.80 Process: ECN-2 Process: ECN-2; D-mins subtracted 1.60 B Midscale Neutral 1.40 G 1.20 2.0 Minimum .100 Cyan Density Magenta 1.00 .050 R 1.80 .030 .020 G B 0.60 Yellow .010 1.0 0.40 .007 .005 R .004 0.20 .003 0.00 .002 .001 0.0 0.20 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 400 400 500 600 700 800 F010_0219AC F010_0221AC LOG RELATIVE EXPOSURE WAVELENGTH (nm) To find the rms Granularity value for a given density, find These curves de
SIZES AVAILABLE Standard Products Available Length in Identification No. Core Description Perforations Metres (Feet) 35 mm SP239 610 (2000) Y BH-4740 (BH-1866) 35 mm SP417 30 (100) S-83 100-ft. spool BH-4740 (BH-1866) 35 mm SP718 61 (200) U BH-4740 (BH-1866) 35 mm SP718 122 (400) U BH-4740 (BH-1866) 35 mm SP718 305 (1000) U BH-4740 (BH-1866) 16 mm SP449 30 (100) R-90 100-ft. spool 2R-7605 (2R-2994) 16 mm SP451 122 (400) T 2R-7605 (2R-2994) 16 mm SP578 122 (400) S-153 400-ft. spool 2R-7605 (2R-2
KODAK VISION2 500T Color Negative Film 5218 / 7218 / SO-218 Kodak Locations EUROPEAN, AFRICAN, AND ME REGION FOR DIRECT ORDERING IN THE UNITED STATES Eastman Kodak Company AND CANADA: 1-800-621-FILM Kodak Ltd. Kodak House Hemel Hempstead CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Herts, HP1 1JU England Information: 630-910-4929 Local: 01442-845-945 Fax: 01442-844-458 DALLAS, TEXAS Information: 972-346-2979 Eastman Kodak SA HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA 29-31 Route de l'aeroport 6700 Santa Monica Boulevard Case postale 271