March 2004 • H-1-5234t
EASTMAN Fine Grain Duplicating
Panchromatic Negative Film 2234,
3234, 5234, 7234
EASTMAN Fine Grain Duplicating Panchromatic Negative PROCESSING
Film 5234/7234 and EASTMAN Fine Grain Duplicating
The following process recommendations should be used as
Panchromatic Negative Film 2234/3234, ESTAR Base, are
starting points for most conventional continuous-immersion
characterized by very high sharpness. They have
Spectral Sensitivity Curves IMAGE STRUCTURE py 1.0 MTF The modulation-transfer curves, the diffuse rms granularity, and the resolving-power data were generated from samples D = 0.3 Above gross fog 0.0 of 5234 Film exposed with tungsten light and processed as recommended in Process D-96 at 70°F (21°C) to the recommended control gamma. For more information on D = 1.0 Above gross fog 1.0 image-structure characteristics, see KODAK Publication No. H-1, KODAK Motion Picture Film. 1.4 sec Effe
MORE INFORMATION Outside the United States and Canada, please contact your Kodak representative. You can also visit our web site at www.kodak.com/go/motion for further information. You may want to bookmark our location so you can find us easily the next time. Films Cinematographer’s Field Guide KODAK Publication No. H-2 Image Structure KODAK Motion Picture Film KODAK Publication No. H-1 Specification Numbers Cinematographer’s Field Guide KODAK Publication No. H-2 Storage KODAK Motion Picture F
EASTMAN Fine Grain Duplicating Panchromatic Negative Film 2234, 3234, 5234, 7234 Kodak Locations EUROPEAN, AFRICAN, AND MIDDLE EASTERN REGION FOR DIRECT ORDERING IN THE UNITED STATES Entertainment Imaging A2N AND CANADA: 1-800-621-FILM Kodak Ltd. Kodak House P.O. Box 66, Station Road CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Hemel Hempstead Information: 630-910-4929 Herts, HP1 1JU England Local: +44-1442-844106 DALLAS, TEXAS Fax: +44-1442-844072 Information: 972-346-2979 HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA Eastman Kodak SA 670