N264 - 76 Key Music Workstation
How can I create my own Combinations?
How can I change the tempo in the middle of the song?
What are the bank change values?
Can I route sounds to the Individual outputs?
Basics of Combination Writing for N364/N264, X3/X2/X3R As there are potentially limitless possibilities when writing a Combination, the intent of this document is not to serve as a step by step, but rather to familiarize the user with the tools used in creating typical Combination setups. We will first discuss the basic elements that create such setups as Splits and Layers, then apply those basics to create a simple combination, which will illustrate both a split and layer, consistin
Timbre to play only on the first two octaves. You'd set the Key Window Bottom to C2, and the Key Window Top to C4. Now, the first Timbre will only play on C2, C4 and the key span in between… Setting Timbre two's Key Window Bottom to D4 and Top to C7 will cover the rest of the keyboard with another sound. Now you have a Split!! Setting up Timbre three with the same Key Windows as Timbre two, will play the two sounds together… a Layer!!! Now that you have the basics, let's apply what we
nd rd Bass (First Timbre A06) Piano + Strings (2 and 3 Timbre, A01 and A05) Key Window Top C4 Key Window Top C7 Key Window Btm C2 Key Window Btm D4 1. Press the "4" button on the left-hand side of the keyboard. (It's also marked "Attack Gate"). This will bring you screen 4A - "KW TOP" - This is the Key Window Top page. H
Creating a Tempo Change - N364/N264, X3/X2 To change the tempo in the middle of a song: 1. Press the SEQ button to enter the Sequencer mode. 2. Press the EDIT button to enter the Sequencer Edit mode. 3. Press the CHANNEL button (Marked in green on the left side of the keyboard). 4. Press the CURSOR up button 3 times. The screen will display "3D Create Ctl". You will need to set the Start and End measures that the tempo will be affected on. You can either make a gradual or ab
Bank Change Messages For Korg Products Most sequencers have an event edit mode, which allows inputting controller messages. Bank change messages require these events: Beat one, tick one: Controller 0 with its value - Beat one, tick two: Controller 32 with its value - Beat one, tick three: Program change. Make sure that Program Change and Exclusive filters are set to enable (ENA) to receive these commands. Note: These listing covers all possible bank changes in the product lines s
BANK EXB-A BANK EXB-B BANK EXB-C Message Value Message Value Message Value Bank Map (GM) (Korg) Bank Map (GM) (Korg) Bank Map (GM) (Korg) Controller 0 63 0 Controller 0 63 0 Controller 0 63 0 Controller 32 8 8 Controller 32 9 9 Controller 32 10 10 Program Change 0-127 0-127 Program Change 0-127 0-127 Program Change 0-127 0-127 BANK EXB-D BANK EXB-E BANK EXB-F Message Value Message Value Message Value Bank Map (GM) (Korg) Bank Map (GM) (Korg) Bank Map
BANK F BANK G BANK R (Drums) Message Value Message Value Message Value Controller 0 0 Controller 0 0 Controller 0 0 Controller 32 3 Controller 32 3 Controller 32 4 Program Change 0-63 Program Change 64-127 Program Change 0-127 (Numbers: 0-63 = F11-F88) (Numbers: 64-127 = G11-G88) *i30 GM Drum Bank Program Change Conversion
N5EX/N1/N1R/NS5R/NX5R Drum Banks yDr2' Bank (Bank MSB=127) 'rDrm' Bank (Bank MSB=61) 'kDrm' Bank (BankMSB=62) Drum Kit List (Drum Bank) Drum Kit List (Drum Bank) Drum Kit List (Drum Bank) Program No. Drum Kit Name Program No. Drum Kit Name Program No. Drum Kit Name (PC# xxh) (PC# xxh) (PC# xxh) 1 (00h) Standard 1 (00h) STANDARD 1(00h)...16(0Eh) GM Kit 2 (01h) Standard 2 (01h) STANDARD 17(10h)...24(17h) Power Kit 9 (08h) Room 9 (08h) ROOM 25(18h) Dance Kit 17 (10h) Rock 1
Output Routing in the Sequencer: N364/ N264 and X Series rd th Before you can actually reroute the tracks to the 3 and 4 outputs: 1. Press the SEQ button to enter the Sequencer mode. 2. Press the EDIT button to enter the Sequencer Edit mode. 3. Press the Up Cursor several times until you are on page 7E: "Effects Placement". 4. Using the value slider or buttons, select "Parallel Sub" as the routing. 5. Press the down cursor 2 times to arrive at page 7C. These are parameters for