Goes to the main menu. Goes to the The Books tab enables you to look up headword. After the translation or definition, confusable, the CONF Soft Key will be made
From the Main Menu
word entry screen in any book that Spanish translations of English words and you may see a list of usage examples. available. Press CONF to view the confusables.
1. Press menu .
has one. Clears the calculator. In the English translations of Spanish words. You can
Explanation of Genders
2. Press BOOKS.
W ARR ANT Y , IS REP AIR OR REPLA CEMENT A T THE SOLE 2. Press LEARN. 8. Press back to return to the list of topics. 5. Press or to change the setting. materials, as they contain important 3. Press or to highlight the one you Using a Password 7.5 Using the Currency OPTION OF FR ANKLIN AND THIS REMED Y APPLIES information. In case of disposal, please refer to 3. My Vocabulary List will be highlighted. want, then press enter . Your changes are automatically saved. Press clear or menu w