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DV DVD Date?
The objective of this manual is to facilitate the correct preparation of input components for DVD productions with Sony DADC. Similar manuals are available for our other products including CD-Audio, CD-ROM, MiniDisc and PlayStation Disc. These manuals can also be downloaded from our website at www.sonydadc.com. Keeping in compliance with the specifications in this manual will avoid confusion and unnecessary modifications. Rework may extend production time causing considerable delays. The
Generally, all Sony DADC prices and schedules given, are based on the assumption that the input components provided by the customer meet the manual specifications. If components do not meet the outlined specifications, they will be either returned or improved based on the customer’s request. Consequently additional expenses and charges will apply. Prices for DVDs and special services (e.g. carrier, editing, film exposure, film generation etc.) are provided in our current price list. For fu
From CD to DVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .06 1. General and Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08 1.1 General and Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08 1.2 DVD 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .09 1.3 DVD 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .09 1.4 DVD
WHAT’S NEW From CD to DVD DVD, which stands for Digital Versatile DVD Types and Formats Disc, is the next generation of optical disc A DVD consists of two halves, where each half disc storage technology. It is essentially an is 0.6 mm thick, holding one or two layers of informa- optical disc that can hold video as well as tion. The DVD format provides multiple configurations audio and computer data. This new of data layers. Each layer provides additional data capacity. optical disc can reach a
Services Statistical process controls and in-line Our services comprise inspection systems form a key part of our the following: production process. Full 100% checks by means of automatic test systems of label • Personal assistance by a member of our Customer Service staff print and read-out sides are imple- mented with the strictest error criteria. • Authoring of DVD Video/Audio within Sony Group (by Sony DVD Center Europe) A team of highly qualified staff as well as • Premastering / formattin
1. General and Technology double side 1.1 General and Technology single layer DVD 10 substrate The Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) is the logical successor 1.2 mm reflective layers of the Compact Disc (CD). Moreover, due to the high data storage capacity this disc has also become the 0.6 mm substrate data medium for the film-industry. It has been deve- loped throughout the nineties, but is only now coming movable Iens into prominence. In spite of the DVD having a much higher data storage capacity
However, the two most commonly used DVDs are the In the field of movie business, the purpose of DVD 5 is DVD 5 and DVD 9. These single sided discs bring a more or less to substitute VHS – formats and to maximum of comfort to the home-cineast combined increase the comfort of watching movies at home, with high data storage capatility. combined with high durability. From the production’s point of view, there are several procedures necessary. Firstly, the so-called ”glass Single Side DVDs Single La
1. General and Technology However, this capability is sufficient to record a This is acceptable due to the fact that the data is not 130 min long movie with more languages using stored within one constant stream, but in sectors and ”Dolby‚ Surround System” plus special features like segments. different camera positions, ”The Making Of” scenes, interviews and other fascinating benefits with a length From the production’s point of view, the DVD 9 produc- of about 35 minutes. If only just one audio
Compared to the DVD 9, the additional capacity of the The stampers are made during the same process as DVD 10 is about 900 MegaByte (just a little more than the DVD 5. After the polycarbonate discs have been the capacity of one CD) but the disadvantages may produced in the die-casting machines, the first layer increase, depending on your application. has been built up by the polycarbonate. This layer is sputtered with silicon (like it was with the DVD 9 for the One reasonable application may ha
1. General and Technology 1.7 ColourDVD The ColourDVD by Sony DADC Austria AG is available in six different colours. The bright red, yellow and violet are real eye catchers, whereas the three discrete colours (orange, pink and gold) are designed for subtle applications. Regardless of the specific colour used, the real thrill of the ColourDVD is the special appea- rance of the former silver disc. Sony DADC Austria AG is proud to have developed this special look, which brings out different moods.
2. DVD-Video However, for complete authoring services Sony DVD 2.1 General Center Europe will be happy to assist you further. (please contact us at +43/(0)6246/880-1610 or visit our DVD-Video is a new media for the distribution of home Web-Page ”www.sonydvdcenter.com”. videos. The digital nature of this new media offers several new features to the consumer. Amongst these features are: 2.3 Details on DVD • High video quality based on MPEG2 compression Authoring Possibilities and the ability to p
2. DVD-Video Please note that there are technical restrictions for 2.3.4 Subtitels seamless playback in the creation of multiple alter- natives. For example, the playtime variation of the Subtitle companies are usually capable of handling different alternatives within one block is limited. subtitles in almost any language. They usually require a Due to the complexity of these features, please contact VHS copy of the program master with VITC or LTC time us at +43/(0)6246/880-1610 or visit our
2.3.12 Separate audio Backgrounds masters, digital When designing backgrounds, six major issues need to multichannel be addressed. These are Image Size, Safe Area, Colour Depth, Interlacing, File Format and Naming Convention. audio programs For DVDs with digital multichannel sound, a separate audio mastertape is required for each soundtrack. Image Size These should be of either Sony PCM-3324 format, Sony PCM-800 format or equivalent and must contain Computer pixels have an asp
2. DVD-Video 2.3.13 Safe Area DVD Menus should be designed in accordance to standard These areas should be applicable in the last stage shown Title Safe and TV Safe areas. All graphic elements of above. This translates to the following margins for PAL and significance should be within TV Safe and all text should be NTSC: within Title Safe. TV Safe is a 5% margin from the edges of the video image and Title Safe is 10% from the edges. PAL NTSC Margins in Pixels for TV and Title Safe areas: Edge T
2.3.15 Interlacing 2.3.19 Image Size (Flicker/Jitter) Each highlight on any page should be contained in its own separate TIFF file. Each image should only A video frame is made up of two video fields. These two be as big as the text or graphic itself and should not fields are interlaced and each contains half of the infor- have any white space around the graphic. It should mation required to display the frame. Due to timing also be big enough to include the registration mark. drifts in video equ
2. DVD-Video 2.3.20 Colour Depth The highlight must be an indexed, 8 bit, 256 color TIFF file. Since DVD specifications allow 4 colours in a high- light at any given time, even though this file has 256 colors in its palette, the actual graphic can only have 4 colours. One of these colours is keyed out to show transparency. The remaining can be any three colours in the spectrum. The figure below is a screen shot of the palette of a highlight file. If you can’t access this option in your graphic
3. DVD-Rom The ISO 9660 (level 1) file structure is limited to the cha- 3.1 Data Preparation racters ”A-Z”, ”0-9” and ” ” (underscore) with a – maximum of 8 characters in length and 3 characters The first step in formatting is the collection and prepa- extension and a maximum of 8 directory levels (inclu- ration of the input materials. You can submit already ding the root directory). formatted data as an image on tape or leave the for- matting of your data to us. Unformatted data on sto- To avo
3. DVD-Rom DVD-ROM, DVD-R Electronic data transmission: An already replicated DVD-ROM or a DVD-R (Authoring, For a shorter transmission of components to Sony General) is a preferred input media, and can be used for DADC, we offer efficient data links via: direct mastering. - ISDN primary rate interface – E1/T1 - WAM!NET managed or tracked services DVD-RAM, DVD-RW, DVD+RW (www.wamnet.com) The data can be sent either as a DVD-ROM image or as Data provided on DVD-RW, +RW or DVD-RAM can not single