- rg o LEICA in your honds - L _, r qs we hope you will derive os much pleosure from it the mul- titude of confirmed LEICA enthusiosts oll over the world. In the LEICA M 3 you hove the utmost in photogrophic perforlhqnce, -Wo/l6 speed, ond convenience thot we, os speciolists in high opticol precision instruments, con provide. Such o comerq does ngtf come into being from one doy to the next. lt most fovou rably/combines the q experience of long trodition the design in of scfntific instru
-eM--, You will see for yourself the scope precision ond of the LEICA ond how in mony yeors'time it will still be os exqct ond relioble os it is now. As o LEICA owner you hqve of your disposol o universol system of photogrophic equipment which covers even scientific ond technicol qlso photogrophy. In its wider sense, this system includes the LEITZ enlorgers ond the LEITZ minioture proiectors. And the scope of the proiected picture is rorely utilized to its full extent. For your pictu
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I Film lronsport ond shutter tensioning lever 2 Shutter releose button 3 Film counler 4 Shutter speed dicl 5 Reversing lever for rewinding the film A. Tqking the Picture lens 6 Red dot on boyonet mounl of l. Remove the lens cop. Remem- 7 Deloyed oction releose (self-timer) ber olso to extend ond lock 8 Button of boyonet lock the lens if collopsible. 9 lens focusing lever (l 2. Set operture I ond shutter ) lO Seleclor lever for viewfinder speed (4). | | Aperlure scole of lens 3. View subiect
to nd lift sprocket properly engoge f ilm tote lens the left, o perforotions, then close bock, out. reploce bose plote, ond lock. 2. To insert olternotive lens, ploce position red dot 5. Advonce film by two fromes in with to (3) (6) red dot next lock- bring film counter to opposite (8), No. 0. The comero is then ing button ond turn to the oud- reody to shoot. right until lock engoges ibly. qnd 6. Set film type speed on indicotor (23). film lhe C. Inserting Film l. Remove bose plote, swi
All the the over world LEICA is much sought ofter os o voluoble instrument. Moke cr note therefore of the seriol No. your of comero ond lens. ERNST tEIT Z GMBH WETZ t A R GERMANY Subsidiory: ErnstLeitz (Conodo) Ltd., Midlond, Ontorio List Printed in Germony xr LX/s ts9 tD D ltt.3d/Ensl. I www.orphancameras.com