digital CaMERaS
View Camera solutions
With digital photography it has become easier to work the tilt/shift New ground breaking developments on the H3d camera system
mechanism of a view camera and hereby achieve a special photo- allow for direct tilt/shift work using the new HtS1.5 tilt/shift
graphic expression. the digital solutions however, are still heavy to adapter, and the new HVC view camera adapter kit allows for
bring into the field, and controls to place the wanted focus correctly cl
digital CaMERaS View Camera solutions New H3d sliding adapter kit the H3d View Camera adapter kit includes: For working with view cameras Hasselblad has developed a View • mount for H3D ground glass and vie wfinder (prism, or w aist le vel) Camera adapter kit, specially suited for attaching the H3d camera • mounting plate for H3D digital capture unit (position for por trait and products to a view camera landscape) the H3d View Camera adapter kit (HVC) is mounted on a linhof slid- •
digital CaMERaS View Camera solutions Flexibility with regards to landscape/portrait work, and choice of view-finder system. New HtS1.5 tilt/shift adapter solutions For its H3dii camera products Hasselblad also offers the simple HtS1.5 tilt/shift adapter solution, which enlarges the image circle and thereby provides for a light, portable, easy to use solution with a +/- 18mm shift (half image size) and +/-10 degrees of tilt. the adapter works with 4 lenses: HCd 28mm, HC35mm, HC50mm, and HC
digital CaMERaS View Camera solutions CF-line digital back solutions for View Cameras general Connection Options - Manual Flash Sync if you are used to focus and compose you images using the live video a method is required to physically trigger the lens shutter and the functionality, then you can mount the CF-line digital backs directly onto digital back simultaneously. this can be done via a very simple flash a view camera with H-camera or V-camera interface, using correspond- sync connectio
digital CaMERaS View Camera solutions The yellow flash symbol indicates where Schneider electronic shutter connections external flash equipment can be connected. this system works with a simple cable connection and small control Schneider supplies all cables and equip- box. this has a single red button that is only used for opening and ment. closing the shutter for focus and composition. all aperture settings, shutter speeds and triggering capture are made from Phocus. Rollei electronic shu
digital CaMERaS View Camera solutions Parts Summary and links itEM itEM NO. SUPPliER FlaSH SYNC CONNECtiON WitH MaNUal / COP al SHUttERS Camera Sync Cable from lens to digital capture unit 50300122 Hasselblad Flash generator Sync Cable with protecting fuse 50300136 Hasselblad FlaSH SYNC CONNECtiON WitH ElECtRONiC SHUttERS – SCHNEidER Power Supply / Charger 1001656 Schneider Shutter Control ES 1001654 Schneider Camera Sync Cable from lens to digital capture unit 50300122 Hasselblad 3 x NiMH 2