Color Television
Customer's Record Dear Customer You will find the model number and serial number on the Congratulation!! You have pnrchased one of'the finest Color TV's on the market! back of your TV set. This manual will help you use the many exciting and Record these numbers in the spaces provided below. useful features to make your TV viewing more cnjoyable Refer to them whenever you call upon your TOSHIBA than ever betbre. dealer regarding this product. Belbre operating your TV set, please read all these sa
Table of Contents Set Up ....................................................................... 4 Basic Operation ...................................................... 18 Introdoction ................................................................... 4 Watching TV Programs or Video Input ................... 18 Exf,h_rmgyour nov, TV ............................................... 4 Selecting the TV channels ......................................... 18 Selecting a location lbr file ] V ........
Introduction Tht_; manual apphcs to mock'Is L Z.,2 1., l _tlltt L Z._6T_ I. and there arc slight dil'tL'rcnccs beh_ con Ihcn/. The front and rear pane] illustrath.ms in the text alc [xlscd on ( Z3.1"._ I ('huck Mc nlodd of'your TV bcl'orc ushlg tills manual. Exploring your new TV YOLI trill o]3cratq Votlr TV LINIII_ tilL' btlttons Ol1 tll_2 ['l'Ol]l ptlllt2] Of the P.Cll/OtC ('Ollll'O[. rile back panel prox ides _fll the terminal connections __ou will need to conncu't olhcr cquilxncnl to Mmr IV.
Connecting Your TV If you haven't connected cleclronic equipment before, or you ha\e been frustrated in the past. you may wish to read this section. (Cables are not supplied.) • A coaxial cable is lbc standard cable that comes m fronl your antellna or cable converter box. ('oaxial cables use "F'" Antenna Coaxial Cable connectors. • Audio and video cables are usually color coded according to use: yellow for video and red and white for audio. The red AUDIO/VIDEO Cables audio cable is tbr the stere
Connecting Your TV (continued) Connecting a cable converter box and a VCR This COl]Rcglinl_ _l[Io\vs yoLI to _Aatch _llld fCCOld btl_ic _]lld prel]liLUll cable ch_lnncIs, as \VL_[I _IS _,'_atdl \ i(.[e£) t_lpcs, TLI]IC the TV aI]d V('R challnL'ls [o 3 or 4 (',_ hJchc_cr channel is _aca]ll in your a]-ea), tilell use the col1\ clter box to cha[lgc channels, From Cable | | StereoVCR • //rml/lalvam¢.u_l'CR lonlle_/L tt.m_/.l('fi hldl. _ _ i _ N_MC T_ ,1. ,,.J.,..,, ,,n ,. , ,, _., , ,,/ . ,I ' I I_z
Connecting a DVD (or video disc player) and VCR This conncctkm allows you ta \_atch DVD (or \idce disc player), _klco or TV progran_s and to record TV programs. From Antenna Stereo VCR Caution: T/u" unaulhol i_cd rd4 _,/.dhle of Ich'!'i_iotl /ll_l_lml. l il[_*l_ llt/l('_ ll/ll/i_fhll ¸ I_II/[I'I'JLI_¢ /11111 in/i iJl'4_" z_)ll 1/1_'l_r_l i_i_m_ _1 _ _]t I r_/l[ /ul_:_ Notes: t"IDE() 2 • 7}__lt_tl/l'om D I'D. Ih_' l'l'nnt_I _clcll t lbt:'() l DVD Connecting two VCRs This connection allows you to
Preparing the Remote Control for Use With the Remote Control, you can eperate your TV. mesl VCR models, and cable FV converters together, even if they are different brands. If you _il[ be using your TV _kith a Toshiba VCR, yeur Remote Control is already progranlnmd and ready 10 use. If you own different brands of \"CRs and/or converters, you first ha_c to progranl yotlr Remote Control. (See "'Programming t]_c Remote Control" on page I I ) Installing the Remote Control batteries 1 Slide the batte
Location of Controls Only the butlons that _uc tl_,Cd Io operate tile TV sot arc described horc. l-or details oll the tLS¢ of'each cont]'o], l-cI_r tO p_l_CSill b_ackcts. TV front (CZ32T31 represents) TV/VIDEO 118] VOLUME ,,_/Ib [15] l CHANNEL__ViA 8]. {1 _I/I_/V/• [14] Remote sensor MENU [14] POWER indicator Remote Control MUTE [1 9] RECALL [19] -- POWER [1 5] ©@@ --Channel Number [18] ®®@ ® --CH RTN [19] --MENU [14] CHANNEL I/V [18] -- Menu &/V [14] "-_ VOLUME [15] _VOL VOL Menu _I/l,- [14] TV
Using the Remote with VCR or Cable TV Converter I To control a TOSItlBA VCR, first set the TV/CABLE/VCR switch to "'VCR" position, Tile buttons shown below will then control tile VCR. Tile rest of the buttons operate tile TV as usual. If you have another brand of VCR, you can probably program your Remote to control it. Details are oil page I 1. • To control a cable TV converter, tills Remote ('onlrol must be progranlnled io recognize tile brand of yotll convel-tor. See page I I. Tile shaded butt
Programming the Remote Control • This Remote Control is preprogranuned to operate TOSHIBA VCR's. V ' • To use CR s other than TOSHIBA models (or cable coilvertel'), perfornl the following procedures before operating. Controlling other brands of VCR's and cable TV converters ] Ref'cr to the "VCR code table" (or "'Cable TV converter code RECALL table") Oll pages 12 alld 13 to find the code IILIH3bcIINHI corresponds to POWER the brand IILIlllC el'your V(R (or con\ ellci ). ®@ [tnlore thai1 t)llC Il
Programming the Remote Control (Continued) • In some rare cases, you may not be able to operate your non-Toshiba equipment with the supplied Remote ('ontrol. This is because your equipment may use a code that is nol pro\ided with Ihis Remote Control. In this CliNg. plea_;c LISL' I11O eqtilplllCllt's OWll rOlllOtg COtllrO]. VCR code table BRAND NAME CODE NUMBER BRAND NAME CODE NUMBER BRAND NAME CODE NUMBER !\d\ ClllLIla ............ O I 9 .Icnscll .................. 000 Radio Shack ........... 01
Cable TV converter code table BRAND NAME CODE NUMBER BRANDNAME CODENUMBER AIiC. ......................, P,cgcncy .................. 021, Rcmbrandl .............. 030.()S9 ()66 Runco ...................... (119 Anlnmix .................. 04 I SalllSnllg ................. ()50. [ (13 /\lchel ................... 041.05_. 172 Scientific Atlanta .... 025.027.03fi.296 Bclcor ..................... 075 Signal ...................... 034.059 ('able Star. .............. 075
Menu Function (General Instructions) We suggest you familiarize yourself with this procedure bcf'ore using the Menu |tlnctioll. To acljust any TV f'eature, tire use of the Menu lZlnction is required. The adjustments Ihat can be made to the rv appear on the screen. MENU hutton (on TV und on Remote) F41chlime you press MENU. tile Picture ( I, 2), Audio. Setup or()plion menu on-screen display is selected in order Picture 1 t --..5 1 .... 7°°°d O_jTP&ST .............. _ / _R IGHT_JESS ..... ,,IH,, .
First- me Operation Turning the TV set on I Set tile TV/CABLE/VCR switch on the VOLUME 4/_- Remote Control to "TV" position. 2 PressPOWER to [[irn on the IV. To tnrn off the TV. press POWER again i TV 4 MENU 41, POWER Press VOLUME <1/• to ad ust the _olurnc To increase the \olume. press •. To decrease the volume, press _ . VOLUME --POWER RECALL(_ MUTE_) I I+ TO CONTROL PUSH VOL ©®® ®®® Selecting the on-screen display language ®®® 1 Press MENU until the Option menu is ®®oG displayed on the screen
Programming Channel Memory |he channel memory is the list DfTV dmnnel nmnbers your TV will stop on whell yell prgss the CHANNEL • or • bumm First, use the 1"\"/CABLE and CH PROGRAM functions to preset all active channels in your area. ]f ileCCssary, charge the preset challne]s x,,itll the A[)[) Id_ASI fulletions so that }ot, can hl]lC in[o Dilly dcsilcd channels. TV/CABLE function CHANNEL Y/_I, I Press MENU until tile Setup menu is displa>ed on tile screen. 2 Ihcss• n_ • until"T\ (\BlA-=s 000 0
CABLE channel reference chart "%ii illh_.,r oil ( lit I't'_lIOIl(I- Niiinllc r On ( orl t'_[iOllll thi', I% hill('\lll'l] IliisTV Inl{( \lllE dlllnn_,l t, hanilt, I 1 67 (_7 $ 51\ 7) 68 6
Watching TV Programs or Video input Selecting the TV channels CHANNEL VIA Select a channel m one ofthc lbllowmg t\\o ways. • To scan the iltcnlorized channels in numerical sequence Press CHANNEL • m sclect the next higher channel Press CHANNEL Y to selccl the ncxl lower c[lanncl. Press the button tl_,tlil] to se]cct thc iicx1111ClllOrizcd C]l_lnllC]S • To select a channel directly Press the Channel Number bullons (0 9 and 100). TV/VIDEO Io scl,:ct uhanncl 4. press "4" (or pie:_s "0". "+4+'). re
Convenient Remote Functions Displaying on-screen information Press RECALL to display the following on- RECALL screen inJormation. STEREO TV-PG SAP L • Channel IluMber or VlDEiO mode selected MUTE • Stereo or SAP audio status ®@@ • V-CHIP rating CABLE 4 -- Channel ®®@ Number ®® Muting the sound ®®@ --CH RTN Press MUTE to mute thc sound. 1 he \\ord "'MU]E" will bc displayed on the screen as ^'_^ iji shown. This is usethl daring telephone calls or other interruptions. To restore the sound, press MU
Adjusting the Picture You can adjust the picture quality (CONTRAST, BRI(IIITNESS, SI IARF'NIZSS. COI_OI.t and TIN I) l® suit }our laslc. Adjusting the picture quality I pre_s MENU =ep,'awdl 3 uulil die Piclurc ! COXrE., t- . ............. I I11L,1/[I iS disphl> ed on Ilk' ,,czech BR 1,3_{[ J£ SS ....... | ....... PleSS • ol • tl[l[i] Ihc itel/1 }OLI \\Lint I0 r h ....... I ....... adiusl is displayed in I_urplc t O.O 0 0 0 MENU • _ • • 3 Pfcss _ Ol I_ to atliust tile ]e\ cl I:,,ampl,.': LONIRAS]