Instruction d'utilisation HP (Hewlett-Packard) PHOTOSMART 2600

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif HP (Hewlett-Packard) PHOTOSMART 2600

Dispositif: HP (Hewlett-Packard) PHOTOSMART 2600
Catégorie: Dispositif multifonctionnel
Fabricant: HP (Hewlett-Packard)
Dimension: 1.82 MB
Date d'addition: 9/10/2014
Nombre des pages: 16
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HP (Hewlett-Packard) PHOTOSMART 2600 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Vous trouverez ci-dessous les annonces des contenus qui se trouvent sur les pages suivantes de l'instruction de HP (Hewlett-Packard) PHOTOSMART 2600. Si vous voulez parcourir rapidement le contenu des pages suivantes de l'instruction, vous pouvez en profiter.

Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Start Here
USB cable users: Do not connect the USB cable until this guide
instructs you to or the software may not install properly.
Use this guide to set up the hardware and connect the HP all-in-one to either your computer or network. If you
have problems during setup, see T roubleshooting in the last section.
Remove all tape
Locate components
Title in HP Futura Book Windows CD print cartridges
14-20 pt., centered
phone cord
Subtitle in 10-14 pt., centered, white
Magyar Slovencina

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Attach the control-panel overlay (if not attached) 4 a Position the control-panel overlay above the device. b Press down fi rmly on all edges of the overlay to secure it. The control-panel overlay must be attached for the HP all-in-one to work! Lift the color graphics display 5 For best viewing, remove the protective fi lm from the display. Load plain white paper 6 ab c de 2  HP all-in-one

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Connect the power cord and adapter 7 USB cable users: Do not connect the USB cable until this guide instructs you to or the software may not install properly. Connect the supplied phone cord 8 Connect one end of the supplied phone cord to the phone port on the left (1-LINE) and the other to a wall jack. To connect an answering machine, see the Fax Setup chapter in the User Guide. To use a different phone cord, see the Troubleshooting Information chapter in the User Guide. 3  HP a

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Press the On button 9 a After you press the On bu tton, the green On light fl ashes, and then becomes solid. This may take up to a minute. b Wait for the print cartridge prompt before continuing. Open access door 10 a Lift the access door. b Press down and lift up the green and black latches on the inside of the HP all-in-one. Remove tape from both cartridges 11 Pull the pink tab to remove the tape from both print cartridges. Do not touch the copper- colored contacts or retape

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Insert the tri-color print cartridge 12 Make sure the device is ON before continuing. a Hold the tri-co lor print cartridge with the HP label facing up. b Place the tri-color print cartridge in front of the left slot . c Push the cartridge fi rmly into the slot until it stops. Insert the black print cartridge 13 a Hold the black print cartridge with the HP label facing up. b Place the black print cartridge in front of the ri ght slot. c Push the cartridge fi rmly into

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Align the print cartridges 14 a Press OK at eac h of the prompts on the control panel to start print cartridge alignment. The alignment may take a few minutes. b After the page prints, alignment is complete. Check the color graphics display for the status, and then press OK . Recycle or discard the alignment page. Turn on your computer 15 a Turn on your computer, login if necessary, and then wait for the desktop to appear. b Close any open programs. 6  HP all-in-one

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Section C: Wireless (Access Point) Network C1 Write down the required information In the next step, you are required to enter information about your wireless network. Write down the information here for easy reference. Information: Network Name (also called SSID): WEP/WPA Password or Passkey (if needed): If you do not have this information, see the documentation that came with your wireless access point. C2 Enter information on control panel a On the control panel of the device, press

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

C3 Choose the correct CD Windows Users: Macintosh Users: MagyarSlovenci Italiano na Japane Slovenš se cina EspañolEspañol Suomi Norsk Svenska Français Deutsch Greek Hangul Hebrew Magyar Italiano Español a Insert the HP all-in-one Wi ndows CD . a Insert the HP all-in-one M acintosh CD. b Follow the onscreen instructions. b Double-click the HP All-in -One installer icon. c On the Connection Type screen, make sure to select t hrough the network . Follow the onsc

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Congratulations 17 HP Pho HP Photto os smar martt 2 26 600/2 00/27 700 s 00 se er riie es s all-in all-in-o -one ne U Us ser Gui er Guide de When you see the C ongratulations! screen, you are ready to use your HP all-in-one. See the User Guide or Horizontal cover image: Replace this guideline area with either a cropped product photograph or a straight-on front-view illustration onscreen help to get started. If you have additional computers on your network, go to the next step. If you ar

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Choose ONE connection type (A or B or C) 16 A: USB Connection Use this connection type if you want to connect the device directly to one computer. (Do not connect until the software instructs you to.) Equipment needed: USB cable. F or a USB connection, go to Section A for instructions. B: Ethernet (Wired) Network Use this connection type if you want an Ethernet cable connection between the device and your network. Equipment needed: hub/router/switch and Ethernet cable. F or an Etherne

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Section A: USB connection A1 Insert the correct CD Macintosh Users: Windows Users: MagyarSlovenci Italiano na Japane Slovenš se cina EspañolEspañol Norsk Svenska Suomi Français Deutsch Greek Hangul Hebrew Magyar Italiano Español a Insert the HP all-in-one W indows CD. Insert the HP all-in-one M acintosh CD. Go to the next page before installing the b Follow the onscreen instructions. software. c On the C onnection Type screen, make sure to select directly to this compu

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

A2 Connect the USB cable Windows Users: Macintosh Users: a You may have to wait several minutes before you a Connect the USB cable from your computer to see the onscreen prompt to connect the USB cable. the USB port on the back of the device. Once the prompt appears, connect the USB cable to the port on the back of the HP all-in-one, and then to any USB port on your computer. If you do not see this screen, see Troubleshooting in the last section. b Double-click the HP All-in -

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Section B: Ethernet (Wired) Network B1 Connect the Ethernet cable a a Remove the yellow plug from the back of the device. b Connect one end of the Ethernet cable to the Ethernet port on the back of the device. c Connect the other end of the Ethernet cable to the hub/router/ switch. If the cable is not long enough, you can purchase a longer cable. Important: Do not connect the Ethernet cable to a cable b modem. You must have a working network. If you already connected the USB cab

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

B2 Choose the correct CD Macintosh Users: Windows Users: MagyarSlovenci Italiano na Japane Slovenš se cina EspañolEspañol Norsk Svenska Suomi Français Deutsch Greek Hangul Hebrew Magyar Italiano Español a Insert the HP all-in-one Wi ndows CD . a Insert the HP all-in-one Macintosh CD. b Follow the onscreen instructions. b Double-click the HP All-in -One installer icon. c On the Connection Type screen, make sure to select through the network . Follow the onscr

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15 Troubleshooting Problem: You are trying to set up a wireless connection through the control panel, and the device does not connect to the network. Action: On the access point, turn on broadcast network name options, and turn off silent broadcast name. Move the access point closer to the HP all-in-one and make sure there are no obstructions. Turn the access point off, wait 30 seconds, and then on again. Make sure you entered the correct wireless communication mode and au

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

*Q3452-90203* Troubleshooting *Q3452-90203* Q3452-90203 Pr oblem: The R emove and check print cartridges message appears after you insert print cartridges. Action: Remove print cartridges. Make sure you remove all tape from copper contacts. Close the access door. Problem: The paper has jammed. Action: Remove the back access door and gently pull out any paper. Turn the device off, and then on. Load the paper again. Problem: You did not see the screen prompting you to connect

Instructions pareilles
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