Instruction d'utilisation Bertazzoni C36500X, C36600X

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Bertazzoni C36500X, C36600X

Dispositif: Bertazzoni C36500X, C36600X
Catégorie: Cuisinière
Fabricant: Bertazzoni
Dimension: 0.34 MB
Date d'addition: 6/7/2014
Nombre des pages: 4
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Bertazzoni C36500X, C36600X Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

User Instructions
Built-in gas cooktops

DIMENSIONS: 36’’ (915 mm)(W) x 253/16’’ (640 mm)(D)
Models C36500X (Z36500X) [C3W0..U4X(2 or 5)A]
Models C36600X (Z36600X) [C3Y0..U4X(2 or 5)A]

-Before beginning installation, please read these instructions completely and carefully.
-Do not remove permanently affixed labels, warnings, or plates from the product. This may void the

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

SERVICE & MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS Service and maintenance only to be carried out by an authorised person To replace parts such as burners, valves and electric components, the appliance must be open removing the worktop. Note: if the valves must be replaced, first disassemble the ignitions switches wires. It is recommended to replace the valve gaskets each time the valve is replaced, thus ensuring a perfect seal between the body and the gas train. WARNING: After first installation of the a

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

USING BURNERS A diagram is etched on the control panel above each knob which indicates which burner corresponds to that knob. Manual ignition: Manual ignition is always possible even when the power is cut off or in the event of prolonged power failure. Turn the knob that corresponds to the burner selected counterclockwise to the MAXIMUM position at the etched star (large flame) and place a lit match up to the burner. Automatic electric ignition: Turn the knob that corresponds to the

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

CLEANING THE APPLIANCE: Never use abrasive cleaners Before cleaning the appliance it should be disconnected from the power supply. Cleaning the work surface: periodically clean the burner heads, the cast iron pan supports and the burner caps using warm water. Any spillage must always be removed as soon as possible using a rag. If it become difficult to open or close a valve, do not force it, but immediately request the assistance of the technical service personnel. Cleaning the enamelled

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