Instruction d'utilisation Jenn-Air WM2780

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Jenn-Air WM2780

Dispositif: Jenn-Air WM2780
Catégorie: Four à convection
Fabricant: Jenn-Air
Dimension: 1.45 MB
Date d'addition: 3/9/2014
Nombre des pages: 33
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Jenn-Air WM2780 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

mmm °
Use and Care Manual
Self-Cleaning Convection Wall
Ovens w/Electronic Controls
Models W2780, WM2780, WW2780
iii J| annum N o
mmm in n m
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For Microwave Oven, refer to Use and Care Manual for M167.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

About Your Jenn-Air Congratulations on your choice of a Jenn-Air wall oven. Your Jenn-Air convection oven combines the best of two cooking methods, convection and radiant bake (conventional) baking or roasting, in a self-cleaning oven. The Jenn-Air convection oven is actually a conventional oven that circulates heatedair within the oven. As bothbake andbroil heatingelements cycle onand off with the thermostat, a fan keepsthe heated air circulating around the food. The constantly recirculating he

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Read before operating your oven All appliances - regardless of the manufacturer- have the potential through improper or careless use to create safety problems. Therefore the following safety precautions should be observed: 1. Be sure your appliance is properly installed and grounded by a qualified technician. 2. Never use your appliance for warming or heating the room. 3. Children should not be left alone or unattended in area where appliance is in use. They should never be al

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

13. Do not clean door gasket. The door gasket is essential for a good seal. Care should be taken not to rub, damage, or move the gasket. 14. Do not use oven cleaners. No commercial oven cleaner or oven liner protective coating of any kind should be used in or around any part of the oven. 15. Clean only parts listed in this manual. 16. Before self-cleaning the oven, remove broiler pan and other utensils. 17. Listen for fan. A fan noise should be heard during the broil and cleaning cycles. If not,

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Oven Operation Oven Control Panel The control panel is designed for ease in programming. The Display Window features Indicator Words which will flash to prompt you for the next step. To program: 1. Touch the function pad to give command desired. 2. Turn the Set Dial to enter time or temperature. NOTE: Three seconds after turning dial, time or temperature will automatically be entered. Ifmore than 10 seconds elapse between touching a pad and turning set dial, control is not set and Display will r

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Set Dial: Useto set time or temperature. Display Window: Shows time of day, timer, and oven functions. Oven Light Switch (Control Panel - Lower Right): The oven light automatically comes on whenever the oven door is opened. When door is closed, push in oven light switch to turn oven light on or off. Display Window (Model WW2780 Lower Oven) Time Functions lOven Functions IOven Functions ._ EI._."__I !BB'-'°:n- BB°D ,., ,, , oo ,,o o .,oo, ,.o .... ,, DELAYTIMEDBAKE DELAYTIMED BAKE I CLEAN OVEN []

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Clock Controls When electrical power is supplied or after power interruption, the last clock time displayed before power was interrupted will flash. Time will advance and continue to flash until clock is reset. To set time of day: 1. Touch Clock Pad. Indicatorword TIME will flashand AM or PMandtime digitswill appear inthe Display. (If more than 10 seconds elapse between touching Clock Pad and turning the Set Dial, the Clock Pad must be touched again in order to set clock.) 2. Turn Set Dial in ei

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Timer IMPORTANT: This interval Timer can be used to remind you when a period, up to 11 hours and 50 minutes, expires. Itcan be used independently of any other oven activity and can be set while another oven function is operating. The Timer does not control the oven. BASIC INSTRUCTIONS 1. Touch Timer Pad, 2. Turn Set Dial clockwise. To set Timer: 1. Touch Timer Pad. The Indicator Word Timer flashes and "0:00" appears in the Display. 2. Turn Set Dial clockwise until desired number of minutes and s

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Oven Operation- Baking or Roasting BASIC INSTRUCTIONS 1. Position oven racks. 2. TouchBake Pad orConvection Bake Pad. 3. Turn SetDial to desiredtemperature. To set oven on bake or convection bake: 1. Place oven racks on proper rack positions. (See p.11 ) 2. Touch Bake Pad or Convection Bake Pad. Indicator Words BAKE or CONV BAKE will flash and 3 dashes will be shown. NOTE: Ifmore than 10seconds elapse between touching a pad and turning the Set Dial, the oven is not set and Display will return to

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Rack Positions The rack positions noted are generally recommended for the best browning results and most efficient cooking times. For many food items, excellent results can be achieved when using oneofseveral different rackpositions. Referto baking and roastingsections for recommendations for specific foods. Different Racks: Two flat racks and one offset rack were packaged with your oven. The use of the offset rack is denoted in the list below and the charts as an "o" after the rack number. NOTE

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

Clock Controlled Baking or Roasting BASIC INSTRUCTIONS 1. Touch Bake Pad or Convection Bake Pad, 2. Turn Set Dial to desired temperature. 3. Touch Cook Time Pad. 4. Turn Set Dial to enter cooking hours & minutes. 5. Touch Stop Time Pad.* 6. Turn Set Dial to enter Stop Time.* *Omit steps 5 & 6 if you want baking to start immediately. To set oven to start immediately and shut off automatically: 1. Touch Bake Pad or Convection Bake Pad. Indicator Words BAKE or CONV BAKE will flash and 3 dashes will

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

IMPORTANT: Oven will preheat for approximately 8 to 12 minutes. At end of programmed CookTime, oven will shutoff automatically; retained heatwill continue to cook food. Clock controlled cooking is not recommended for baked items that require a preheated oven, such as cakes, cookies, pies, breads. For these foods, place food in preheated oven, then use Timer to signal end of baking time. At the end of programmed Cook Time, the oven will shut off automatically and a "beep" will signal 3 times. To

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

Baking General Baking Recommendations • When cooking foods for the first time inyour new oven, use recipe cooking times and temperatures as a guide. • Use tested recipes from reliable sources. • Preheat the oven only when necessary. For baked foods that rise and for richer browning, a preheated oven is better. Casseroles can bestarted in acold oven. Preheatingtakes from8to 12minutes; placefood inoven after PRE IndicatorWord cycles off. • Arrange oven racks before turning onoven. Follow suggested

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Baking Chart Radiant Convect Bake Radiant Pan Rack* Temp. (°F) Convect Temp. (°F) Bake Productand Type Size Position Preheated*** Time** Preheated Time** CAKE Yellow - 2 layers 9" 2, 3o, or 3 325 ° 23-28 350 ° 28-33 White - 2 layers 9" 2, 30, or 3 325 ° 22-30 350 ° 25-30 Chocolate - 2 layers 9" 2, 30, or 3 325 ° 25-30 350 ° 30-35 Bundt tube 2 325 ° 38-45 350 ° 38-50 Angel Food tube 1,20, or 2 350 ° 30-35 375 ° 30-40 Pound Cake 9" loaf 2 300 ° 50-65 325 ° 55-70 Cupcakes 30 325 ° 15-20 350 ° 15-25

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

Convection Baking Recommendations • As a general rule, when using recipes or prepared mixes developed for a radiant bake oven, set the oven temperature 25°F lower than the recipe recommended temperature. Times will be similar to or a few minutes less than recipe recom- mended times. The chart on page 15 compares times and temperatures of many baked foods. Use this as a reference. • For better browning, large pans such as cookie sheets or rectangular baking pans should be placed lengthwise, front

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

Convection Baking of Frozen Convenience Foods • Preheating the oven is not necessary. • Follow package recommendations for oven temperatu re, foilcovering and use of cookie sheets. Baking times willbe similar. See chart below for some exceptions and examples. • Center foods inthe oven. Ifmore than one food item is being baked or iffoods are being baked on multiple racks, stagger foods for proper air circulation. • Most foods are baked on rack position #30. • For multiple rack baking, use racks #

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

Convection Cooking on Multiple Racks For best results, bake foods onone rack at atime as described inthis manual. However, very good results can be obtained when baking quantities of foods on multiple racks. Quantity cooking provides both time and energy savings. The convection oven is suggested for most multiple rack cooking, especially three rack cooking, because the circulating heated air results in more even browning than radiant. For tworack cooking, the radiant bake oven provides verygood

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Convection Roasting Recommendations • Tender cuts of meat and poultry can be roasted to a rich golden brown in the convection oven. Follow general recommendations for roasting. • Referto convection meatroasting chartfor recommended cookingtemperature and time. The chart can serve as a guide to help plan meal serving time. • Minutes per pound will vary according to the size, shape, quality, and initial temperature of meat as well as the electrical voltage inyour area. Times are based on refrigera

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

Roasting (Thawed Meats Only) Internal Approx. Approx. Oven Temperature Convect. Radiant Temperature Of Meat-End Roasting Roasting Approx. (not Of Roasting Time Time Variety and Weight preheated) Time (minutes (minutes Cut of Meat (pound) °F °F per pound) per pound) BEEF Rib Roast 4 to 8 325° 140° (rare) 20-25 25-30 160° (medium) 25-30 30-35 Rib Eye Roast 4 to 6 325° 140° (rare) 20-25 25-30 160° (medium) 25-30 30-35 Loin Tenderloin Roast 2 to 3 400 ° 140° (rare) 15-20 20-25 Round Eye Round Roast

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Probe BASIC INSTRUCTIONS 1. Insert probe. 2. TouchProbe Pad. 3. Turn Set Dial to desiredtemperature. 4. TouchBake Pad or Convect Bake Pad. 5. Turn Set Dial to desiredtemperature. 6. TouchCook Time Pad.* 7. TurnSet Dial to enterestimatedcookingtime.* 8. TouchStop Time Pad.* 9. TurnSet Dial to enterStop Time.* Omit steps6-9 if youwishto start cookingimmediately. To set probe feature: 1. Insert the probe into the food item. For meats,the probetip should be located in the center of the thickest part

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