Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1
Digital Proprietary
For Digital Super Hybrid System
ModcrNo. KX
Thc KX-T7230 is compatible with Panasonic DigiLal Hybrid
the Super System and can
most of fte functions of lhe systcm.
Plcase read
before using this telephonc.
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2
you purchasing Thank for this Panasonic Telephone. read IMPOKIANT SAFETY Please INSTRUCTIONS on pages 24-25 before use. Read and understand all instructions. Introduction This KX-T7230 Digital Proprietary Tclcphonc is dcsigncd for use with the Digital has featurcs: Super Hybrid System. The tclephone the following convenient Liquid Crystal Display provides for These The 16-character 2-linc readout displav visual cues thc uscr. I cues adapt to the current state of the telcphone. In Programmin
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Thble of Contents Location of Controls 4 Connection 6 Volume Control 7 HandsetAleadset Selection .................. 7 Feature Descriptions........... 8 Operating Instructions Basic Operation 11 Operation 12 Standard Operator Operation 18 Feature Numbers L9 Programming ......... 20 Station Installing the Card Holder 2l Wall Mounting 22 23 Index Accessory Information........... 24 Order Important Instructions........... 24 Safety FCC and Other lnformation .......... 26 .3-
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'l' Location of Controls 3 t (Liquid Display Crystal ? Display) Solt Iluttons A l6-characterf2-line (Sl through 53) readout. Prcssing a Soft button pcrlirrrns the function/ opcration appearing on Button PROGRAM thc bottom line of tlre enter/exit Used to display. Programming modc. Sllll."l'llutton Uscd to acccss the lcvcl sccorrd of Soft ButtOn functions. ['hxible CO Buttons (('O 0l through 24) CO bc assigned Can as any CO or can be uscd to acccss one of sovcral lbaturcs. The Display and
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n il ril. $ (contd.) Location of Controls FWD/DND Button program Uscd to Call Forwarding or set Do Not Disturb. MESSAGE Button Used to call back the message sendcr. (Conference) CONF Button PAUSE Button establish a Used to Inscrts pausc in spccd a three-party confcrcnce. numbcrs. dial or othcr Button INTERCOM 'l'RANSFER llutton to make or receive Uscd Transfers to a call calls. extension anothcr extcnsion or to an cxtcrnal dcstination. REDIAL Button Uscd for Last Number N or Automatic
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iffi :f Connection q Connect as shown. you Linc Tolcphone (SLT), If connect to a Singlc -+ jack Linc Telephonc (SLT). conncct to a of a Singlc (Refcr to ttre lnstallation Manual of tJrc Digital Super Hybrid System.) -+ to a Digital Supcr Hybrid Systcm. Connect The included telephone line cord -6-'
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Volume Control pressing VOLUME You can adjust the volume by the button. 's * volume level. The number of on the display shows tre tf tl"l' COntraSt -Speaker Volume Control I hess the SP-PHONEbutton. (UP) (DOWN) 2 Press the or button. A V s=€^s -Handset/Headset Volume Control (for Handset Volume). I Lift the handset (for Headsct Volumc). Press the SP-PHONE button Button VOLUME (UP) (DOWN) 2 Press the A or button. V -Ringer Volume Control During slatus; on-hook (S2) I Pr
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Feature Descriptions (FWD) I Absent Message Capability I Call Forwarding incoming There are nine flexible abscnt messages Automatically lransfers calls you message it will to anothcr extcnsion or to an extemal available. If select, a The following be shown on the display of the calling destination. types are pafly's available: telephone. - All Calls Account Code Entry I All incoming calls are forwarded to to idcntify incoming and outgoing Used cxtcnsion. another for and billing CO calls,
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Feature Descriptions (contd.) I Transfer Extension I Call to Line Access, Autonutic Transfcrs incoming CO or extcnsion Allows you to sclcct an available CO (scrccncd calls to another extcnsion or linc automatically. unscrecned). t Line Accesg CO Line Group I Call Waiting (Trunk Group) Informs you with three beeps that there Allows each extension to select. an idle waiting. is a call CO line within thc dcsisnatcd CO Line Group. I Conference Allows you to make a tfucc-party I Line Access, Indi
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(contd.) Feature Descriptions (CO I Paralleled Telephone Connection I Trunk Line) Answer from This unit can be connccted in parallel (TAFAS) Any Station with a single line telephone. When this paging Ringing through the external connection is made, either telcphone system indicates an incoming CO call. can be used. TAFAS allows this call to be answered from any extension. I Pulse Tone to Conversion Allows you to change from Pulsc mcxlc I Voice Mail Integration to Tone mode. Whcn you your
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11
Operating Instructions - Basic Operation prcss Off-hook: Lift the handset or the I Making Calls SP-PHONE burron. - Intercom Calling On-hook: Replace thc handsct or prcss . OIT-hook. the SP-PHONE bulton. . Dial exterGlon numrer "x". I l. Sx: Press Soft button - Outward Dialing . Off-hook. Helpful hints for Handstree . Dial press [9.l orm or alcdl operation: @, button. . If it is difficult to hear the other party's - 9 : Line Access, Automatic voice: - til-88 : Linc Access. CO
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(contd.) Operating Instructiolls Cancelling Standard Operation dl . Off-hook. I Absent Message Capability fi . a DialFSool. Setting t . On-hook. ,1 '6\ilill Message 1. Return Soon" . Off-hook. T Account Entry Code . Dial Fsotl When hearing dial tone or during a . On-hook. with porty; conversation an outside . ttGone ncext](s3) Prcssl buuon. Message 2. Homett . . EntcrFc'counicoodl+ . Off-hook. @ . Dial ltsotl - T Ring/Voice Alternate Calling . On-hook. When extension: calling
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(contd.) Operating Instructiolls (FWD) Cancelling t Call Forwarding - At the original extension Setting - . All Calls Off-hook. . . Off-hook. PrcssI t'WD/pNDl burron. . . Press FFD-/D-M burton. I DialEJ. . DialE + numuerl. . lixtensGn On-hook. . * On-hook. At the destinalion extension (Follow Me) - Busy . Off-ho
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peratin g (contd.) O Instructiorls I Call Transfer to Extension I Call Park - Screened Setting 1 While having a conversation: While having a conversailon; . . hess bu[on. ITR-nNSI'ER I Press bu[on. FnANs.FFTI . - Dial . Confirmation tone is audible. Fxtensid;umberl . . -e). for an answer and announce. parking Wait Did + zrne number lszl . - On-hook. Confirmation tone is audible. . On-hook. - Unscreened While lwving a conversation; Retrieving . . Off-hook. Press buuon. FRANSFF,R]
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(contd.) Instructiolls Operating nr I I Full One-Touch Dialing Conference While laving a conversatbn; Change a CO button to function as an . or SAVE button beforehand. One-Touch Presslt6Nt']bu[on. (page See Starion Programming 20). . partv's Dial the third number . . Talk to the third party. (co), Press a REDIAT lbneSouctr I I . (co) Press coxp bunon. orIsaVE buuon. I I I Message Waiting Disturb (DND) t Do Not Setting Setting . When the extension is busy or does called Off-hook.
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peratin g (contd.) O Instructiolls ,ffi I Paging I Paging and Transfer - All To transfer . . Off-hook. PressITI-IFsFER-] buuon before paging dialing the feature number . Dial +@. 1or@1 EA - (optional). tE-El. Cordirmation tone is audible . Announce. I Paralleled Telephone Connection - External Setting/Cancelling pagers . To access all external Oii-hook. . Off-hook. . Did @. . Dial l 320l . . Dial or I E. - (optional). Conft:-rmation tone is audible -l: for sctting . An
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(contd.) Instructiolls Operating I Mail Integration I Feature Clear Voice Station . Call l-orwarding to Voice Off-hook. Setting . Processing System Dial . heol . -Confirmation Off-hook. lone is audible. . . Press button. [TwDDNDI On-hook. . Dialp-E. -2: FWD-All Calls I Station Speed Dialing -3: FWD-Busy Storing phone numbers . J: FWD-No Answer Off-hook. -5: . FWD-Busy/|',lo Answer DiallJol+ . Dial numuerl of the Voice (0-9) Station Speed Dial number + lextension Proccssing Systc
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Operating Instructiolls (c'ntd.) - (OGM) t Outgoing Message Operator Operation Allows !o rccord a mcssage for play back with various mcssagc scrviccs. Only the operator I can perform the Recording following operations. . Off-hook. . (BGM)- Diar +[ocm nlmGTl I Background Music m 1r-ly. -l External for Direct Inward Systcm Access (DISA) Allows the system to play BGM through mcssage I ', pagers. for Dircct Inward Systcm Access the extemal (DISA) mcssagc 2* Turning on/off -3 for Timcd Rcm
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Feature Numbers initial factory settings (dcfault value) for feature descriptions. This Manual uses the you number, use the new code instead. If change the feature Additional Required Featrue Numbers Default Your # Digits 750 r-910 Absent Message Capability seVcancel Music (BGM ory'off 35 Background )-External 52 0-9 Call Park/Call Park retrieve CO Line 4X Call Pickup, 41 EXT. Call Pickup, Directed Call Pickup, Group 40 Call Pickup Dcny set/cancel 720 l/0 Waiting set/canccl 731 rl0 Call 73
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Programming Station you I Preferred Line Assignment- Before entering Programming, need to enter Programming mode. Outgoing . When the teleplnne is idle and on-lnok; Dial + nlmueTl (1, 2, + fiine or 3 [ .Press: lTnocnaM CO number) or press[ixTEFcol,t Etr. l. -l : for No Line Preference To exit Progr3rnrn_llg rn4e. -2: ldle Preference .Press:lPROGRAMl. tor Line -3 : for Prime Line Preference or (CO:01-24) . Lift the handset. - INTITRCOM : for Primc Line (INTERCOM) Prcference Tone Type