Instruction d'utilisation Sigma BM-286A

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Sigma BM-286A

Dispositif: Sigma BM-286A
Catégorie: Ecran
Fabricant: Sigma
Dimension: 0.16 MB
Date d'addition: 6/27/2013
Nombre des pages: 53
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Sigma BM-286A Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1



Version 1.00z
December 20, 2004

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

BM-286A TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................... 1 1.1. SCOPE AND PURPOSE OF MANUAL.................................................................... 1 1.2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................... 1 1.3. SPECIFICATIONS .........................................................................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

6. TROUBLESHOOTING ......................................................................................................... 39 6.1. DIAGNOSTIC AIDS ................................................................................................ 39 6.2. FAULT ISOLATION................................................................................................ 40 6.3. COMPUTERS...........................................................................................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

1. INTRODUCTION page 1 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. SCOPE AND PURPOSE OF MANUAL This manual is designed to enable operating and service personnel to properly operate and care for the BM-286A. Since applications are necessarily site-specific, operation procedures are given in general terms. Service and repair are covered to the board level. Anything more complex than this requires that the instrument or assembly be returned to TSA. 1.2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION TSA’s Barrel Monitor,

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

1. INTRODUCTION page 2 1.3. SPECIFICATIONS Sensitivity: See graph on page 4 (section 1.3. Specifications). Detectors: Two 12"w x 24"h x 1.5"d (30 x 47 x 3.75cm) plus Four 12"w x 35"h x 1.5"d (30 x 90 x 3.75cm) plastic scintillation detectors coupled to photo-multiplier tubes via light pipes. 3 Total detector volume is 3,384 in (55 liters) Optional Detector: One 3" x 3" NaI(Tl) Display: Super VGA color flat panel monitor with touch screen Power: Input: 120

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

1. INTRODUCTION page 3 Weight: Unit ≈12,000 lb (5,455kg) with 1.75" lead shielding Sample Weight: 5 to 1,000 pounds (2.3 to 455kg) Environmental: Temperature: 32 to 100˚ F (0 to 40˚C) operating; 0 to 120˚ F storage Humidity: 0 to 95% Relative Humidity (non-condensing) Accessories: (included with system) VGA color monitor, 101 key keyboard Components: (optional) Printer, NaI(Tl) detector and 1,024 channel MCA for spectral isotopic identification Model BM-286A

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

1. INTRODUCTION page 4 Model BM-286A

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

2. INSPECTION AND INSTALLATION page 5 2. INSPECTION AND INSTALLATION The following procedures should allow on-site personnel to correctly install and set up the BM-286A for normal operation. Follow the procedures in the order given. It is recommended that a copy of the Initial Installation Checklist (section 3.7.) be filled out after initial installation and whenever the BM-286A is put into service after prolonged storage. Use the Configuration Tracking Sheet (Appendix D) for main

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

2. INSPECTION AND INSTALLATION page 6 2.1.4. Shipping: Before returning the instrument for any reason, notify TSA Systems of the difficulty encountered, giving the model and serial numbers of the equipment. TSA will furnish specific shipping instructions. 2.2. INSTALLATION The instrument is complete and ready to operate when it is shipped. The touch screen LCD monitor, stored inside the chamber, must be connected to the NT computer by removing the top and right side panels. Mo

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

3. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS page 7 3. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 3.1. GENERAL OVERVIEW When the BM-286A is initially installed at its operating location, the operating parameters must be adjusted to meet the local conditions and testing requirements. Most of the adjustments are accessed via the software set-up mode. A touch screen keyboard will appear any time you are required to enter data into the instrument. Use the provided stylus to help in accessing buttons and entering informa

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

3. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS page 8 3.2. POWER-UP AND SELF-TESTS The main power switch is located on the left hand side of the BM-286A. When the instrument is turned on the computer performs a Power-On Self-Test (POST) which checks and initializes the system hardware. At the end of this test, an audible ’beep’ is sounded. If the beep fails to sound during start-up, there may be a problem with audible alarms during sample testing. The operating system (Windows NT) is then loaded fro

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

3. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS page 9 If a background fault condition (either high or low) is detected the detector windows will be displayed in black text on a magenta background. The offending detectors will display either "**HI**" or "**LO**". NOTE: The fault condition must be corrected before operation will be allowed. An access menu is displayed across the bottom of the screen. ACCESS MENU Level One Access Level Zero Access (password protected) Print sample data Set-up menu

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

3. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS page 10 Background Record: Background record is necessary for future use. User Log-On: User log-on is used to log a new user onto the system. A user must be logged on to the system before any samples are tested. The new user will be prompted for both name and badge number. Logging on a new user automatically logs off the existing user. Initial Set-Up: For initial setup, use this information: User name - TIM, Badge - 11, Password - OK. Delete thi

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

3. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS page 11 Set-Up Waste Streams: Set-Up Waste streams allows the operator to enter the parameters for the various waste streams. 3.3. NORMAL OPERATION An operator must be "logged on" before the system can be operated. To log on, the operator must have an operator I.D. and badge number assigned by the system administrator. To log on, the operator must: press the log on button enter the operator I.D. press enter the badge number press

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

3. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS page 12 If more weight (>5 lb), but less than the programmed minimum weight is detected, the screen will display "Insufficient Weight". The operator must remove the weight from the chamber and press OK to continue operation. If the weight is "?" the programmed minimum weight, the operator will be prompted to select the appropriate waste stream from a menu. If an invalid waste stream is entered (i.e. no efficiency) the operator will be given the opportunity

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3. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS page 13 The print button can be touched in the scan results box for a print out of the scan data. The data includes waste stream name, date, time, waste item I.D., scan message, activity in nCi, specific activity in (nCi/kg), kilogram weight, net counts per second, and user information. The screen will display the results of the scan, and hold this information until the door is opened. When the door is opened, the scan information is cleared. The system is

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

3. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS page 14 3.4.1. Set-Up Menu: Set-up is used to refer to the parameters that are common to all waste types. The menu will look something like this: SET-UP MENU Bkg Time 120 Bkg Method Rolling Low Alarm 0 High Alarm 10000 Var Time 60 Var Trials 3 Units of Weight Lbs Min Weight lbs 10 Reports All BM I.D.: ABCDEFGH User Stream 0 OK The available menu parameters are defined as follows: Background Time: Background time, in seconds. Enter a value

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

3. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS page 15 Low Alarm: Low alarm level in CPS, is the point at which the unit will generate a FAULT condition. Enter a value between 0 and 1,000. The counts from each detector are compared to this value; if the count from any detector falls below this value the unit will enter a FAULT mode. High Alarm: High alarm level in CPS, is the point at which the unit will generate a FAULT condition. Enter a value between 500 and 32,000. The counts from each detecto

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

3. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS page 16 Minimum Weight Lbs: The minimum weight in pounds required before a scan may be initiated. Enter a value between 5 and 500 pounds. NOTE: This value must be input in pounds regardless of the units of weight selected. BM I.D.: This is the identification for the monitor. This ID will be included in the reports and data sample information. Enter any combination of eight alpha-numeric characters. User Stream: This entry allows the system admi

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

3. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS page 17 3.4.2. Set-Up Waste Streams: The following parameters must be set for each waste stream to be used: WASTE STREAM PARAMETERS Waste I.D. Alarm Message Count Time Clean Message Count Display Maximum Weight MCA Data Efficiency Alarm Type Alarm Level A detailed description of each parameter entry follows: Waste I.D.: This parameter provides a description of the waste stream. The operator may program up to 16 alpha-numeric characters to provid

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