Instruction d'utilisation Philips 247E3L

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Philips 247E3L

Dispositif: Philips 247E3L
Catégorie: Ecran
Fabricant: Philips
Dimension: 5.76 MB
Date d'addition: 5/30/2013
Nombre des pages: 42
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Philips 247E3L Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

2. Setting up the monitor 2.3 Remove Base Stand Remove the Base Stand Bef ore y ou star t disassemb ling the monitor base , please f ollo w the instr uctions belo w to a v oid an y possib le damage or injur y . 1. Place the monitor face do wn on a smooth surface , taking care to a v oid scr atching or damaging the screen. 2. Detach the base stand a wa y from the base column b y: (1) Use y our f inger s to loosen the screw located at the bottom of the base

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

3. Image Optimization 3. The Smar tImage Lite on screen displa y 3. Image Optimization will remain on screen f or 5 seconds or y ou can also press OK b utton to mak e conf ir mation. 3.1 SmartImage Lite 4. When Smar tImage Lite is enab led, the sRGB scheme is disab led automaticall y . T o What is it? use sRGB y ou need to disab le Smar tImage Smar tImage Lite pro vides presets that Lite with the b utton at the front bez el optimiz e di

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

3. Image Optimization Installation 3.2 SmartContrast • Follo w the instr uction and complete the What is it? installation. Unique technology that dynamicall y anal yz es • Y ou can launch after installation is displa y ed content and automaticall y optimiz es completed. a LCD monitor's contr ast r atio f or maxim um • If y ou want to launch later , y ou can either visual clar ity and viewing enjo yment, stepping click the shor tcut on desktop or toolbar . u

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

3. Image Optimization Start with Standard pane: Adjust menu: • Adjust Men u allo w y ou to adjust Br ightness, Contr ast, Focus, P osition and Resolution. • Y ou can f ollo w the instr uction and do the adjustment. • Cancel prompts user if y ou want to cancel installation. 12

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

3. Image Optimization Color menu: • Color Men u allo w y ou to adjust RGB , Black Lev el, White P oint, Color Calibr ation, and Smar tImage Lite (Please ref er to Smar tImage Lite section). • Y ou can f ollo w the instr uction and do the adjustment. • Ref er to belo w tab le f or sub-men u item base on y our input. • Example f or Color Calibr ation: 1. "Sho w Me" star ts color calibr ation tutor ial. 2. Star t - sta r ts the

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

3. Image Optimization First color Calibration Screen: • Previous b utton is disab led until the second color screen. • Next goes to the succeeding tar get (6-tar gets). • Displa ys cur rent pref erence settings. • Final next goes File>Presets pane . • A check ed bo x enab les the f eature . The • Cancel closes the UI and retur ns to the check bo x is a tog gle . plug in pa ge . • Enab le Context Men u on desktop is SmartImage Lit

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

www elcome
EN User man ual 1
Customer care and war r anty 30
T roub leshooting & F A Qs 35

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Table of Contents 1. Important ................................................1 1.1 Saf ety precautions and maintenance ... 1 1.2 Notational Descr iptions ..... ........................ 2 1.3 Disposal of product and packing mater ial .......... ...................................................... 3 2. Setting up the monitor .........................4 2.1 Installation ..... ...................................................... 4 2.2 Oper ating the monitor ..... ...............

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

1. Important • P l e a s e u s e a p p r ov e d p o w e r c o r d p r ov i d e d 1. Important b y P h i l i p s a l l t h e t i m e . I f y o u r p o w e r c o r d i s m i s s i n g , p l e a s e c o n t a c t w i t h y o u r l o c a l This electronic user’ s guide is intended f or s e r v i c e c e n t e r . ( P l e a s e r e f e r t o C u s t o m e r an y one who uses the Philips monitor . T ak e time C a r e C o n s u m e r I n f o r m a t i o n C e n t e r ) to read this user man ua

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

1. Important • T e m p e r a t u r e : 0 - 4 0 ° C 3 2 - 9 5 ° F 1.2 Notational Descriptions • Humidity: 20-80% RH The f ollo wing subsections descr ibe notational • I M P O R T A N T : A l w a y s a c t i v a t e a m ov i n g con v entions used in this document. s c r e e n s a v e r p r o g r a m w h e n y o u l e a v e y o u r m o n i t o r u n a t t e n d e d . A l w a y s a c t i v a t e Notes, Cautions and Warnings a p e r i o d i c s c r e e n r e f r e s h a p p l i c a t i o

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

3. Image Optimization men u. On a non-suppor ted displa y capab le of Help>User Manual - Will onl y be activ e when DDC/CI, onl y the Help and Options tabs are selecting User Man ual from the drop-do wn a vailab le . All other Smar tControl Lite tabs are Help men u. On a non-suppor ted displa y not a vailab le . capab le of DDC/CI, onl y the Help and Options tabs are a vailab le . • Displa y the Source instr uction pane and Help>Version - Will onl y be activ e when cur r

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

3. Image Optimization Context Sensitive menu • T echnical Suppor t - displa ys the tech suppor t page . The Context Sensitiv e men u is Enab led b y default. If Enab le Context Men u has been • Check f or Update - tak es the user to PDI check ed in the Options>Pref erences pane , then Landing and checks the user’ s v er sion the men u will be visib le . against the most cur rent a vailab le . • About - Displa ys detailed ref erence inf or mation: prod

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

4. PowerSensor 4. PowerSensor™ (Available for model 247E3LPH only) P o w erSensor is a unique en vironmentall y fr iendl y technology from Philips which enab les user to sa v e up to 80% of po w er consumption. In line with Philip’ s Sense and Simplicity Promise , this user fr iendl y technology w or ks f or y ou r ight out of the bo x without an y hardware or software installation, and without an y user inter v ention in the default mode . How does it work? • P o w erSensor w or ks on

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

4. PowerSensor • Y ou can retur n to the default mode at an y time (Setting 3). Hot key Sensor distance Power Sensor 3 How to adjust settings I f P o w e r S e n s o r i s n o t o p e r a t i n g c o r r e c t l y i n s i d e o r o u t s i d e t h e d e f a u l t r a n g e , h e r e ’ s h o w t o f i n e - t u n e d e t e c t i o n : • Press the P o w erSensor hot k ey . • Y ou will f ind the default position ‘3’ on the adjustment bar .

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

1. Important Recycling Information for Customers 1.3 Disposal of product and packing Y our displa y is man ufactured with high quality material mater ials and components which can be Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment- recycled and reused. WEEE T o lear n more about our recycling progr am p l e a s e v i s i t w w w . p h i l i p s . c o m / a b o u t / s u s t a i n a b i l i t y / recycling. This mar king on the product or on its packaging illustr ates that, under European Di

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

2. Setting up the monitor Install base stand 2. Setting up the monitor 1. Place the monitor face do wn on soft and smooth surface taking care to a v oid scr atching or damaging the screen. 2.1 Installation Package contents Register your product and get support at 247E3 Quick Star t 2. Hold the base stand with both hands and f ir ml y inser t the base stand into the base column. (1) Gentl y attach the base to the base column unti

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

2. Setting up the monitor Connecting to your PC Model 247E3LPH: Model 247E3L: 4 5 4 4 A C po w er input V GA input D VI-D input Kensington anti-theft lock A C po w er input Model 247E3LH: V GA input HDMI input HDMI audio o utput Kensington anti-theft lock 4 Connect to PC 5 6 1. Connect the po w er cord to the back of the monitor f ir ml y . 2. T ur n off y our computer and unplug its 5 po w er cab le . 3. Connect the monito

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

2. Setting up the monitor Model 247E3LH: 2.2 Operating the monitor 5 7 6 4 3 2 Sw i t c h m o ni t o r ’ s p o w e r ON a nd OFF . Access the OSD men u . Retur n to previous OSD lev el . Front view product description Adjust the speak er v olume . Model 247E3L: Adjust the OSD men u. 5 Change the signal input source . Sm a r t Im a g e Li t e . The re a r e t hr ee modes to be selected: Standard , 7 6 4 3 2 Inter net and Game . Model 247E3L (1A model): Mode

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

2. Setting up the monitor Description of the On Screen Display Model 247E3LPH: What is On-Screen Display (OSD)?      On-Screen Displa y (OSD) is a f eature in all  Philips LCD monitor s. It allo ws an end user to adjust screen perf or mance or select functions  of the monitor s directl y through an on-screen instr uction windo w . A user fr iendl y on screen  displa y interface is sho wn as belo w:  Model 247E3L:    Basic and simple i

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

2. Setting up the monitor The OSD Menu Resolution notification Belo w is an o v er all view of the str ucture of This monitor is designed f or optimal the On-Screen Displa y . Y ou can use this as a perf or mance at its nativ e resolution, ref erence when y ou want to w or k y our wa y 1920×1080@60Hz. When the monitor is around the diff erent adjustments later on. po w ered on at a diff erent resolution, an aler t is displa y ed on screen: Use 1920×1080@60Hz f or Main menu Sub m

Instructions pareilles
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