Instruction d'utilisation Hitachi 4420

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Hitachi 4420

Dispositif: Hitachi 4420
Catégorie: Ecran
Fabricant: Hitachi
Dimension: 0.25 MB
Date d'addition: 3/3/2014
Nombre des pages: 8
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Hitachi 4420 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Installation Manual For
Hitachi 4420/ NCD 1985/2085
HP 2746
Color Monitor Series
Please read Entirely Before Installation!
This document contains instructions to connect a NCD/Hitachi 4420/HP 2746 color monitor
to a PC system, using the accompanying cable. The above picture looks different from the
actual monitor.
Zeon PDF Driver Trial

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Zeon PDF Driver Trial

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

CABLE CONNECTION : HP 2746 / NCD 1985/NCD 2085 Back Panel Attach the 5 video cable: R, G, B, H & V plugs in all 5 connectors in the back of the monitor, as follows: • Red wire to “R” • Green wire to “G” • Blue Wire to "B" • Wire marked as H to “H/HV” • Wire marked as V to “V” Sometimes H and V are marked wrong on the cable, please switch them if you still get no picture. Zeon PDF Driver Trial Zeon PDF Driver Trial

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Note about BNC cables: The BNC cables are better quality than regular cables and because they are co-ax and shielded, they have better signal /noise ratio and are designed to protect the video signals better in comparison with a regular cables. These cables normally are used in High end monitors and you may have not seen them for smaller 14-17" monitors. FRONT PANEL : This monitor has the following Controls: H.size, H Center, V. Size, V. Center, Pin Cushion, Select, Adjust -, + Store, Reca

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

H.SIZE or Horizontal Size adjustment control: This is the monitor’s width size adjustment, you need to center the screen horizontally first before making this adjustment. Sometimes increasing the Horizontal size to the limits may cause the monitor to behave abnormal or the screen may become shaky. Normally leave about 1/8 of inch of blank border on each side of the screen, for the best result. This is needed for the proper monitor timing adjustment. H. Center or Horizontal Center Control:

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Running the monitor on regular video cards: • This monitor can run on normal video cards, but you may require a special video card to run DOS and lower resolution modes properly on a PC with 1 monitor. • This monitor can work just fine in a dual Windows 98 operation as a secondary monitor. This way all the power up and lower resolutions are displayed on the first monitor. • You can run this monitor on normal video cards within the 60 -81 Khz Horizontal Scan frequency specification. This is

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Recommended Resolutions under Windows 9x, Windows 2000: All the following modes work within 60-81 Khz Horizontal scan frequency range: 800x600 @ 100 Hz 1024x768 @75, 85, 100 Hz (* recommended mode : 85 Hz) 1152x864 @75, 85, 100 Hz (* recommended mode : 85 Hz) 1280x1024 @60, 70 Hz 1600x1200 @60 Hz Also we recommend that you use -,- (negative polarity) for the modes you require to run (not mandatory). 1280x1024 60 hz standard is -,- polarity. To change the polarity and make other adjustment

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Monitor SPECIFICATION: Vertical refresh rate : 60-120 Hz Horizontal Scan rate: 60- 81 KHz (Kilo Hetrz). Horizontal and Vertical sync polarity : -,- recommended Horizontal scan rate is automatic for the above range. Maximum Resolution: 1600x1200 Monitor Adjusted for: 1024x768 This monitor does not function with a notebook running at 31.5 Khz( VGA standard). This monitor can run with a notebook in external mode with the above spec. Monitor Labels and handling: ⎫ Please take extra caution wh

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