Instruction d'utilisation Dell E173FP

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Dell E173FP

Dispositif: Dell E173FP
Catégorie: Ecran
Fabricant: Dell
Dimension: 1.13 MB
Date d'addition: 12/9/2013
Nombre des pages: 56
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Dell E173FP Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

DELL E173FP Service Manual

17” LCD Monitor



Prepared By: WuHaiyan

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

DELL E173FP Service Manual Table of Contents Table of Contents -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 1. MONITOR SPECIFICATIONS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------4 2. LCD MONITOR DESCRIPTION -----------------------------------------------------------------------------5 3. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------6 3.1 GENERAL INST

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

DELL E173FP Service Manual 7. PCB Layout ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 7.1 Main Board --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 7.2 Inverter/Power Board --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26 7.3 Keypad Board ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

DELL E173FP Service Manual 1. MONITOR SPECIFICATIONS Driving system TFT Color LCD LCD Panel Size 43cm(17.0") Pixel pitch 0.264mm(H) x 0.264mm(V) Viewable angle 140˚ (H) 120˚ (V) Response time (typ.) 16 ms Video Analog Only Input Sync. Type H/V TTL Separate and Composite Sync. H-Frequency 30kHz – 80kHz V-Frequency 56-75Hz Display Colors Over 16.2 million Colors Dot Clock 135MHz Max. Resolution 1280 x 1024 TM Plug & Play VESA DDC2B Power Consumption ON Mode <3

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

DELL E173FP Service Manual 2. LCD MONITOR DESCRIPTION The LCD MONITOR will contain a main board, an internal inverter/power board, keypad board, which house the flat panel control logic, brightness control logic and DDC. The internal Inverter/power board will drive the backlight of panel and the DC-DC conversion. and provides the 12V DC-power to main board. Monitor Block Diagram Flat Panel and CCFT Driver. CCFL backlight Inverter/Power Board Main Board RS232 C

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

DELL E173FP Service Manual 3. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 3.1 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Press the power button to turn the monitor on or off. The other control buttons are located at front panel of the monitor. By changing these settings, the picture can be adjusted to your personal preferences. The power cord should be connected. - Connect the video cable from the monitor to the video card. - Press the power button to turn on the monitor, the power indicator will light up. - 3.2 CONTROL BU

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

DELL E173FP Service Manual 3.3 ADJUSTING THE PICTURE To set the OSD menu, perform the following steps: Briefly press the SELCT / MENU button to activate the OSD menu. The main menu appears on the screen with icons for the setting functions. The first symbol (Exit) is highlighted. Necessary, press the - or + button to mark another icon (e.g. Positioning). Press the SELECT/MENU button to select the highlighted icon. The corresponding setting window (here: Positioning) is displayed.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

DELL E173FP Service Manual Adjusting size and position Calling the Positioning setting window H-Position Adjusting the horizontal position With this function you move the picture to the left or to the right. V-Position Adjusting the vertical position With this function you move the picture up or down. Setting Image Calling the Image setting window Auto Auto adjust will produce best image automatically, The information of “ Auto Adjust Adjust In Progress” will show; Pixel clock

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

DELL E173FP Service Manual OSD Setting the display duration of the OSD menu Hold With this function you select a value from 0 to 60 seconds. Time If the set time expires without a setting being made, the OSD menu is automatically faded out. OSD Setting the display of the OSD menu lock or unlock. Lock With this function you select Yes to lock OSD, NO to unlock it. Setting Language Calling the Language setting window With this function you choose between English (default setting

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

DELL E173FP Service Manual 4. Input/Output Specification 4.1 Input Signal Connector 4.1.1 Analog D-SUB Connector 17 16 Pin Meaning Pin Meaning 1 Video input red 9 +5 V (DDC) 2 Video input green 10 VGA-PG 3 Video input blue 11 Ground 4 Ground 12 DDC-Data 5 Ground 13 H. Sync 6 Red video ground 14 V. Sync 7 Green video ground 15 DDC Clock 8 Blue video ground 4.2 Factory Preset Display Modes The following are the most frequently used of the preset operating modes: Horizontal

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

DELL E173FP Service Manual 4.3 Power Supply Requirements 4.3.1 Input Requirements AC INPUT VOLTAGE: 90V ~ 264V AC INPUT FREQUENCY: 47 ~ 63 HZ AC INPUT CURRENT: 1.5A max. INRUSH CURRENT: 60A MAX AT 264VAC COLD START LEAKAGE CURRENT: 3.5 mA MAX and less then 0.25 mA at 100Vac 4.3.2 Output Requirements ITEM MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT REMARK Output voltage (12V) 11.4 12 12.6 V Output current (12V) 0 2.0 3.0 A Output voltage ( 5V) 4.75 5.0 5.25 V Output current (5V) 0 1.5 2.0 A 200

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

DELL E173FP Service Manual 4.4.3 Optical Characteristics The optical characteristics are measured under stable conditions at 25℃ (Room Temperature): 4.4.4 Parameter guide line for CCFL Inverter 12

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

DELL E173FP Service Manual 5. Block Diagram 5.1 Monitor Exploded View 13

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

DELL E173FP Service Manual 5.2 Software Flow Chart 1 Y 2 3 N 4 N 5 Y 6 N 8 7 Y 9 N 10 11 Y N N 12 13 Y Y N 14 15 16 Y 17 N 19 18 Y 14

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

DELL E173FP Service Manual 1) MCU Initializes. 2) Is the EEprom blank? 3) Program the EEprom by default values. 4) Get the PWM value of brightness from EEprom. 5) Is the power key pressed? 6) Clear all global flags. 7) Are the AUTO and SELECT keys pressed? 8) Enter factory mode. 9) Save the power key status into EEprom. Turn on the LED and set it to green color. Scalar initializes. 10) In standby mode? 11) Update the lifetime of back light. 12) Check the analog port, are the

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

DELL E173FP Service Manual 5.3 Electrical Block Diagram 5.3.1 Main Board LCD Interface LCD Panel (CN103) Scalar GmZan3-SL MCU (Include ADC, Scalar, OSD) Win Bond W78E65 (SyncMos SM5964) (U102) (U101) RGB H-sync, NVRAM_SDA RXD V-sync NVRAM_SCL TXD OSD Control EEPROM D-Sub Interface M24C16 Connector (CN101) (U104) (CN100) DB12_SDA, DB15_SCL EEPROM 24C02 (U103)

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

DELL E173FP Service Manual 5.3.2Power Block Diagram PWPC1742LGD1 Function test CON205 1 CN102 2 1 ON/OFF 2 3 DIM R8 4 CON206 5 12V 1 CCFL 6 7 8 2 5V 9 10 11 M4 GND R6 R9 12 METER V GND Vrms M2 M1 CCFL 10   R2 R1 V V Model name : METER V METER V 5   100   M3 R7 PWPC1742LGD1 METER V Vrms 10   PCB CON207 1 NO.715L1283-1 2 R12 R4 CON208 CCFL 560   1 2 R10 M6 R13 VR1 CCFL Vrms METER V 10   10K   L N M5 R11 R5 CN901 Vrms METER V 10   100   AC IN Function test step : Specification : M1 = 12V +-

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

MLL5232B 5.6V MLL5232B 5.6V MLL5232B 5.6V DELL E173FP Service Manual 6. Schematic 6.1 Main Board R128 100   1/16W RXD 2 R129 100   1/16W TXD 2 GNDGND PC5V CN100 GNDGND GND 11 1 RIN FB101 22   1/16W R101 100 OHMC104 0.047uF RED+ 2 gndR 6 DAT_DDC GIN 12 2 FB102 22   1/16W R104 100 OHMC106 0.047uF GREEN+2 gndG 7 HSI 13 3 BIN FB103 22   1/16W R105 100 OHMC108 0.047uF BLUE+ 2 8 gndB VSI 14 4 9 C109 C110 C111 CLK_DDC 15 5 10 NC NC NC R109 C112 0.047uF VGA RED- 2 GND 100   1/16W R110 C113 0.047uF

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

4.7K   1/16W 4.7K   1/16W 4.7K   1/16W DELL E173FP Service Manual 3.3V_DVDD 1.8V_DVDD +3.3V_VDD +1.8V_VDD 3.3V_PVDD 3.3V_DVDD 1.8V_DVDD 139m A 3.3V_AVDD 58.27m A U102 L102 C130 C131 C132 C133 C134 C135 L101 C123 C124 C125 C126 C127 C128 120 OHM + 3.3V_LAVDD 3.3V_DVDD 120 OHM + C129 0.1uF/16V 0.1uF/16V 0.1uF/16V 0.1uF/16V 0.1uF/16V 0.1uF/16V C122 0.1uF/16V 0.1uF/16V 0.1uF/16V 0.1uF/16V 0.1uF/16V 0.1uF/16V 22uF/16V 22uF/16V Close to respective pow er Pins GND Close to respective pow er Pins GND

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

DELL E173FP Service Manual +5V +5V +5V R154 2 RP103 LED_G 1 Q101 LED_G 4.7K   1/16W PMBS3904 4.7K   1/16W R155 LED_O 1 Q102 LED_O 2 PMBS3904 CN101 4.7K   1/16W LED_GREEN 8 LED_ORANGE 7 6 KEY_MENU R157 220   1/16W ENTER 5 2 KEY_MENU KEY_RIGHT R158 220   1/16W RIGHT 4 To keyboard 2 KEY_RIGHT KEY_LEFT LEFT R159 220   1/16W 3 2 KEY_LEFT KEY_ONOFF POWER R160 220   1/16W 2 2 KEY_ONOFF 1 C154 C156 C155 C157 GND CONN 0.001uF 0.001uF 0.001uF 0.001uF C152 C153 0.001uF 0.001uF GND GND GND GND GND GND Ti

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