Instruction d'utilisation Saitek Overlay Keyboard

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Saitek Overlay Keyboard

Dispositif: Saitek Overlay Keyboard
Catégorie: Clavier
Fabricant: Saitek
Dimension: 0.09 MB
Date d'addition: 10/28/2014
Nombre des pages: 12
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Saitek Overlay Keyboard Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Chapter 5

Using Overlay Keyboards

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Choosing an Overlay Keyboard
5.3 Further Information

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Chapter 5 Using Overlay Keyboards 5.1 Introduction An overlay keyboard is a shallow rectangular plastic or metal box, usually A4 or A3 size, with a flat top surface. The overlay keyboard plugs into the computer and it is used to operate it in place of the computer keyboard. The overlay keyboard surface consists of a number (usually between 128 and 4096) of touch-sensitive keys. Individual keys, or groups of keys, may be programmed to: • produce letters, words or phrases; • emulate

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Chapter 5 Using Overlay Keyboards Who Might Use an Overlay Keyboard? The main advantage of overlay keyboards is that dedicated overlays can be tailored to suit the individual user and a particular task, thereby simplifying and improving access and control. Their use is not confined to special needs: overlay keyboards are used as input devices for retail, stock control and automatic cash machines – wherever a limited set of options needs to be presented. Physical / Perceptual Difficulti

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Chapter 5 Using Overlay Keyboards Figure 5-4 Discover:Board Mouse control overlay Reading Difficulties Early readers/writers or users with specific learning difficulties can use overlay keyboards to produce whole or part words and phrases, with a single keypress. This allows a student to practice sentence formation without having to worry about the spelling of individual words. Different overlays can be created to suit the current curricular topic. The Concept Universal overlay bel

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Chapter 5 Using Overlay Keyboards 5.2 Choosing an Overlay Keyboard Different keyboards are available in different sizes and with different features. Most keyboards need special software in which case you cannot consider the keyboard without also considering its accompanying software and the curriculum software that it needs to access. Software is discussed later on; we’ll look at the ‘basics’ of the keyboards first. Size The size of the keyboard and overlay area is important: Larger ke

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Chapter 5 Using Overlay Keyboards • Concept Universal The Concept Universal has been developed from the original old blue Concept Keyboard. They are available in A4 or A3 size, with 256 keys. They are supplied with one connecting cable for the computer of your choice: you can buy extra cables for other computers separately. The cables are either the parallel type (for plugging into BBC, Acorn or Nimbus User Port) or the serial type (for plugging into a PC ‘COM’ port, Acorn serial port,

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Chapter 5 Using Overlay Keyboards control can be designed with a separate Overlay Maker program. IntelliPics is a multimedia program for creating early learning activities with sound and animation, and corresponding overlays, for access with IntelliKeys. Key Largo / Ke:nx Key Largo is an overlay keyboard for Macintosh. It needs a Ke:nx interface and software to work and the total cost of both is very high compared to other overlay keyboards. The keyboard is slightly larger than A4 and

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Chapter 5 Using Overlay Keyboards Overlay Keyboard Overall Overlay No. of Connects Keyguard Price Supplier size cm size cm keys to... & price Guide 36 x 22 ADB 128, 64, 32 MAC 128 39 x 29 (US keyboard holes, £75 £395 Don Johnston (16x8) Discover:Board legal) port each £215 + 36 x 22 128, 64, 32 MAC 128 Ke:nx £554 for 41 x 30 (US holes, £75 Don Johnston (16x8) interface Ke:nx Key Largo legal) each interface Overlay Keyboard Software Most of the overlay keyboards need sof

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Chapter 5 Using Overlay Keyboards • Sticky Keys. Most programs have Sticky Keys for people who cannot hold down two keys at once: the Shift or Control key is pressed first, then a letter key pressed next (see Chapter 3 Accessing the Keyboard for a full description of sticky keys). • Mouse Pointer Control. Control of the mouse pointer is a very useful feature as many pupils who have difficulty with a standard keyboard also have problems with a mouse. • Auditory Feedback. The keys on an

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Chapter 5 Using Overlay Keyboards Table 5-3 Overlay Keyboard driver software features Overlay DRIVER SOFTWARE Keyboard BBC Concept Keyboards BBC Concept Acorn Concept Keyboards Conform+ Acorn, Windows PC Concept Keyboards Informax Mac Concept Keyboards Intercept Windows PC Concept Keyboards Concept Plus Windows PC Concept Concept Plus Keyboards Multimedia Mac, PC Intellikeys

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

Chapter 5 Using Overlay Keyboards has very limited features (it does not let you control the mouse pointer, for example). Discover:Board has a more sophisticated set of computer control functions than IntelliKeys, while IntelliKeys has better tools for designing overlays and associated activities (eg. IntelliPics & OverlayMaker). Therefore, Discover:Board may be a better choice if you want a keyboard to give the user independent control over the computer and easy access to common program

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Chapter 5 Using Overlay Keyboards 5.3 Further Information Web Sites Concept Keyboard Company The Concept Keyboard and accessories site. Don Johnston Inc. Information about Discover:Board and other Don Johnston products. Inclusive Technology An excellent practical introduction to the range of alternative keyboards and pointing devices available. Intellitools

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