Instruction d'utilisation Video Products PC-HDTV-CNVTR

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Video Products PC-HDTV-CNVTR

Dispositif: Video Products PC-HDTV-CNVTR
Catégorie: Equipement informatique
Fabricant: Video Products
Dimension: 0.06 MB
Date d'addition: 7/25/2014
Nombre des pages: 7
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Video Products PC-HDTV-CNVTR Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Operation Manual

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

1. Introduction CP-251F is a high-performance universal PC/HDTV to PC/HDTV converter. It combines the functions of a video scaler, scan-converter, and format transformer and is packed into a compact and durable metal housing with easy-to-use touch buttons. The CP-251F is controlled via push button and OSD menu. The controls include input/output setup picture adjustment, H/V phase adjustment, System informations and many other advance features. 1

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

2. Features 1. CP-251F not only is a video scaler it is also a scan converter and a format transformer. 2. The resolution of any PC or HDTV inputs can be scaled up or scaled down to any other PC or HDTV resolution, along with its frame rate converted to a selectable frequency. 3. 48 MB frame memory for frame rate conversion. 4. Signal format conversion between RGBHV and YPbPr. 5. Input: PC(VGA/SVGA/XGA/SXGA)+ HDTV(480i/576i/480p/567p/720p/1080

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

4. Operation Input connection: The CP-251F can accept both PC and HDTV inputs. When accepting a PC input use the 15-pin D-sub cable to connect the output of a PC device to the input connector labed PC/HDTV on the back of CP-251F. When accepting a HDTV input use the 15-pin D-sub to YPbPr/3 RCA cable to connect the YPbPr/output (or YCbCr) of a HDTV device to the PC/HDTV input connector of the CP-251F. The CP-251F can automatically detect the mode and r

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

5. Operation Controls and Functions Front Panel Rear Panel PC /HDTV IN DC 12V 0.8A PC/HD OUTPUT 480p XGA - MENU + Menu(Enter): Press the Menu button will bring up the OSD menu controls on the screen as follows: Input set up Output set up Picture Adjust HV Adjust OSD Adjust System Information Auto Adjust Exit Use + or - to move the arrow cursor to your desired selection, then press MENU (Enter) to confirm your selection and enter into sub menu. Input set up- When it is

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

5. Operation Controls and Functions Picture Adjust: When it is selected the following adjust parameters will appear: Contrast 047 102 Bright Color 064 Red 128 Green 128 Blue 128 Reset Exit The adjustment range and factory preset vaule are as follows: Range Default Contrast 047102064128128128 0-255 Bright 0-255 Color 0-255 Red 0-255 Green 0-255 Blue 0-255 Use + , - and MENU/Enter to adjust the value of your selected parameter. Select Reset to reset all adjustments back to the factory prese

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

1. Introduction 6. Specifications Input Format RGBHV, YPbPr, YCbCr CP-251F is a high-performance universal PC/HDTV to PC/HDTV converter. RGB @ 0.7V p-p, 75 ohm. H&V Sync @ 3-5Vp-p,TTL It combines the functions of a video scaler, scan-converter, and format transformer and is Input Signal Levels Y @ 1V p-p, 75 ohm. Pb,Cb,Pr, Cr @ 0.7V p-p, 75 ohm packed into a compact and durable metal housing with easy-to-use touch buttons. Output Format RGBHV, YPbPr The CP-251F is controlled v

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