Instruction d'utilisation Intel UPI-C42

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Intel UPI-C42

Dispositif: Intel UPI-C42
Catégorie: Equipement informatique
Fabricant: Intel
Dimension: 0.3 MB
Date d'addition: 3/9/2013
Nombre des pages: 25
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Intel UPI-C42 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Pin, Software and Architecturally One 8-Bit Status and Two Data
Compatible with all UPI-41 and UPI-42 Registers for Asynchronous Slave-to-
Products Master Interface
Low Voltage Operation with the UPI- Fully Compatible with all Intel and Most
L42 Other Microprocessor Families
Ð Full 3.3V Support
Interchangeable ROM and OTP EPROM
Hardware A20 Gate Support Versions
Suspend Power Down Mode Expandable I/O

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

UPI-C42/UPI-L42 Table 1. Pin Description DIP PLCC QFP Symbol Pin Pin Pin Type Name and Function No. No. No. TEST 0, 1 2 18 I TEST INPUTS: Input pins which can be directly tested using conditional branch instructions. TEST 1 39 43 16 FREQUENCY REFERENCE: TEST 1 (T ) functions as the event timer 1 input (under software control). TEST 0 (T ) is a multi-function pin used 0 during PROM programming and ROM/EPROM verification, during Sync Mode to reset the instruction state to S1 and synchronize the in

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

UPI-C42/UPI-L42 Table 1. Pin Description (Continued) DIP PLCC QFP Symbol Pin Pin Pin Type Name and Function No. No. No. P ±P 21±24 24±27 39±42 I/O PORT 2: 8-bit, PORT 2 quasi-bidirectional I/O lines. The lower 4 bits 20 27 35±38 39±42 11,13±15 (P ±P ) interface directly to the 8243 I/O expander device and 20 23 contain address and data information during PORT 4±7 access. P 21 can be programmed to provide hardware A20 gate support. The upper 4 bits (P ±P ) can be programmed to provide interrupt R

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

UPI-C42/UPI-L42 UPI-C42/L42 PRODUCT SELECTION GUIDE UPI-C42: Low power CHMOS version of the UPI-42. Device Package ROM OTP Comments 80C42 N, P S 4K ROM Device 82C42PC N, P, S Phoenix MultiKey/42 firmware, PS/2 style mouse support 82C42PD N, P, S Phoenix MultiKey/42L firmware, KBC and SCC for portable apps. 82C42PE N, P, S Phoenix MultiKey/42G firmware, Energy Efficient KBC solution 87C42 N, P, S 4K One Time Programmable Version UPI-L42: The low voltage 3.3V version of the UPI-C42. Device Package

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

UPI-C42/UPI-L42 4. P and P are port pins or Buffer Flag pins 24 25 UPI-42 COMPATIBLE FEATURES which can be used to interrupt a master proces- sor. These pins default to port pins on Reset. 1. Two Data Bus Buffers, one for input and one for output. This allows a much cleaner Master/Slave If the ``EN FLAGS'' instruction has been execut- protocol. ed, P becomes the OBF (Output Buffer Full) 24 pin. A ``1'' written to P enables the OBF pin (the 24 pin outputs the OBF Status Bit). A ``0'' written to P

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

UPI-C42/UPI-L42 If ``EN DMA'' has been executed, P becomes 27 PROGRAM MEMORY BANK SWITCH the DACK (DMA ACKnowledge) pin. This pin acts as a chip select input for the Data Bus Buffer The switching of 2K program memory banks is ac- registers during DMA transfers. complished by directly setting or resetting the most significant bit of the program counter (bit 11); see EN DMA Op Code: 0E5H Figure 5. Bit 11 is not altered by normal increment- ing of the program counter, but is loaded with the 1 11001

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

UPI-C42/UPI-L42 thereby providing additional user programmable SUSPEND memory space. This feature is enabled by the A20EN instruction and remains enabled until the de- The execution of the suspend instruction (82h or vice is reset. It is important to note that the execu- E2h) causes the UPI-C42 to enter the suspend tion of the A20EN instruction redefines Port 2, bit 1 mode. In this mode of operation the oscillator is not as a pure output pin with read only characteristics. running and the intern

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

UPI-C42/UPI-L42 Table 2 covers all suspend mode pin states. In addi- NEW UPI-C42 INSTRUCTIONS tion to the suspend power down mode, the UPI-C42 will also support the NMOS power down mode as The UPI-C42 will support several new instructions to outlined in Chapter 4 of the UPI-42AH users manual. allow for the use of new C42 features. These in- structions are not necessary to the user who does Table 2. Suspend Mode Pin States not wish to take advantage of any new C42 function- ality. The C42 will be

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

UPI-C42/UPI-L42 This circuitry gives the host direct control of port 2 Pin Function bit 1 (P2.1) without intervention by the internal CPU. When this opcode is executed, P2.1 becomes a ded- XTAL 2 Clock Input icated output pin. The status of this pin is read-able Reset Initialization and Address Latching but can only be altered through a valid ``D1'' com- mand sequence (see Table 1). Test 0 Selection of Program or Verify Mode EA Activation of Program/Verify Signature SUSPEND Invoke Suspend Power

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

UPI-C42/UPI-L42 flow chart of the Quick-Pulse Programming Algo- rithm is shown in Figure 6. The entire sequence of program pulses and byte e verifications is performed at V 6.25V and CC e V 12.75V. When programming has been com- DD pleted, all bytes should be compared to the original e e data with V V 5V. CC DD A verify should be performed on the programmed bits to ensure that they have been correctly pro- e grammed. The verify is performed with T0 5V, e e Ý e e V 5V, EA 12.75V, SS 5V, PROG 5V,

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

UPI-C42/UPI-L42 b. Apply access code to appropriate inputs to put and will be present in the ROM and OTP ver- the device into security mode. sions. Location 10H contains the manufacturer code. For Intel, it is 89H. Location 11H contains c. Apply high voltage to EA and V pins. DD the device code. d. Follow the programming procedure as per the The code is 43H and 42H for the 8042AH/80C42 Quick-Pulse Programming Algorithm with known and OTP 8742AH/87C42, respectively. The data on the databus. Not o

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

UPI-C42/UPI-L42 Table 3. Signature Mode Table Device No. of Address Type Bytes Test Code/Checksum 0 0FH ROM/OTP 25 16H 1EH Intel Signature 10H 11H ROM/OTP 2 User Signature 12H 13H OTP 2 Test Signature 14H 15H ROM/OTP 2 Security Byte 1FH or 3FH ROM/OTP 2 UPI-C42 Intel Signature 20H 21H ROM/OTP 2 User Defined UPI-C42 OTP EPROM Space 22H 3EH ROM/OTP 30 ACCESS CODE The following table summarizes the access codes required to invoke the Sync Mode, Signature Mode, and the Security Bit, respectively. Al

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

UPI-C42/UPI-L42 SYNC MODE TIMING DIAGRAMS 290414±15 Minimum Specifications e e SYNC Operation Time, t 3.5 XTAL 2 Clock cycles. Reset Time, t 4t . SYNC RS CY NOTE: The rising and falling edges of T0 should occur during low state of XTAL 2 clock. APPLICATIONS 290414±12 Figure 7. UPI-C42 Keyboard Controller 290414±9 Figure 8. 8088-UPI-C42 Interface 13

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

UPI-C42/UPI-L42 APPLICATIONS (Continued) 290414±10 Figure 9. 8048H-UPI-C42 Interface 290414±11 Figure 10. UPI-C42-8243 Keyboard Scanner 290414±13 Figure 11. UPI-C42 80-Column Matrix Printer Interface 14

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

UPI-C42/UPI-L42 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* NOTICE: This is a production data sheet. The specifi- cations are subject to change without notice. a Ambient Temperature Under Bias ÀÀÀÀ0 Cto 70 C § § *WARNING: Stressing the device beyond the ``Absolute b a Storage Temperature ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 65 Cto 150 C § § Maximum Ratings'' may cause permanent damage. These are stress ratings only. Operation beyond the Voltage on Any Pin with ``Operating Conditions'' is not recommended and ex- b a Respect to GroundÀÀÀÀÀÀ

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

UPI-C42/UPI-L42 DC CHARACTERISTICS e a e ea a T 0Cto 70 C, V V 5V g10%; 3.3V g10% UPI-L42 (Continued) § § A CC DD UPI-C42 UPI-L42 Symbol Parameter Units Notes Min Max Min Max a I I Total Supply Current: CC DD @ Active Mode 12.5 MHz 30 20 mA Typical 14 mA UPI-C42, 9 mA UPI-L42 (1, 4) Suspend Mode 40 26 mA Osc. Off I Standby Power Down 5 3.5 mA NMOS Compatible DD Power Down Mode Supply Current e I Input Leakage Current 100 100 mAV V IH IN CC (P ±P ,P ±P ) 10 17 20 27 e (1) C Input Capacitance 10 1

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

UPI-C42/UPI-L42 AC CHARACTERISTICS e a e e ea a T 0Cto 70 C, V 0V, V V 5V g10%; 3.3V g10% for the UPI-L42 § § A SS CC DD NOTE: All AC Characteristics apply to both the UPI-C42 and UPI-L42 DBB READ Symbol Parameter Min Max Units t CS, A Setup to RDv 0ns AR 0 t CS, A Hold After RDu0ns RA 0 t RD Pulse Width 160 ns RR t CS, A to Data Out Delay 130 ns AD 0 t RDv to Data Out Delay 0 130 ns RD t RD to Data Float Delay 85 ns u DF DBB WRITE Symbol Parameter Min Max Units t CS, A Setup to WR 0ns v AW 0 t

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

UPI-C42/UPI-L42 AC CHARACTERISTICS e a e e ea a T 0Cto 70 C, V 0V, V V 5V g10%; 3.3V g10% for the UPI-L42 (Continued) § § A SS CC DD CLOCK Symbol Parameter Min Max Units (1) t UPI-C42/UPI-L42 Cycle Time 1.2 9.20 ms CY t UPI-C42/UPI-L42 Clock Period 80 613 ns CYC t Clock High Time 30 ns PWH t Clock Low Time 30 ns PWL t Clock Rise Time 10 ns R t Clock Fall Time 10 ns F NOTE: e 1. t 15/f(XTAL) CY AC CHARACTERISTICS DMA Symbol Parameter Min Max Units t DACK to WR or RD 0 ns ACC t RD or WR to DACK 0

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

UPI-C42/UPI-L42 AC CHARACTERISTICSÐPROGRAMMING (UPI-C42 AND UPI-L42) e e ea e T 25 C g5 C, V 6.25V g0.25V, V 5V g0.25V, V 12.75V g0.25V § § A CC DDL DDH (87C42/87L42 ONLY) Symbol Parameter Min Max Units t Address Setup Time to RESETu 4t AW CY t Address Hold Time after RESETu 4t WA CY t Data in Setup Time to PROGv 4t DW CY t Data in Hold Time after PROGu 4t WD CY t Initial Program Pulse Width 95 105 ms PW t Test 0 Setup Time for Program Mode 4t TW CY t Test 0 Hold Time after Program Mode 4t WT CY

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

UPI-C42/UPI-L42 DRIVING FROM AN EXTERNAL SOURCE 290414±18 290414±19 Rise and Fall Times Should Not NOTE: Exceed 10 ns. Resistors to V CC See XTAL1 Configuration Table. e are Needed to Ensure V 3.5V IH if TTL Circuitry is Used. LC OSCILLATOR MODE CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR MODE L C NOMINAL 1 e 45 H 20 pF 5.2 MHz f 2q LC 0 Ê 120 H 20 pF 3.2 MHz C a 3Cpp e CÊ 2 290414±21 C1 5 pF (STRAY 5 pF) j Cpp 5±10 pF a C2 (CRYSTAL STRAY) 8 pF Pin-to-Pin Capacitance C3 20±30 pF INCLUDING STRAY Crystal Series Resistance

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