Instruction d'utilisation Intel IXDP465

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Intel IXDP465

Dispositif: Intel IXDP465
Catégorie: Equipement informatique
Fabricant: Intel
Dimension: 1.29 MB
Date d'addition: 6/10/2014
Nombre des pages: 22
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Intel IXDP465 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Intel IXDP465 Development
Quick Start Guide
May 2005
Order Number: 305825, Revision: 002
May 2005

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2


Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

® Intel IXDP465 Development Platform—Contents Contents 1.0 Purpose ..........................................................................................................................................5 2.0 Applicable Documents and Revisions ........................................................................................5 3.0 Known Issues ................................................................................................................................6 4.0 Inspection...

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® Intel IXDP465 Development Platform—Contents Revision History Date Revision Description Text updates for this release include: • Added paragraph about using zoom feature to read PDF in Section 1.0. (SCR 4282) ® • Added references to Intel IXDP465 Development Platform Specification Update. • Added detail to procedure in Section 4.0. ® May 2005 002 • Added Section 5.1, “Emulation with the Intel IXDP465 Development Platform” on page 8. • Clarified default settings for J127 and J128 in Table 4.

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® Quick Start Guide—Intel IXDP465 Development Platform 1.0 Purpose ® This document, the Intel IXDP465 Development Platform Quick Start Guide, contains ® instructions for unpacking, inspecting, setting up, and starting the Intel IXDP465 Development Platform. Before the IXDP465 development platform is powered up for the first time, it is very important to first become familiar with the platform. Therefore, Section 5.0 through Section 8.0 provide the required information for powering up the pla

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

® Intel IXDP465 Development Platform—Quick Start Guide Table 1. Reference Documents (Sheet 2 of 2) Document Title Location Number ® Intel IXP4XX Product Line of Network Processors 306428 Intel Representative Specification Update ® ® Intel IXP45X and Intel IXP46X Product Line of Network † 306261 Documentation Web Page Processors Datasheet ® ® Intel IXP45X and Intel IXP46X Product Line of Network † 306262 Documentation Web Page Processors Developer’s Manual ® †† Intel IXP400 Software Release -

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® Quick Start Guide—Intel IXDP465 Development Platform c. Re-seat the mezzanine card into the connector by applying finger pressure from one hand to the top-side of the mezzanine card directly over the connector while applying finger pressure from your other hand to the bottom-side of the base platform directly under the connector. Caution: Make sure that your fingers on both hands do not press against installed components on the assembly. d. Verify that the mezzanine card is properly re-sea

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

® Intel IXDP465 Development Platform—Quick Start Guide Figure 1. Photo of IXDP465 Development Platform Setup for Quick Start Operation 1 2 21 3 20 4 19 5 18 6 7 17 8 9 16 10 11 12 13 14 15 KEY: 1. Ethernet Port 0 12. Intel® IXP465 Network Processor 2. Ethernet PHY Mezzanine Card in MI-0 I NPE B slot 13. PCI Option Interface 3. Ethernet SMII 6-pack 14. Ethernet NIC Card plugged into PCI slot 0 4. MII-1 NPE C location (no mezzanine card installed ) 15. Ethernet Cable from NIC to PC 5. US

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

® Quick Start Guide—Intel IXDP465 Development Platform Emulation is accomplished by accessing the EXP_UNIT_FUSE_RESET register via software and writing a 1 to the fuse bit number that corresponds to the feature to be disabled. For a full ® ® description of this register, see the Intel IXP45X and Intel IXP46X Product Line of Network Processors Developer’s Manual. Table 2 shows the default fuse bit settings for the fully-featured IXP465 network processor. Other rows in the table show the fuse

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® Intel IXDP465 Development Platform—Quick Start Guide ® Table 3. Intel IXDP465 Development Platform Switch Descriptions and Default Settings Quick Board Location Ref ID Switch Description Default Settings Start (See Figure 2) Check? Select individual LED illumination All odd GPIO illuminated. GPIO LED Switches SW1 settings of all odd GPIO signals Switch in ON position. Select individual LED illumination All even GPIO illuminated. GPIO LED Switches SW2 settings of all even GPIO signals Switc

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® Quick Start Guide—Intel IXDP465 Development Platform ® Figure 2. Intel IXDP465 Development Platform Switch Locations SW3 SW4 SW5 A1 A9 A17 A2 A10 A18 A3 A11 A19 A4 A12 A20 A5 A13 A21 A6 A14 A22 A7 A15 A23 A8 A16 A24 P34 R145 R148 GPIO 15 GPIO 14 GPIO 13 GPIO 12 GPIO 11 GPIO 10 GPIO 9 GPIO 8 GPIO 7 GPIO 6 G

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

® Intel IXDP465 Development Platform—Quick Start Guide 7.0 Default Jumper Settings This section defines the factory default settings for all IXDP465 development platform jumpers, to ensure they were not accidentally changed during transport, or repositioned by a previous user of the platform. The jumper settings are discussed in the following sections: ® • “Intel IXDP465 Baseboard Jumpers” on page 12 ® • “Intel IXP465 Network Processor/DDR Module Jumpers” on page 15 ® • “Intel IXPETM465 Ethern

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® Quick Start Guide—Intel IXDP465 Development Platform ® Table 4. Intel IXDP465 Baseboard Jumper Descriptions and Default Settings (Sheet 2 of 2) Board Location Jumper Description Default Quick Start Ref ID (See Figure 3) for Installed State Settings Check? MII/SMII/UTOPIA: Connects ETH B-specific shared NPE JP4 Installed. ETH B signals to the NPE B mezzanine card JP65 Installed. MII/SMII/UTOPIA: Connects ETH C-specific shared NPE ETH C signals to the NPE C mezzanine card JP95 Installed. JP

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® Intel IXDP465 Development Platform—Quick Start Guide ® Figure 3. Intel IXDP465 Baseboard Jumper Locations A23 JP128 A24 JP127 JP126 Installed = NOT Installed = B5021-01 ® May 2005 Intel IXDP465 Development Platform AN 14 Order Number: 305825, Revision: 002

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® Quick Start Guide—Intel IXDP465 Development Platform ® 7.2 Intel IXP465 Network Processor/DDR Module Jumpers ® Figure 4 identifies the jumper locations and Table 5 describes the jumper settings for the Intel IXP465 Network Processor/DDR module. ® Table 5. Intel IXP465 Network Processor/DDR Module Jumper Descriptions and Default Settings Board Location Jumper Description Quick Start Ref ID Default Settings (See Figure 4) for Installed State Check? SCL P4 Selects I2C pin, instead of GPIO Shun

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® Intel IXDP465 Development Platform—Quick Start Guide ® Figure 4. Intel IXP465 Network Processor/DDR Module Jumper Locations SCL - P4 SDA - P2 IXP 3.3V XTAL OUT XTAL IN BYP SSCLK (installed by default) REFCLK SSCLK EN SSCLK JP46 667 MHz JP47 IXP 2.5V IXP COREV B5036-01 ® May 2005 Intel IXDP465 Development Platform AN 16 Order Number: 305825, Revision: 002 GPIO I2C IXP

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® Quick Start Guide—Intel IXDP465 Development Platform ® 7.3 Intel IXPETM465 Ethernet PHY Mezzanine Card Jumpers Figure 5 identifies the jumper locations and Table 6 describes the jumper settings for the Ethernet card. ® Table 6. Intel IXPETM465 Ethernet PHY Mezzanine Card Jumper Descriptions and Default Settings Board Location Jumper Description Quick Start Ref ID Default Settings (See Figure 5) for Installed State Check? GND JP1 GND Not installed. GND JP3 GND Not installed. PHY Address

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® Intel IXDP465 Development Platform—Quick Start Guide ® Figure 5. Intel IXPETM465 Ethernet PHY Mezzanine Card Jumper Locations !! "# ! 8.0 LCD Display and LED Indicators This section provides an overview of the LCD display, and also defines the locations, colors, and definitions of all LEDs, so that they can be visually monitored for proper power-up and booting.

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® Quick Start Guide—Intel IXDP465 Development Platform Figure 6 on page 20 shows the exact locations for all LEDs on the IXDP465 development platform, per the descriptions and colors summarized in Table 7. ® Table 7. Intel IXDP465 Development Platform LED Descriptions and Default Settings Board Location Default Quick Start LED Indication when ON Color (See Figure 6) Settings Check Power LED: +12V +12V power is on Green ON Power LED: +5V +5V power is on Green ON Power LED: -12V -12V power is

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® Intel IXDP465 Development Platform—Quick Start Guide ® Figure 6. Intel IXDP465 Development Platform LED Locations +12.0V +5.0V -12.0V +1.5V +3.3V PCI PCI PCI PCI Option 66 MHz 33 MHz Host P34 GPIO 15 GPIO 14 GPIO 13 GPIO 12 GPIO 11 GPIO 10 GPIO 9 GPIO 8 GPIO 7 GPIO 6 GPIO 5 GPIO 4 GPIO 3 GPIO 2 GPIO 1 GPIO 0 SW1 SW2 B5022-01 Note: In the Power LED area, the silkscreen text reads “+1.5V” howeve

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