Instruction d'utilisation Intel SERVER BOARD S5500HCV

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Intel SERVER BOARD S5500HCV

Dispositif: Intel SERVER BOARD S5500HCV
Catégorie: Equipement informatique
Fabricant: Intel
Dimension: 0.46 MB
Date d'addition: 6/10/2014
Nombre des pages: 30
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Intel SERVER BOARD S5500HCV Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Intel Server Board S5520HC,
Intel Server Board S5500HCV ,
Intel Server Board S5520HCT ,
Intel Workstation Board S5520SC,
Intel Server Chassis SC5600,
Intel Server Chassis SC5650,
Intel Server System SC5650HCBRP ,
Intel Workstation System SC5650SCWS

Spares Parts List & Configuration Guide

A reference guide to assist customers in ordering the necessary components to configure the
® ®
Intel Server Board S5520HC, Intel® Server Board S5520HCT, Intel Server Board S

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Contents Contents .......................................................................................................... 3  Production Configuration ............................................................................. 4  Production Board SKUs .............................................................................. 8  Production System .................................................................................... 10  Production Chassis .................................

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I Production Configuration ® ® This section contains information needed to order and configure the Intel Server System SC5650HCBRP, Intel ® ® Workstation System SC5650SCWS, and Intel Server Chassis SC5600, SC5650 Family with Intel Server Board ® S5520HC, S5520HCT and S5500HCV and Intel Workstation Board S5520SC. 1) Production boxed Intel Server Boards contain the following: • One baseboard with unified back plate assembly • ATX I/O shield • Cables: Serial B (COM2), 4 SAS/SATA cables

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o COM2 Cable o Adapter Cable providing two additional SATA power connectors o AC power cords are included only in SC5600BRPNA ® • Five Bumpers for installing Intel Server Board S5520HC, S5500HCV ® ® ® • The Intel Server Chassis SC5600BRP is designed to work with Intel Xeon processor 5500 series with 95W maximum power, and is compatible with BXSTS100C (Combo) or BXSTS100A (Active) heat sink. ® ® 5) The production Intel Server Chassis SC5600 Base KDK is compatible with Intel Server Chas

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• Cables (one each): o Front Panel Cable (baseboard header to front panel) o USB Cable (USB header to chassis front panel) o Adapter Cable providing two additional SATA power connectors o AC power cord is only included in SC5650DPNA • Chassis intrusion switch assembly ® • Five Bumpers for installing Intel Server Board S5520SC, S5500HCV, and S5500BC. ® ® • The chassis is designed to work with Intel Xeon processor 5500 series with 95W maximum power, and is compatible with boxed STS100C (C

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® ® • Intel Workstation Board S5520SC pre-installed in the Intel Sever Chassis SC5650WS • Support for six tool-free non hot-swap hard drives. Upgradeable to hot swap SAS/SATA 6-drive bay. • Non-redundant 1000W high efficiency PFC power supply • Three non-redundant fixed cooling fan with ducting • Quick Start User’s Guide and Configuration Label • Cables (one each) o Front Panel Cable (baseboard header to front panel, pre-routed)) o USB Cable (USB header to chassis front panel, pre-rout

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I Production Board SKUs Picture Product Code MM # UPC MOQ Description ® S5520HC 900402 00735858207485 5 Boxed Intel Server Board S5520HC. (Includes I/O shield, cables, resource CD and ISMS DVD) ® S5520HCR 905721 00735858213783 5 Boxed Intel Server Board S5520HCR.(Includes I/O shield, cables, resource CD and ISMS DVD) ® BB5520HC 901640 00735858207492 10 Bulk pack of the Intel Server Board S5520HC ® BB5520HCR 905718 00735858213790 10 Bulk pack of the Intel Server Board S5520HCR

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® BB5500HCVR 905720 00735858213875 10 Bulk pack of the Intel Server Board S5500HCVR ® S5520SC 900963 00735858207522 5 Boxed Intel Workstation Board S5520SC. (Includes I/O shield, cables, resource CD and ISMS DVD) ® S5520SCR 905722 00735858213806 5 Boxed Intel Workstation Board S5520SCR. (Includes I/O shield, cables, resource CD and ISMS DVD) ® BB5520SC 901634 00735858207539 10 Bulk pack of the Intel Workstation Board S5520SC. ® BB5520SCR 905719 00735858213813 10 Bulk pack of th

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I Production System Picture Product Codec MM # UPC MOQ Description ® SC5650HCBRP 904553 00735858212557 1 Intel Server System SC5650HCBRP with (1+0) PMBus-compliant 600W Redundant power supply, 3 fixed chassis fans with ducting, rackable with optional rack kit. Supports up to 6 Hot-Swap drives (SAS or SATA, require SAS add-in card or SAS module purchased separately). Supports up to 95W processor. No power cord or heat sinks included. ® SC5650HCBRPR 907331 TBD 1 Intel Server System S

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® SC5650SCWSNA 903836 00735858213202 1 Same as Intel Workstation System SC5650SCWS with North American power cord. No heat sinks included ® SC5650SCWSRN 905767 TBD 1 Same as Intel Workstation System A SC5650SCWSR with North American power cord. No heat sinks included MOQ = Minimum Order Quantity. 11

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I Production Chassis Picture Product Codec MM # UPC MOQ Description ® SC5600BASE 900403 00735858207546 1 Intel Server Chassis SC5600 base version with 670W fixed PSU, 3 fixed chassis fans with ducting, 1 PSU fan. Supports up to 6 tool-free cabled drives, upgradeable to 6 hot-swap drives ® (SAS or SATA). Supports Intel Server Board ® S5520HC, S5500HCV and Intel workstation board S5520SC. Supports up to 95W processor. No power cord or heat sinks included. ® SC5600BASENA 900891 00735

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® SC5600LXNA 900955 00735858207591 1 Same as Intel Server Chassis SC5600LX with North American power cord included. No heat sinks included. Special tower heat sink FXXRGTHSINK or FXXRGTHS required and can be purchased as an accessory. ® SC5650WS 900339 00735858207416 1 Intel Workstation Chassis SC5650WS with 1000W fixed PSU, supports up to two 150W workstation graphics cards or single 300W workstation graphics card, 3 fixed chassis fans with ducting, rackable with optional rack kit

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® SC5650BRPNA 900452 00735858207621 1 Same as Intel Server Chassis SC5650BRP with North American power cord. No heat sinks included. MOQ = Minimum Order Quantity. Production Spares and Accessories Picture Product Code MM # UPC MOQ Description AXX25DRVADPTR 904083 00735858211567 10 2.5'' Hard Disk Drive Carrier Kit, include ten 2.5” drive carriers and installation guide. The 2.5” HDD carrier is for installing 2.5” SAS, SATA, or SSD into 3.5” hot-swap hard disk drive bay. Requires

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Picture Product Code MM # UPC MOQ Description AXX4DRV3GR 4-drive hot-swap non-expanded, SATA/SAS 900404 00735858207645 1 ® backplane assembly cage kit for Intel Server Chassis SC5600 family. Requires 4 SAS ports from RAID card for SAS (or SATA) 3.5” hard drive support or 4 SATA ports from baseboard or RAID card for SATA 3.5” hard drive support. Includes: Backplane board, 4 drive carriers, 4 data cables, 4-drive bay, IPMB cable, SES cable and SGPIO cable, common installation guide, S

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Picture Product Code MM # UPC MOQ Description ® APP3HSDBKIT 882456 00735858177450 1 Hot-swap drive mounting Kit for Intel Server Chassis SC5650, Includes 1 cooling fan, 1 fan holder and 2 Hot-swap cage brackets. Note: This mounting kit is required when using 6-bay Hot-swap Hard Disk Cage in SC5650 Chassis. This kit should be used with AXX6DRV3GEXP. ® APP3RACKIT 882457 00735858177375 1 Rack conversion kit for Intel Server Chassis SC5650 family. Includes rack rails and hardware f

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Picture Product Code MM # UPC MOQ Description Contains two serial cable converter dongles AXXRJ45DB92 881944 00735858155212 1 (RJ45 to DB9) one for DSD and one for DCD (modem). The kit also includes one serial ribbon cable for cabling 2nd serial port from the baseboard. Note: Not use the serial ribbon cable with the ® Intel Server Chassis SC5600/SC5650 ® AXXTIO 901685 00735858207683 50 I/O Shield for Intel Server Boards S5520HC, S5500HCV, S5500BC, BB5500BC, BB5520HC, and BB5500HC

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Picture Product Code MM # UPC MOQ Description redundant power supply supporting kit (provided by FPPTPMKIT) to complete upgrade. See SC5650 chassis Service Guide for upgrade instruction. ® FPPTFANKIT4W 901182 00735858207713 1 Spare 4-wire fan kit for Intel Server Chassis SC5650 family. Includes 1 front PCI zone Fan (120mm), 1 rear chassis fan (120mm, blue header), and 1 HDD cage fan (92mm). ® FXXPPTFPBRD 901360 00735858207737 1 Spare front panel board for Intel Server Chassis S

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Picture Product Code MM # UPC MOQ Description FXX10DVCARBLK 880265 00735858181938 10 Spare hot swap drive carrier with black baffle. ® FPWRCABLENA 879287 00735858180740 1 Spare North America Power cable for Intel Server Chassis SC5600, SC5650 family ® FXX1000WHEPS 904977 00735858213226 1 Spare 1000W PSU for Intel Server Chassis SC5650WS AXX750WPS 901681 00735858207294 1 Spare 750W power supply module for Server Chassis SC5600LX and SC5600BRP ® FXXRIGTFPBRD 901441 00735858208055

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Picture Product Code MM # UPC MOQ Description to redundant power supply on SC5650DP/WS MOQ = Minimum Order Quantity. Production RAID Accessories (not including BBU) Picture Product Code MM # UPC MOQ Description ® AXX4SASMOD 900946 00735858206372 1 Intel SAS Entry RAID Module AXX4SASMOD provides 4 port pass through SAS, entry-level RAID 0/1/1E, and optional host RAID 5.: Includes 1 AXX4SASMOD module card; 3 snap standoffs, 4 SAS/SATA cables, Configuration Label and Quick Installa

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