Instruction d'utilisation Intel SE7320

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Intel SE7320

Dispositif: Intel SE7320
Catégorie: Equipement informatique
Fabricant: Intel
Dimension: 0.34 MB
Date d'addition: 6/10/2014
Nombre des pages: 30
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Intel SE7320 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

User’s Guide
Server Configuration Wizard (SCW)

For Intel Server Boards and Platforms
based on the SE72xx, SE7320, SE75xx, and SE8500 Chipsets

Revision 1.1
for Server Configuration Wizard through v 2.1.6

Part Number: D17937-002

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Disclaimers Copyright ©2001-2005 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Intel Corporation. Information in this document is provided in connection wit

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Contents User’s Guide for Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) Utility.......................... 1 1 Overview of Server Configuration Wizard .................................................... 5 Technical Details.....................................................................................................................5 User’s Guide Layout................................................................................................................5 2 Quick Links (for Experience

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User’s Guide for Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) Utility Configuring the Advanced Features......................................................................................25 Advanced Screen 1 – SNMP, KVM and Telnet Configuration .....................................25 Advanced Screen 2 – Web Configuration ....................................................................26 Advanced Screen 3 – SMTP Alert Settings..................................................................26 8

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1 Overview of Server Configuration Wizard The Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) is a combination of multiple utilities and data files that allow quick initial configuration of an Intel® Server. The SCW utility is available on the Intel® Server Deployment Toolkit CD, which can be used to boot the server. SCW is a DOS-based application, run from the CD’s ROM-DOS, that gathers system information plus installation and configuration preferences, stores them to non-volatile memory, and then

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2 Quick Links (for Experienced Users of SCW) • Run DOS Utilities outside of SCW • Make Device Driver Diskettes by Operating System or by Device • From Disk Install for unattended Configuration, Cloning, or to restore previous settings • ISM Question • Load FRU/SDRs • Add System Asset Tag • Set up Channels: LAN 1, Advanced LAN 3, or Serial Modem 4 (Addresses, Alerts, etc.) • Configure User Accounts • Advanced Settings for Intel® Management Module – Advanced Edition • Save Configu

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

4 General Wizard Format and Syntax Configuration options will be presented in a Wizard. Current settings will be displayed and can be accepted or changed. Square checkboxes allow multiple choices in a section. Round radio buttons allow one choice per section (exclusive). The basic layout of each screen is: Figure 1. Screen Layout Syntax Feature Description Title Bar Gives Version of SCW Screen Title and Description Area (left half Explains purpose of the particular screen and

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User’s Guide for Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) Utility 5 Getting Started Booting the Server When booting the server from an Intel Server Deployment Toolkit CD, the startup files (autoexec.bat and config.sys) will create a RAMdrive. This RAMdrive will be used as a temporary storage area for the different components of the utility. Information on the RAMdrive is lost on power off or reboot. Server Probing SCW will probe the server and store the component information to data files.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Start Screen When the Wizard starts, the following Welcome screen is displayed. Figure 2. Start Screen Initial Options Choose Server Configuration Wizard to configure Channels, Users, and Advanced Settings. Choose Create Diskettes to place device drivers on removable media. Choose Server Configuration Utilities to view which DOS Utilities can be run separately for this platform. (See Section 9.) Figure 3. First Choices 9

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User’s Guide for Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) Utility 6 Configuration Screens Intel® Server Management (ISM) Question Both SCW and ISM have options to configure certain sections of the server’s firmware. By default, servers with the Intel® Management Module should: • Load FRUs and SDRs (can be done with SCW or FRU/SDR utility) • Configure Channels (can be done with SCW or ISM) • Configure Users and Advanced Features (Advanced module). (Use SCW only) Figure 4. Configuration

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7 Selecting Options to Configure – Main Page The initial options screen shows subgroups of components that SCW is capable of configuring. To have SCW perform the configuration, the component must be checked on this menu. Items without check marks will NOT be configured by SCW and will not appear in subsequent screens. Whether or not the component is checked, it is still available on the server. If no items are checked, the Continue Button will be disabled. Defaults vary by platform bu

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

User’s Guide for Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) Utility BIOS Date and Time: This screen also displays the BIOS, HSC, PIA, and Firmware versions. Figure 7. BIOS Date and Time Setting a System Asset Tag Figure 8. System Asset Tag • Acts as serial number or ID for the server. • The Continue button will be disabled until a System Asset Tag has been entered. If you do not wish to set a Tag Number, do not choose this option in the Main Select Options sc

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

Channel Configuration (LANs and Serial/Modem) The number of channels available depends on the platform. Not all channels must be configured. Figure 9. Channels to Configure Feature Description Channel 1 The onboard NIC1. On servers with dual ports onboard, the second NIC is not configured by SCW. This NIC can be used either OOB or through the OS. On SE7520VP2, NIC2 is used. Channel 4 For a modem attached to the Serial port. Channel 3 Available only for the Advanced Modu

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

User’s Guide for Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) Utility LAN Channel Screens LAN Channels 1 and 3 use similar configuration screens, which will be illustrated here only once. Items that apply only for the GCM NIC (default is Channel 3) will not appear or will be grayed out when the standard NIC is chosen. Advanced Features configuration is separate from GCM NIC Channel configuration. LAN Configuration, Screen 1 – Configure IP Steps to complete Screen 1: 1. Choose Static IP or DHCP s

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Resolve Gateway MAC Address Figure 11. Address Resolution If Alerts must cross subnets, the software will attempt to verify the gateway address to reach the Alert Destination. The Alert Destination is the console receiving the alert message from the configured server. It will use an entered MAC address or attempt to find the IP address for the Alert Destination system if the checkbox is checked. Automatic resolution will fail if: • Network cable is not connected at both ends • IP

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User’s Guide for Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) Utility LAN Channel, Screen 2 – Configure Out of Band (OOB) Access Figure 12. LAN Screen 2 – OOB and SOL Setup This screens sets up NIC1 or the GCM NIC for Out of Band access. Also sets up SOL (Serial over LAN) on NIC1. • Enable LAN Access: Enable access to the BMC when OOB.. • Enable Serial Over LAN (SOL): Allows access over the network to the Serial channel. Access Levels • LAN Privilege Level Limit Dropdown List or LAN Access

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LAN Channel, Screen 3 – Alerts Alerts can be sent over the network from the NIC or via e-mail (system dependent). The information needed is configured on Screen 3. Figure 13. LAN Screen 3 – Alerts • Enable LAN Alerting : Must be checked for alerts to be sent. • Alert Destination Console 1 IP Address • Alert Destination Console 2 IP Address Enter the IP address of the preferred Console(s) to receive the alerts. • Check the checkboxes to Resolve Destination MAC Addresses (earl

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User’s Guide for Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) Utility LAN Alert Filters If the user presses the LAN Alert Filters button on Screen 3 of LAN configuration, the available filters for LAN alerts (or email alerts with the Advanced module) are listed. Each item is an event that, if checked, will trigger an alert if that feature crosses the upper or lower threshold. . Choose on an individual basis, or choose none or all. The Select All and Clear All buttons are provided for convenience.

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Configuring the Serial/Modem Channel This option allows the setup of a modem on the Serial Channel (default channel 4). Information on the modem’s strings is required and 3 screens are used to cover the options. • The first screen sets data specific to configuring the modem. • The second screen sets data specific to the access modes. • The last screen sets data specific to paging, if paging is desired for alerting from this server. Serial/Modem Screen 1 – Modem Setup Figure 15. Ser

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User’s Guide for Server Configuration Wizard (SCW) Utility Serial/Modem Screen 2 – Remote Server Management Figure 16. Serial 2 – Privilege and Mode • Enable Access: Allows OOB server management access via Modem on the serial channel • Privilege Level (see Access Level under Figure 13): Note: Some platforms used Access Mode and Restricted Mode instead of PrivLevel. Access Mode options are: Preboot only| Always| Disabled. • Where Preboot sets to on at power down or hard

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