Instruction d'utilisation Intel IQ80333

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Intel IQ80333

Dispositif: Intel IQ80333
Catégorie: Equipement informatique
Fabricant: Intel
Dimension: 0.62 MB
Date d'addition: 3/5/2014
Nombre des pages: 68
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Intel IQ80333 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Intel IQ80333 I/O Processor
Customer Reference Board Manual
February 2005
Document Number: 306690001US
Intel Part Number: C90183-001

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2


Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processor Contents Contents 1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................9 1.1 Document Purpose and Scope.............................................................................................9 1.2 Other Related Documents ....................................................................................................9 1.3 Electronic Information .......................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processor Contents 3.7.1 Console Serial Port................................................................................................35 3.7.2 JTAG Debug.......................................................................................................... 36 JTAG Port ..............................................................................................36 3.8 Board Reset Scheme...........................................................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processor Contents A IQ80321 and IQ80333 Comparisons...........................................................................................51 B Getting Started and Debugger ...................................................................................................53 B.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................53 B.1.1 Purpose ...............................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processor Contents Figures ® 1Intel 80333 I/O Processor Block Diagram ................................................................................13 2 Serial-UART Communication .....................................................................................................19 3 JTAG Debug Communication.....................................................................................................19 4 Network Communication Example ..................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processor Contents Tables ® 1Intel 80333 I/O Processor Related Documentation List..............................................................9 2 Electronic Information.................................................................................................................10 3 Component Reference................................................................................................................10 4 Terms and Definitions.....................................

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Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processor Contents Revision History Date Revision Description Initial Intel® Developer Web Site Release March 2005 001 ( 8 February, 2005 Customer Reference Board Manual

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Introduction 1 1.1 Document Purpose and Scope ® This document describes the Intel IQ80333 I/O processor evaluation platform board (IQ80333) ® using DDR-II 400 MHz SDRAM. The Intel 80333 I/O processor (80333) is intended for rapid, ® intelligent I/O development. The 80333 is a multi-function device that integrates the Intel XScale core (ARM* architecture compliant) with intelligent peripherals including a PCI Express bus application bridge. 1.2 Other Related Documents ® Table 1. Intel 80333

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Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processor Introduction 1.3 Electronic Information Table 2. Electronic Information Support Type Location/Contact The Intel World-Wide Web (WWW) Location: Customer Support (US and Canada): 1-916-377-7000 1.4 Component References Table 3 provides additional information on the major components of 80333. Table 3. Component Reference Component Part Number Additional Information Intel  Manufacturer: Intel Corporation StrataFlash® 28F640J3C  URL: http://develo

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Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processor Introduction 1.5 Terms and Definitions Table 4. Terms and Definitions Acronym/Term Definition ARM Refers to both the microprocessor architecture and the company that licenses it. CRB Customer Reference Board In-Circuit Emulator – A piece of hardware used to mimic all the functions of a ICE microprocessor. IOP I/O processor ® Joint Test Action Group – A hardware port supplied on Intel XScale microarchitecture JTAG evaluation boards used for in-depth testing and debu

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Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processor Introduction ® 1.6 Intel 80333 I/O Processor ® The 80333 is a follow-on product to the Intel 80332 I/O processor (80332). It is a multi-function ® device that combines the Intel XScale core with intelligent peripherals, and integrates two PCI Express to PCI-X Bridges. The 80333 consolidates into a single system: ®  Intel XScale core with an internal bus operating at 333 MHz.  x8 PCI Express Upstream Link.  Two PCI Express-to-PCI Bridges supporting PCI-X interfac

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processor Introduction ® Figure 1. Intel 80333 I/O Processor Block Diagram ! 0 (%% (!/ ( "#$ - & ) "*+, % . "3 (/ /# &’ "( ( " 1 23 ( ’ ) "*+, ’( (* ’( 1 23 ) "*+, # "

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processor Introduction ® 1.7 Intel IQ80333 I/O Processor Evaluation Platform Board Features Table 5. Summary of Features Feature Definition Battery Backup Unit: Battery back up circuit for SDRAM. Ethernet Intel(R) 82545EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller Flash ROM: 8 MB Flash ROM 3.3 V – 16-bit Flash I/F. Form Factor: PCI-Express card (312 X 107 mm) General Purpose I/O: GPIO Pins are used as described in the appropriate section in this document Hex Display: Two 7-segment Hex LED d

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Getting Started 2 The 80333 is a software development environment for IQ80333. Software updates and additional offerings from vendors can change frequently. To keep up-to-date, please visit for the latest updates. 2.1 Kit Content The 80333 Kit contains the following items:  IQ80333 with 400 MHz DDRII SDRAM DIMMs  Code|Lab* Development Environment from Accelerated Technology Incorporated*  JTAG Emulation unit  Serial Cable and RJ11 Adapte

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Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processor Getting Started 2.2.2 Power Requirements The 80333 requires a 3.3 V supply coming through the PCI Express primary connector. Plug the board into a desktop with a PCI Express slot. The 80333 has an auxiliary power receptacle (J1A1, see Section 3.9.4, “Connector Summary”) that is used to power the secondary PCI-X slot. This connector is compatible with a standard ATX hard drive power connector. Caution: Before connecting power to the entire system, verify that the

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Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processor Getting Started 2.3 Factory Settings Make sure that the switch/jumper settings are set to proper positions as explained in Section 3.9, “Switches and Jumpers” on page 38. 2.4 Development Strategy 2.4.1 Supported Tool Buckets For developing and debugging software application, the production version of the 80333 kit includes the Code|Lab Development Environment. Support for the Code|Lab development environment is available from MGC*. Please refer to the enclosed pac

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Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processor Getting Started 2.5 Target Monitors 2.5.1 RedHat RedBoot RedBoot* is an acronym for “RedHat Embedded Debug and Bootstrap”, and is the standard embedded system debug/bootstrap environment from RedHat, replacing the previous generation of debug firmware: CygMon and GDB stubs. It provides a bootstrap environment for a range of embedded operating systems, such as embedded Linux and eCos*, and includes facilities such as network downloading and debugging. It also prov

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Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processor Getting Started 2.6 Host Communications Examples How to communicate to the host. 2.6.1 Serial-UART Communication Using a serial connection to communicate with the board (Figure 2). Please note that the evlaution board is plugged into a host machine, as in the figure below. You can use an additional laptop computer, but it is not necessary. The host computer, when loaded with the proper software can communicate with the board. Figure 2. Serial-UART Communication La

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processor Getting Started 2.6.3 Network Communication Using a standard network connection, the user can communicate with the board via the ethernet port. Redboot also allows the user to remotely boot the platform using a BOOTP server through the network Connection. Figure 4. Network Communication Example A B C D E F G H SELECTED ON-LINE 20 Customer Reference Board Manual

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