Instruction d'utilisation Viper VR-6000

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Viper VR-6000

Dispositif: Viper VR-6000
Catégorie: Climatiseur
Fabricant: Viper
Dimension: 3.11 MB
Date d'addition: 5/24/2014
Nombre des pages: 76
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Viper VR-6000 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

VR-6000 VR-6000
VER 5 JAN 2005

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2


Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL INDEX INDEX.............................................................................................................................................................................................................3 SAFETYSUMMARY............................................................................................................................................................................4 SAFETYINFORMATION..........................................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL RECOVERINGTHEREFRIGERANTINTHEHOSES...................................................................................19 MAINTENANCE..................................................................................................................................................................................20 REPLACING REFRIGERANTFILTER/DRYER...................................................................................................20 EMPTYING THEUSED OILTANK.........

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL READ ALL SAFETY INFORMATION CAREFULLY before attempting to install, operate or service this equipment. Failure to complywith these instructions could result in personal injuryand/orpropertydamage. RETAINTHEFOLLOWINGSAFETYINFORMATIONFORFUTUREREFERENCE. Publishedstandards onsafetyareavailable.TheyarelistedinADDITIONALSAFETY INFORMATIONattheendofthis SAFETYSUMMARY. TheNationalElectricalCode,OccupationalSafetyandHealthActregulations, local industrial codes andlocal inspection req

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INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL anyone else that uses this equipment, understands and follows these safety instructions aswell. • Avoid breathing AC refrigerant and lubricant vapor mist. Exposure may irritate eyes, nose, andthroat.ToremoveHFC-134a from the AC system, use service equipment certifiedtomeettherequirements ofSAEJ2210(HFC-134arecyclingequipment). • Additional health and safetyinformation maybe obtained from additional refrigerant andlubricantmanufacturers. • Always perform vehicle service in a p

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL INTRODUCTION GENERAL Thankyouforpurchasinga VIPER VR-6000AirConditioning ServiceCenter.Your VR-6000 isUnderwriters Laboratories Inc.®approved,incompliancewithSAEJ 2210 (1991).Weare dedicatedtosolvingtheissuessurroundingthesafe containmentandpropermanagement ofCFC’S.YournewVR-6000incorporates thelatesttechnologyandstate oftheartfeatures toaidyouinservicingairconditioning andrefrigeration systems. Wehope yougetas much enjoymentusingthis equipmentaswediddesigningandbuildingit. C

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INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL THEMACHINE BASICCOMPONENTS Refertofig1,2,3&4: a) ControlConsole b) Valves c) Handle d) High/LowPressureThreadedConnectors e) NewOilContainer f) StorageTank g) DesiccantFilters h) ElectronicScale i) HeaterBlanket j) MainPowerSwitch k) SocketforElectricalSupplyPlug l) Fuse m)UsedOilContainer n) SerialPort o) MoistureIndicator p) VacuumPump q) Wheels r) AirPurgeValve 8

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INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL CONTROLSANDCONTROLSYSTEM RefertoFig5: (A1)LowpressuregaugeforA/Csystem (A2)HighpressuregaugeforA/Csystem (A4)Pressuregaugeforstoragetank (A6)Emergency/alarms panel (A7)Display (A8) Keypadcontrols (A9)Operationsselectorpanel A4 A2 A6 A7 A8 A1 A9 Fig.5:ControlPanel 10

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INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL FUNCTIONSELECTORKEYBOARD RefertoFig6: (T1)REFRIGERANTAVAILABLELEDindicator:whenlit, thedisplayreports theweightofthe availablerefrigerantinthestoragetank. (T2)RECHARGELEDindicator(flashes duringtheCHARGINGphase). (T3)RECOVERYLEDindicator(flashes duringtheRECOVERYphase). (T4)EVACUATELEDindicator(flashes duringtheVACUUMphase). (T5)HOLD:flashesattheendoftherecoveryduringtheOILDISCHARGEphase. (T6) SELkey: Selects theoperation tobeperformed.Everytime this keyis pressed one of theL

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INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL orFahrenheitdegree. (T13) Display: According to the operation selected, displays the evacuation time, tank temperature,orweightofavailablerefrigerant. STATUSANDALARMPANEL SeeFig7: (C1) REPLACEFILTER:theLowside refrigerantfilter/dryer must bechangedwhen the led “REPLACEFILTER”lightsup.When recoveringnewrefrigerantthis light maycome on prematurely.ItmayberesetbypressingtheSELkeywhileturningonthemachine. (C2)HIGHPRESSURE:Lightsandemits anacoustic signalwhen thepressure oftheflui

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL MEASUREMENTSETTING WhenpoweristurnedontoyournewVIPER VR-6000, thekeypaddisplaywill show thegas weight in the service tank. The display can be set to read in either metric or standard measurements,proceedasfollows: • SwitchofftheVR-6000. • Press theSEL, GO,andENTER keys simultaneouslywhile turning on the VR-6000. Themachinewillchangefrom onesystemofunits ofmeasurementtotheother. VIPERVR-6000SPECIFICATIONS ElectricalInput: 115Vac,8 A,60Hz AmbientOperatingTemperatureRange: 50°F(

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INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL OPERATIONINSTRUCTIONS RECOVERANDRECYCLEREFRIGERANTFROM ANACSYSTEM 1. BesurethattheshutoffvalvesareoffpriortoattachingtoavehicleACsystem. 2. Attachthemachinetothehigh andlowsides oftheACsystem tobeserviced. TheR- 134a hoses have SAE approved shut-off valves (quick disconnects). The hoses are shut offwhen disconnected from theACsystem and are open only when connected withtheknurledknobs turnedclockwise.Slidethecollarofthefittingback andpress to theappropriatefitting. • Bluehose

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INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL Proceedasfollows: “REFRIGERANT AVAILABLE”LEDmust light,ifitis necessarypress theSELkeyto switch thelightto“REFRIGERANTAVAILABLE”LED. 1. Press once the “°F” key in order to display the refrigerant tank temperature (in Fahrenheit degree), press it a second time to display the temperature in Celsius degree) 2. Readthestoragetankpressureofthetankgauge 3. Find the temperature in the TEMP °F column for that tank then read the associated PRESSURE column inpsig. 4. IftherelatedTANK P

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INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL VACUUMPHASE 1. UponcompletionoftheRECOVERYphaseitis possible tostart thevacuum phase by opening the high- and low-pressure valves, pressing the SEL key until the LED correspondingto“EVACUATE”lights,andthen pressing GO.Thevacuum time canbe setasfollows.Press SELuntilthe“EVACUATE”LEDlights,then press ENTER;atthis pointthefirstdigitontheleftofthedisplaywillbegin toflash.Press theINCREASE key until thedesireddigit appears. Likewise, press the ARROW and INCREASE keys to changetheo

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INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL 3. Openthehigh-andlow-pressurevalves(ifpreviouslyclosed)andpress theGOkey. 4. Themachinewillstopautomaticallywhen thepresetquantityhas been charged. Ifthe A/C system pressure increases to equal the tank pressure, and the charge is not complete,itwill benecessarytodraw theremaining refrigerantinto thesystem using thevehiclecompressorasoutlinedbelow. 5. Closethehigh-andlow-pressurevalves. 6. StartthevehiclemotorandswitchontheA/Csystem,andallowbothtorunforatleast3 minutes.Atthis

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INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL MAINTENANCE REPLACING REFRIGERANTFILTER/DRYER TheVIPER VR-6000is equipped with twohigh side refrigerantfilters/dryers anda lowside refrigerantfilter/dryer(seefigure14).Inordertomaintainhighqualityrecycledrefrigerant: • Thelowside refrigerantfilter/dryer must bechanged when the VR-6000 displays the servicealarm [SERV]andtheled“REPLACEFILTER”lightsup. NOTE:Whenrecoveringnewrefrigerantaswhen themachineis first placedinservice this alarm will light abnormallyearly and maybe clear

Instructions pareilles
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