Instruction d'utilisation Intel DBPXA210

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Intel DBPXA210

Dispositif: Intel DBPXA210
Catégorie: Equipement informatique
Fabricant: Intel
Dimension: 0.36 MB
Date d'addition: 12/25/2013
Nombre des pages: 24
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Intel DBPXA210 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Intel DBPXA250 and DBPXA210
Development Platform for Intel
Personal Internet Client
Specification Update
July 2002
® ®
Notice: The Intel DBPXA250 and DBPXA210 Development Platform for Intel Personal Internet
Client Architecture may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the
product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are documented in
this specification update.
Order Number: 278555-002

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Revision History............................................................................................................. 5 Preface .......................................................................................................................... 6 Affected Documents/Related Documents ................................................................ 6 Nomenclature........................................................................................................... 7 General Infor

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Revision History Date of Version Description Revision May 2002 -001 Public Release Removed 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, from Intel® BBPXA2xx Development Baseboard. Removed 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12 from Intel® DCPXA250 processor card. Modified 12, 14 on the BBPXA2xx Development Baseboard. July 2002 -002 Modified 7, 9, 10, and 13 on the DCPXA250 processor card. Modified 1 on the DCPXA210 processor card. Added steppings matrix DBPXA250 and DBPXA210 Development Platforms Specification Update 5

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Preface Preface This document is an update to the specifications contained in the Affected Documents/Related Documents table below. This document is a compilation of device and documentation errata, specification clarifications and changes. It is intended for hardware system manufacturers and software developers of applications, operating systems, or tools. We have endeavored to include all documented errata in the consolidation process; however, we ® make no representations or warranties co

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Preface Nomenclature ® Errata are design defects or errors. These may cause the Intel DBPXA250 and DBPXA210 ® Development Platforms for Intel PCA behavior to deviate from published specifications. Hardware and software designed to be used with any given stepping must assume that all errata documented for that stepping are present on all devices unless otherwise noted. Documentation Changes include typos, errors, or omissions from the current published specifications. These changes will be in

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Preface General Information Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the markings for the DCPXA250 and DCPXA210 processor cards. DCPXA210 ® Figure 1. Intel DCPXA250 Processor Card Markings Name of the card 32-Bit Processor Card Serial Number Revision Letter (C/D) S/N ® Intel Corp. Intel DCPXA250 32 Rev C/D Austin, TX ® Figure 2. Intel DCPXA210 Processor Card Markings Name of the card 16-Bit Processor Card Serial Number Revision Letter (A) S/N ® Intel Corp. Intel DCPXA210 16 Rev A Austin, TX 8 DBPXA250 and

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Summary of Changes Summary of Changes The following tables indicates the errata, specification changes, specification clarifications, or ® documentation changes which apply to the Intel DBPXA250 and DBPXA210 Development ® Platforms for Intel PCA. This document covers these components of the development platform: ® ® the Intel BBPXA2xx development baseboard, the Intel DCPXA250 processor card, and the ® Intel DCPXA210 processor card. Intel may fix some of the errata in a future stepping of the

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Summary of Changes Note: Fixed refers to latest revision of the board and does not refer to earlier revisions. Some ECOs have ® specific Intel PXA250 and PXA210 applications processors stepping requirements. Summary of BBPXA2xx Development Baseboard ECOs Refer ECO NO. Rev A Rev B Status ECO Description to: 1-9 These errata apply to a previously released stepping. 10 XX 12 Fixed “UCB1400 Generates Interrupts Incorrectly” “USB Cable Attach/Detach Detection Interrupt Is 11 XX 12 Fixed Constantly

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Summary of Changes Summary of DCPXA210 Processor Card ECOs (Sheet 2 of 2) ECO NO. Rev A Refer to: Status ECO Description 3 X 21 No Fix “PLL Voltage Too High” 4 X 22 No Fix “Remove Coin Cell Battery” 5 X 22 No Fix “Incorrect Boot Mode Selected For PXA210 Processor” Table 1. Minimal Required ECOs for Intel® PXA250 and PXA210 Processor Cards and Intel® BBPXA2xx Baseboards with B1 and B2 Silicon Platform B1 Stepping B2 Stepping BBPXA2xx Rev B 10,11, 12, 14,15 10,11, 12, 14,15 DCPXA250 D/C Rev C 3,

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® Intel BBPXA2xx Development Baseboard ® Intel BBPXA2xx Development Baseboard 10. UCB1400 Generates Interrupts Incorrectly Problem: The Philips UCB1400 interrupt signal is inverted. Implication: The UCB1400 generates interrupts incorrectly. Workaround: Reprogram FPGA U53/U54 with latest code. Refer to for latest FPGA updates. Status: Fixed Board Rev: Rev A and B 11. USB Cable Attach/Detach Detection Interrupt Is Constantly Asserted Problem: Due to the hardware implem

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® Intel BBPXA2xx Development Baseboard 12. 100-MHz SDRAM Failure Problem: Excessive ringing on SDCLK pin. Implication: SDRAM does not run at 100 MHz. Workaround: For 100-MHz SDRAM development, Intel recommends using Rev F of the DCPXA250 processor card in addition to this workaround. Contact your local Intel representative for availability. Add a resistor termination network at the end of the SDCLK1 clock line. 1. Locate C68 on the top of the BBPXA2xx development baseboard. Solder one end of

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® Intel BBPXA2xx Development Baseboard Figure 3. LCD Picture 1 Figure 4. LCD Picture 2 Figure 5. LCD Picture 3 Status: Fixed Board Rev: Rev B 14 DBPXA250 and DBPXA210 Development Platforms Specification Update

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® Intel BBPXA2xx Development Baseboard 15. New Philips UCB1400 Audio Codec on BBPXA2xx Development Baseboard Requires Software Change Problem: There is a new revision of the Philips UCB1400 audio codec. BBPXA2xx development baseboards are now using UCB1400 Rev 2A (CB0829). The previous revision of the UCB1400 is Rev 1B (CA5878). There are software changes that are required to support the new revision of the UCB1400. Implication: Current production versions of BBPXA2xx development baseboards

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® Intel DCPXA250 Processor Card ® Intel DCPXA250 Processor Card 3. VCC_PLL And VCC_CORE Pin Voltage Must Be Equal ® Problem: The Intel PXA250 and PXA210 Application Processors Developer’s Manual states VCC_PLL requires VCC_CORE voltage instead of a separate voltage supply. Implication: The PXA250 processor may not work if VCC_PLL is not equal to VCC_CORE. Workaround: Perform the following steps to fix the problem. 1. Remove R9. 2. Add a 30-AWG wire from the R9 pad (inductor L2 side) to the posi

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® Intel DCPXA250 Processor Card 7. For ARM* Multi-ICE* JTAG Use Problem: JTAG connection fails when using ARM Multi-ICE tools. Implication: No JTAG debugging facility is available with ARM Multi-ICE. Workaround: Perform the following steps to fix the problem. Note: This ECO does not affect the performance of other JTAG tools. 1. Cut the trace on the top of the processor card between U1 pin 3 and via to the right. 2. Add 30-AWG wire from the J3-3 to the via of U1 pin 1 on the bottom of the proce

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® Intel DCPXA250 Processor Card 8. Excessive Oscillator Output Voltage to PEXTAL Pin Problem: On systems using an oscillator to drive PEXTAL, the 3.3 V output from the oscillator is too high. Implication: Possible damage to chip. Workaround: Follow the steps below: Note: These steps bring the oscillator voltage down to 1.1 V. The oscillator and core voltages need to be equal. 1. Attach one side of a 430-ohm resistor to the bottom (on the bottom of the processor card) of TP19 (ground). 2. Attac

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® Intel DCPXA250 Processor Card 9. Coin Cell Battery Issue Problem: Specification change to BATT_VCC. Stop using the backup battery and connect BATT_VCC to VCCQ. Implication: VCCQ might attempt to charge battery if BATT_VCC is lower than VCCQ Workaround: For Rev C boards: 1. Remove CR2032 coin cell battery from battery holder B1. 2. Remove the 0-ohm resistor R23B. 3. Install, on the bottom of the board, a 30-AWG wire between TP11 (red) and J8 pin 1 (VCCQ). For Rev D boards: 1. Remove CR2032 coi

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® Intel DCPXA250 Processor Card 13. VCC Core Voltage Change Problem: VCC core voltage requires change. Implication: Unstable operation at 400 MHz. Workaround: Update U4 CPLD with latest code. Refer to Status: Plan Fix Board Rev: Rev C & Rev D cards 20 DBPXA250 and DBPXA210 Development Platforms Specification Update

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