Instruction d'utilisation Grundig HMS470

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Grundig HMS470

Dispositif: Grundig HMS470
Catégorie: Equipement informatique
Fabricant: Grundig
Dimension: 0.66 MB
Date d'addition: 8/2/2014
Nombre des pages: 18
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Grundig HMS470 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Grundig SAT Systms
STC 160 Head-End Station
Quad modulators
HMM 470
HMS 470
Notes on the Assembly Instructions
As well as this supplementary Assembly
Instructions, the Assembly Instructions for the
STC 160 apply.
GSS Phone: +49 (0) 911 / 703 8877
Grundig SAT Systems GmbH Fax: +49 (0) 911 / 703 9210
Beuthener Strasse 43 Email:
D-90471 Nuremberg Internet:
Assembly Instructions

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Contents 1 Safety regulations ...............................................................................................3 2 General information ............................................................................................3 2.1 Scope of delivery .................................................................................. 3 2.2 Meaning of the symbols used .................................................................. 3 2.3 Technical data ..............................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

1 Safety regulations Please read the safety regulations listed in the assembly instructions for the STC 160 head-end station which pertain to this module. Take precautions to prevent static discharge when working on the device! 2 General information 2.1 Scope of delivery 1 HMM 470 or HMS 470 module 1 HF cable with F plugs 1 CD (assembly instructions) 1 Brief Assembly Instructions 2.2 Meaning of the symbols used Important note —> General note – / – / Optional use of the buttons •

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

2.3 Technical data The requirements of the following are met: 2006/95/EC, 2004/108/EC The product fulfils the guidelines and standards for CE labelling. HF outputs: Modulators A / B / C / D Channels: C 02 … C 69 (incl. S 03 … S 14 and S 16 … S 41) Frequency range: 48.25 MHz … 855.25 MHz Modulation method: CCIR, PAL B/G Output level: typ. 86 dBµV Output impedance: 75 Ω, nominal Video signal-to-noise ratio: typ. 55 dB Video frequency response: 20 Hz … 5 MHz Audio frequency resp

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

D-Sub socket, using a PC or notebook and the “BE-Flash” software. You can find the current operating software for the head-end station, the software “BE-Flash” and the current assembly instructions on the website “”. The modules are designed exclusively for use in the STC 160 head-end station. 3 Installation Caution – Ensure the head end station is mounted so it will not be able to vibrate. Avoid, for example, mounting the head end station onto a lift shaft or any other wall or

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

• Open the housing of the head-end station in accordance with the assembly instructions for the STC 160. • O p e n t h e l o c k i n g d e v i c e 1 in the direction of the arrow (fig. 1). Fig. 1 —> Slots 1 (digital module) and 2 (modulator module) are shown in fig- ure 2. The open slot in between (without a contact strip on the board at the rear wall of the housing) is intended for an add-on module. • I n s e r t t h e mo d u l a t o r mo d u l e i n g r o o v e s A and B (fig. 2)

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

3.2 Connecting the modulator module Fig. 3 • U s i n g t h e A V c a b l e C, connect the modulator module to the digital module or to an add-on module if applicable. • Af t e r p r o g r a m m i n g , c o n n e c t t h e mo d u l a t o r o ut p ut D to one of the input sock- ets E on the output collector. • C l o s e t h e l o c k i n g d e v i c e 1 in the direction of the arrow. - 7 -

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

4 The control panel at a glance 4.1 Menu items Program the module using the buttons on the head-end station control unit. The menus appear on the two-line display of the control unit. You can use the M button to select the following menu items: – Modulator settings – Modulator output channel – Output level – Audio setting – Storing 4.2 Functions of the control panel buttons M S – To move the cursor – To adjust values and functions S – To store the programmed data M – To switch to e

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

5 Programming 5.1 Preparation • C o n n e c t t h e t e s t r e c e i v e r t o t h e H F o ut p ut o n t h e mo d u l a t o r mo d u l e . • A d j u s t t h e t e s t r e c e i v e r t o t h e o ut p ut c h a n n e l o f t h e c h a n n e l s t r i p t o b e s e t . • S w i t c h o n t h e mo d u l a t o r i f n e c e s s a r y . F o r e a c h mo d u l a t o r , t h e r e i s a g r e e n LED which indicates if the modulator is switched on. LED – Channel strip “A“ LED – Channel

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

5.2 Programming procedure The parameters and functions to be set are underlined. 5.2.1 HMM 470 modulator module SETUP BE160 Ein/On V 7 Bx 2A 4 AV MONO Bx 2B 4 AV MONO C21 C23 M M Bx 2A OUTPUT / on / off Modulator on M Bx 2A OUTPUT Bx 2A OUTPUT / / C21 C21 Fine 0 -64 … 63 / M M Bx 2A OUTPUT / Level 0 dB 0 … -15 dB M Bx 2A AUDIO / Mono L L / L+R M Bx 2A MEMORY Bx 1A M S => STORE CANCEL S - 10 -

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

5.2.2 HMS 470 modulator module SETUP BE160 Ein/On V 7 Bx 2A 4 AV STEREO Bx 2B 4 AV STEREO C21 C23 M M Bx 2A OUTPUT / Modulator on on / off M Bx 2A OUTPUT Bx 2A OUTPUT / / C21 C21 Fine 0 / -64 … 63 M M Bx 2A OUTPUT / Level 0 dB 0 … -15 dB M Bx 2A AUDIO / Stereo Stereo / Dual M Bx 2A MEMORY Bx 1A M S => STORE CANCEL S - 11 -

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

5.3 Programming the HMM 470 modulator module Notes: – Entries are saved by pressing the S button. —> You will be returned to the item “Selecting the module/channel strip”. – The programming process can be cancelled by pressing and holding the M button. —> You will be returned to the item “Selecting the module/channel strip”. Switch on the head-end station. —> The display shows “SETUP BE160” and the software version of the head-end station (e.g. V 7). —> In the “SETUP” menu, the output level o

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

• P r e s s t h e M button: W S MO Bx B 4 A MON —> The “Switching on the modulator” – C5 1 S3 4 0 ,S C23 “OUTPUT – Modulator” menu is activated. Switching on the modulator Bx 2A OUTPUT / on / off Modulator on M O Bx 2 • U s e t h e buttons to switch “on” the modu/lator (LED C 1 i e 0 4 … 63 illuminates – page 9), or to switch “off” the modulator if Böx 4 necessary (LED is switched off). MONO Bx 2B 4 • P r e s s t h e M button. M —> The “Setting the output cha

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Setting the fine tuning Only change the fine tuning (frequency offset) in circumstanc- es where it is absolutely necessary to do so. Once you have changed it, all televisions connected to the cable system will B T T An Ve M ed t ONo b O e calibrated b B y m x 2B eans o Af fi V M ne t ONu O ning to match it. • P r e s s t h e button. —> Pressing the button you can return to the “Setting the output channel” menu. • U s e t h e buttons to adjust the fine tuning (Fine). OU • P

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

on of r n Selecting the audio signal O TPUT BIn this menu, y … -15 d ou can select between mono audio (Mono L) and the composite signal of the audio signals (Mono L + R). C21 Bx 2A AUDIO / Mono L L / L+R M • O TT hP e buttons are used to select the audio signal C EL (“Mono L” or “Mono L + R”). 0 15 dB • P r e s s t h e M button. —> The “Storing data” – “MEMORY” menu is activated. Storing data Bx 2A MEMORY Bx

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

5.4 Programming the HMS 470 modulator module • S w i t c h o n t h e h e a d - e nd s t a t i o n . —> The display shows “SETUP BE160” and the software version of the head-end station (e.g. V 7). SETUP BE160 Ein/On V 7 5 Selecting the module / channel strip C5 2 S3- C • P r e s s repeatedly if necessary to select the particular 6 M module (Bx …) or channel strip “A”, “B”, “C” or “D” to be programmed. Bx 2A 4 AV STEREO Bx 2B 4 AV STEREO C21 C23 M M OUTPU

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

Selecting the audio signal OUTPU In this menu, you can select between stereo and dual tone. If / Bthe audio signal will be supplied by the digital module, it will 0 … -15 B be switched automatically. Bx 2A AUDIO / Stereo Stereo / Dual M • U s i n g t h e button, select the desired audio signal E C NC L “Stereo” or “Dual”. • P r e s s t h e M button. —> The “Storing data” – “MEMORY” menu is activated (page 15). 6 Final procedures After installin

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

7 Channel and frequency tables CCIR – Band I/III (Frequency raster 7 MHz) C 2 48.25 S 5 133.25 C 5 175.25 C 11 217.25 S 15 259.25 C 3 55.25 S 6 140.25 C 6 182.25 C 12 224.25 S 16 266.25 C 4 62.25 S 7 147.25 C 7 189.25 S 11 231.25 S 17 273.25 S 2 112.25 S 8 154.25 C 8 196.25 S 12 238.25 S 18 280.25 S 3 119.25 S 9 161.25 C 9 203.25 S 13 245.25 S 19 287.25 S 4 126.25 S 10 168.25 C 10 210.25 S 14 252.25 S 20 294.25 CCIR – Hyperband (Frequency raster 8 MHz) S 21 303.25 306.00 S 27 351

Instructions pareilles
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2 Grundig DIGI 100 SERVICE MANUAL CUC 1834 Manuel d'utilisation Equipement informatique 7
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4 Grundig HMM 470 Manuel d'utilisation Equipement informatique 3
5 Grundig DIGI 100 SERVICE MANUAL CUC 1838 Manuel d'utilisation Equipement informatique 34
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