Instruction d'utilisation CyberResearch PCIDIO 24H

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif CyberResearch PCIDIO 24H

Dispositif: CyberResearch PCIDIO 24H
Catégorie: Equipement informatique
Fabricant: CyberResearch
Dimension: 0.37 MB
Date d'addition: 4/6/2014
Nombre des pages: 59
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CyberResearch PCIDIO 24H Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Digital I/O
High-Density, PCI-Bus, Parallel Digital Board with
24 Channels, 24mA/Channel Sink
High-Density, PCI-Bus, Parallel Digital Board with
48 Channels, 24mA/Channel Sink
High-Density, PCI-Bus, Parallel Digital Board with
96 Channels, 24mA/Channel Sink
VER. 2.5 • OCT 2000
No part of this manual may be reproduced without permission.
CyberResearch , Inc.
25 Business Park Dr., Branford, CT 06405 USA
203-483-8815 (9

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

©Copyright 2003 All Rights Reserved. October 2000 The information in this document is subject to change without prior notice in order to improve reliability, design, and function and does not represent a commitment on the part of CyberResearch, Inc. In no event will CyberResearch, Inc. be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to use the product or documentation, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. This

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Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction.............................................................. 1 1.1 Features .........................................................................................................2 1.1.1 Digital I/O Ports.....................................................................................2 1.1.2 Timer/Counter and Interrupt System..............................................2 1.1.3 Miscellaneous .................................................

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Chapter 3 Registers Format ................................................... 20 3.1 PCI PnP Registers......................................................................................20 3.2 I/O Address Map.........................................................................................21 Chapter 4 Operation Theorem............................................... 22 4.1 Digital I/O Ports ...........................................................................................

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5.13 Get IRQ Status.........................................................................................44 5.14 Clear IRQ ..................................................................................................45 5.15 Software Reset.......................................................................................45 5.16 Interrupt Start under Windows...........................................................46 5.17 Interrupt Stop under Windows ..........................

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How to Use This Guide This manual is designed to help you use the 24H/48H/96H series products. It describes how to modify and control various functions on the cards to meet your requirements. It is divided into five chapters: l Chapter 1, Introd uction, gives an overview of the product features. applications, and specifications. l Chapter 2, Installation , describes how to install the 24H/48H/96H series products. The layout of are shown, the jumper settings, the connectors specificat

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1 Introduction The PCIDIO 24H/48H/96H series products are general purpose digital I/O cards. This series includes three cards: l PCIDIO 24H: 24-CH DIO card l PCIDIO 48H: 48-CH DIO card l PCIDIO 96H: 96-CH DIO card The 48H series products are multi -fu nction digital I/O boards used for industrial PC with a PCI bus. The cards are plug-and-play, therefore it is not necessary to set any jumpers for configuration of I/O address or interrupt resources. PCIDIO 48H and PCIDIO 96H are 4

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PCIDIO 24H/48H/96H are equipped with 1,2, and 4 50-pin male ribbon connectors respectively. 1.1 Features The 24H/48H/96H series products provide the following advanced features: 1.1.1 Digital I/O Ports l 24/ 48/96 TTL/DTL compatible digital I/O lines l Emulates industry standard mode 0 of 8255 PPI l Buffered circuits for higher driving l Direct interface with OPTO-22 compatible I/O module l Output status read-back 1.1.2 Timer/Counter and Interrupt System l A 32 bits timer to generat

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1.3 Specifications I/O channels 24-bit for PCIDIO 24H 48-bit for PCIDIO 48H 96-bit for PCIDIO 96H Digital Input Signal Logic High Voltage:2.0 V to 5.25V Logic Low Voltage: 0.0 V to 0.80V Logic High Current: 20.0 uA Logic Low Current: -0.2 mA Digital Output Signal Logic High Voltage: Minimum 2.4 V Logic Low Voltage: Maximum 0.5V Logic High Current: -15.0 mA Logic Low Current: 24.0 mA Operating Temperature 0 °C ~ 60°C Storage Temperature -20 C ~ 80 C ° ° Humidity 5% ~ 95% non-cond

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1.4 Software Support CyberResearch provides versatile software drivers and packages for users’ different approach to built-up a system. We not only provide programming library such as DLL for many Windows systems, but also provide drivers for ® TM TM many software package such as LabVIEW , HP VEE , DASYLab , TM and InTouch . All the software options are included with the software CD. Some software drivers are protected with a serial licensed code. Without the software serial number, you

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® 1.4.2 PCI LV: LabVIEW Driver PCI LV contains the VIs, which are used to interface with NI’s ® LabVIEW software package. The PCI LV supports Windows ® 95/98/NT/2000. The LabVIEW drivers are free and shipped with the board. You can install and use them without license. For detail information about PCI LV, please refer to the user’s guide on the CD. (\\Manuals\PCI LV 1-2.pdf) 1.4.3 PCI VEE: HP -VEE Driver The PCI VEE includes the user objects, which are used to interface with HP VEE

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6 · Introduction

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2 Installation This chapter describes how to install the 24H/48H/96H series products. At first, the contents in the package and unpacking information that you should be careful of are described. l Check what you have (section 2.1) l Unpacking (section 2.2) l Check the PCB (section 2.3) l Hardware installation (section 2.4) l Device Installation for Windows System (section 2.5) l Connector pin assignment (section 2.6) l Jumpers setup (section 2.7) l Termination boards connection (s

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2.2 Unpacking Your card contains sensitive electronic components that can be easily damaged by static electricity. The card should be put on a grounded anti -static mat. The operator should wear an anti -static wristband, grounded at the same point as the anti -static mat. Inspect the card module carton for obvious damage. Shipping and handling may cause damage to your module. Be sure there is no shipping and handling damage on the module before processing. After opening the card mod

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2.3 PCB Layout 2.3.1 PCIDIO 48H/24H PCB Layout Figure 2.3.1 PCIDIO 48H/24H PCB Layout Installation 9 ·

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2.3.2 PCIDIO 96H PCB Layout PCI Controller CN1 CN2 CN3 CN4 Figure 2.3.2 PCIDIO 96H PCB Layout 10 · Installation

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2.4 Hardware Installation PCI configuration The PCI cards are equipped with a plug and play PCI controller, it can request base addresses and interrupts in accordance with the PCI standard. The system BIOS will install the system resource based on the PCI cards’ configuration registers and system parameters (which are set by system BIOS). Interrupt assignment and memory usage (I/O port locations) of the PCI cards can be assigned by system BIOS only. These system resource assignments

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2.5 Device Installation for Windows Systems Once Windows 95/98/2000/XP has started, the Plug and Play function of Windows system will find the new PCIDAQ cards. If this is the first time you're installing a PCIDAQ card in your Windows system , you will be prompted to input the device information source. Please refer to the “Software Installation Guide” for the steps of installing the device. 12 · Installation

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