Instruction d'utilisation Quantum LTO-2

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Quantum LTO-2

Dispositif: Quantum LTO-2
Catégorie: Lecteur
Fabricant: Quantum
Dimension: 0.84 MB
Date d'addition: 6/12/2014
Nombre des pages: 94
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Quantum LTO-2 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Quantum LTO-2 Half-Height Tape Drive, P/N 50002763, B01, July 2005 Made in USA. Quantum Corporation provides this publication “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Quantum Corporation may revise this publication from time to time without notice. COPYRIGHT STATEMENT Copyright 2005 by Quantum Corporation. All rights reserved. Your right to copy this manual is l

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Contents Preface xi Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Features ............................................................................................................... 2 Chapter 2 Installation and Quick Start 3 Quick Start Guide .............................................................................................. 4 Internal LTO-2 Half-Height Tape Drive Quick Start ............................ 4 Desktop LTO-2 Half-Height Tape Drive Quick Start............................ 5 Unpacking and

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Contents Connecting a Serial Cable for Tape Libraries........................................14 Connecting a Power Cable.......................................................................15 Installing the LTO Driver.........................................................................15 Registering Your Tape Drive...................................................................15 Installing a Desktop LTO-2 Half-Height Tape Drive..................................16 Setting the SCSI ID...

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Contents Chapter 5 Specifications 35 Physical Specifications .................................................................................... 36 Power Specifications........................................................................................ 38 Drive Performance Specifications.................................................................. 39 Environmental Requirements ........................................................................ 41 Injected Noise ...................

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Contents Finding Existing SCSI Controllers and Devices ...................................58 Using the LTO-2 Half-Height Tape Drive .............................................59 Configuring for SGI Irix ..................................................................................60 Finding Current SCSI Controllers and Targets.....................................60 Modifying the IRIX Configuration File..................................................60 Configuring for HP-UX 11.0 .........

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Figures Figure 1 Drive Covered in this User’s Guide (Typical).......................... 1 Figure 2 Internal LTO-2 Half-Height Tape Drive Jumper Settings ...... 9 Figure 3 Acceptable Mounting Orientation ........................................... 11 Figure 4 Internal LTO-2 Half-Height Tape Drive Mounting Dimensions.................................................................................. 12 Figure 5 Rear View of the Internal LTO-2 Half-Height Tape Drive .. 13 Figure 6 Two SCSI Terminati

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Figures viii LTO-2 Half-Height Tape Drive User’s Guide

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Tables Table 1 SCSI IDs and Jumper Settings for LTO-2 Half-Height in Drive ........................................................................................ 10 Table 2 Serial Interface Connector Pin Assignments .......................... 15 Table 3 LTO-2 Tape Drive Blink Codes ................................................ 21 Table 4 Physical Specifications............................................................... 36 Table 5 Voltage and Current ....................................

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Tables x LTO-2 Half-Height Tape Drive User’s Guide

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

Preface Audience This document was written for operators of the Quantum LTO-2 Half- Height Tape Drive. Purpose This document provides information about the Quantum LTO-2 Half- Height Tape Drive including: • Installing the drive • Basic drive operations • Maintenance • Specifications • Troubleshooting Document This document is organized as follows: Organization 0 • Chapter 1, Introduction, provides an overview of LTO and Ultrium technologies, and summarizes the drive’s key features. LTO-2 Half-H

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Preface • Chapter 2, Installation and Quick Start describes handling precautions, unpacking tips, and installation instructions for the internal and desktop drives, as well as a summary of cabling and connector specifications. It also provides quick-start instructions for getting the drives up and running in the shortest possible time. • Chapter 3, Operation explains the use and operation of the drive and describes maintenance procedures. • Chapter 4, Theory describes the theory of operatio

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

Preface Related Documents related to the LTO-2 Half-Height Tape Drive are shown Documents below: SCSI-2 Specification 0 The SCSI-2 communications specification is the proposed American National Standard for information systems, dated March 9, 1990. Copies may be obtained from: Global Engineering Documents 15 Inverness Way, East Englewood, CO 80112 (800) 854-7179 or (303) 397-2740 Contacts Quantum company contacts are listed below. Quantum Corporate Headquarters 0 To order documentation on the

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Preface Customer Support 0 The Quantum Customer Support Department provides a 24-hour help desk that can be reached at: North/South America: (949) 725-2100 or (800) 284-5101 Asia/Pacific Rim: (International Code) + 61 7 3839 0988 Europe/Middle East/Africa: (International Code) + 44 (0) 1256 848748 Send faxes for the Customer Support Department to: North/South America: (949) 725-2176 Asia/Pacific Rim: (International Code) + 61 7 3839 0955 Europe/Middle East/Africa: (International Code) + 44 (0)

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

Chapter 1 1Introduction The LTO-2 Half-Height Tape Drive is a high-performance 8-channel tape drive that complies with the LTO interchange specifications. It is suited for mid-range to high-end servers, mainframe systems, and tape library automation systems. The LTO-2 Half-Height Tape Drive uses Ultrium data cartridges. Its capacity is maximized using intelligent data compression. The drive has a native capacity of 200 Gbytes (400 Gbytes assuming 2:1 data compression). The LTO-2 Half-Heig

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Chapter 1 Introduction Features Features 1 The following list summarizes the key features of the LTO-2 Half-Height Tape Drives. • Performance - Up to 26 Mbytes-per-second native transfer. • 13-Speed Transfer matches tape drive speed to that of the host and optimizes data transfers, resulting in shorter backup times and increased reliability. • Two convenient form-factors: • 5¼-inch internal form-factor for installation in a 5¼-inch half- height space. • External desktop form-factor. • Intell

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Chapter 2 2Installation and Quick Start This chapter explains how to install the internal and desktop LTO-2 Half-Height Tape Drives. Topics covered in this chapter are: • Quick Start Guide • Unpacking and Inspection • Internal Tape Drive Guidelines and Cautions • Installing an Internal LTO-2 Half-Height Tape Drive • Installing a Desktop LTO-2 Half-Height Tape Drive LTO-2 Half-Height Tape Drive User’s Guide 3

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Chapter 2 Installation and Quick Start Quick Start Guide Quick Start Guide 2 Use the following quick-start instructions to get your tape drive up and running as quickly as possible. Internal LTO-2 Use the following procedure to install internal LTO-2 Half-Height Tape Half-Height Tape Drive. Print this page and check each step as you complete it. If you need Drive Quick Start 2 more information about a step, turn to the section referenced in the step. 1 Unpack the contents of your drive pack

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Chapter 2 Installation and Quick Start Quick Start Guide Desktop LTO-2 Use the following procedure to install desktop LTO-2 Half-Height Tape Half-Height Tape Drive. Print this page and check each step as you complete it. If you need Drive Quick Start 2 more information about a step, turn to the section referenced in the step. 1 Unpack the contents of your drive package, and check for damaged items. See Unpacking and Inspection. 2 Review the drive’s default settings and change them if necess

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Chapter 2 Installation and Quick Start Unpacking and Inspection Unpacking and Inspection 2 Although drives are inspected and carefully packaged at the factory, damage may occur during shipping. Follow these steps to unpack the drive. 1 Visually inspect the shipping containers and notify your carrier immediately of any damage. 2 Place shipping containers on a flat, clean, stable surface; then carefully remove the contents. If the equipment is damaged, notify your Quantum representative. 3 A

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