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User Guide
IronKey Personal
Secure Flash Drive
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Thank you for your interest in IronKey. IronKey is committed to creating and developing the best security technologies and making them simple-to-use, affordable, and available to every- one. Years of research and millions of dollars of development have gone into bringing this tech- nology to you in the IronKey. For a quick product overview, you can also view our online demos at https://www.ironkey.com/demo. We are very open to user feedback and would greatly appreciate hearing about your
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CONTENTS What is it? 3 Meet the IronKey 3 Core Features 3 Device Diagrams 5 Technical & Security Notes 6 IronKey Device Security 6 IronKey Services Security 7 How Does it Work? 9 Product Walkthrough 9 Initializing and Activating Your IronKey on Windows 9 Using the IronKey Unlocker on Windows 11 Initializing Your IronKey on a Mac 12 Using the IronKey Unlocker on a Mac 13 Initializing Your IronKey on Linux 13 Using the
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What is it? Meet the IronKey The IronKey Personal Secure Flash Drive, designed to be the world’s most secure USB flash drive, protects your data, passwords, and Internet privacy with some of today’s most advanced security technologies. Even if your IronKey is lost or stolen, your data remains protected and can even be restored to a new IronKey from an encrypted backup. While the underlying security technologies are complex, the IronKey is simple to use and you only need to remember a pas
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Portable Cross-Platform Data Access The IronKey Unlocker allows you to access your encrypted files on Win- dows 000, XP, Vista, Mac OS X and numerous distributions of Linux. Simple Device Management Your IronKey includes the IronKey Control Panel, a central launchpad for launching your applications, editing your preferences, and safely locking your IronKey. Secure Data Recovery Securely back up the data on your IronKey using IronKey’s Secure Backup software. It allows you to recover your
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Device Diagrams The IronKey has been designed from the ground up with security in mind. A combination of advanced security technologies are used to ensure maximum protection of your data. Additionally, the IronKey has been designed to be physically secure, to prevent hardware-level attacks and tampering, as well as to make the device rugged and long-lasting. You can rest assured that your data is secured when you carry an IronKey. Rugged metal case filled solid with epoxy Metal Cap Multi
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Technical & Security Notes We are endeavoring to be very open about the security architecture and technology that we use in designing and building the IronKey devices and online services. There is no hocus-pocus or handwaving here. We use established cryptographic algorithms, we develop threat models, and we perform security analyses (internal and third party) of our systems all the way through design, development and deployment. Your IronKey is FIPS 140-2 Level 2 validated (Certificate #
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Password Manager Protection The IronKey Password Manager and my.ironkey.com work together, giving you the ability to back up your online passwords to your Online Security Vault at my.ironkey.com. First, you must unlock your IronKey device, which requires two-factor authentication. Your passwords are securely stored in a hidden hardware-encrypted area inside the device (not in the file sys- tem), being first locally encrypted with 256-bit AES, using randomly gener- ated keys encrypted with a
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Secure Sessions: Making Tor Faster and More Secure IronKey maintains a secure, private Tor network with its own, high-perfor- mance servers (separate from the public Tor network). This improves the overall security in at least two ways: Since IronKey controls the “exit-node” in your encrypted Tor circuit, we can ensure that no one is injecting unwanted or malicious content into your online communications, such as advertisements or spyware. You are not assured this level of security with oth
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How does it work? Product Walkthrough Your IronKey Personal Secure Flash Drive consists of the following components: » IronKey Unlocker (Windows, Mac and Linux) » IronKey Control Panel (Windows only) » IronKey Virtual Keyboard (Windows only) » Mozilla Firefox & IronKey’s Secure Sessions Service (Windows only) » IronKey Password Manager (Windows XP & Vista only) » IronKey Secure Backup (Windows only) » my.ironkey.com (Windows only) Standard Usage Requires: » Windows 2000 (SP4), XP (SP2), Vista,
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3 Create Since you can have multiple IronKeys associated with a device one IronKey account, the nickname helps you distin- password guish between different IronKey devices. and a nickname Your password is case-sensitive and must be at least 4 for your characters in length. The threat of brute-force pass- IronKey. word attacks is removed by the IronKey’s self-destruct feature. 4 Back up your password to your You have the option to back up your password online online IronKey account to your
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USINg THE IRONKEY UNLOCKER ON WINDOWS The IronKey Unlocker allows you to securely access your files on multiple operating systems. It prompts you for your password, securely validates it, and then mounts your secure volume where all of your files are stored on the IronKey. Here is how to unlock your IronKey on Windows 2000 (SP4), XP (SP2), and Vista: Step Description Plug in your IronKey and unlock When you plug your IronKey in, the “Unlock Your Iron- it with your password. Key” window appe
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INITIALIzINg YOUR IRONKEY ON A MAC If you prefer to use a Mac, you can choose to initialize your IronKey on a Mac OS X computer: Step Description Plug the IronKey into your Your IronKey will run on Mac OS X (10.4 or 10.5), computer’s USB port. PowerPC or Intel computers. It can also be setup and used on Windows and Linux. To use the full speed of the IronKey, plug it into a USB .0 por t. Launch the IronKey Unlocker. The IronKey has a virtual CD-ROM. The “Initialize Your IronKey” You
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USINg THE IRONKEY UNLOCKER ON A MAC The IronKey Unlocker for Mac will allow you to access your files and change your device pass- word on a Mac. You can use the other IronKey applications and services on a Windows com- puter. Step Description Plug in your IronKey and unlock When you plug in your IronKey, go to “IronKey:Mac: it with your password. IronKey Unlocker” and double-click on the IronKey icon. Entering your password correctly (which is verified in hardware) will mount your secure v
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3 Create a device password and a Since you can have multiple IronKeys, the nickname nickname for your IronKey. helps you distinguish between different IronKey de- vices. Your password is case-sensitive and must be at least 4 characters long . The threat of brute-force password attacks is removed by the IronKey’s self-destruct fea- ture. 4 Agree to the license agreement IronKey’s End-User License Agreement will appear. This can also be found online at: https://www.ironkey.com/terms 5 The Ir
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Note that simply unmounting the device will not automatically lock the secure volume. To lock the device you will have to either unmount and physically remove (unplug) it, or else run: ironkey --lock Please note the following important details for using your IronKey on Linux: 1. Kernel Version must be 2.6 or higher If you compile your own kernel, you must include the following in it: » DeviceDrivers->SCSIDeviceSupport-><*>SCSICDROMSupport » DeviceDrivers-><*> Support for Host-side
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USINg THE IRONKEY CONTROL PANEL (WIndo Ws onL y) The IronKey Control Panel is a central location for: » Launching secure applications » Securely logging into my.ironkey.com » Configuring your IronKey settings » Updating your device » Changing your IronKey password » Editing Password Manager data » Safely locking your device » Getting online help Most of the Control Panel’s options are located in the “Settings” menu. Step Description Creating, editing, deleting secure When you click on “Secur
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3 Configuring device settings The Settings menu allows you to configure preferences to your liking, such as: » Enabling/Disabling the Password Manager » Enabling/Disabling the Secure Sessions » Configuring Password Manager options » Select which web browser your IronKey should use » Enabling an automatic check for device updates on a weekly basis As well as some important drive maintenance features: » Reformatting your secure volume » Restoring your IronKey applications if they are
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Adding, renaming, and removing To manage the items in the Application List of the applications to the Applications IronKey Control Panel, simply right-click anywhere in List Application List. A menu will appear allowing you to: . Browse to a new application to add it to the list . Rename existing applications in the list 3. Delete an application from the list 4. Modify the way the list is presented Please note that: » Items in the list are shortcuts to actual files. Mana
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Step Description Click the IronKey Virtual Key- board icon. The IronKey Virtual Keyboard will appear. Alternatively, you can press CTRL + ALT + V Click on the keys to type out Note that you can use the IronKey Virtual Keyboard your password. Click on ‘Enter’ in conjunction with the actual keyboard if you wish, so when you are finished. that some characters are typed and some are clicked. 3 You can optionally click the Notice that when you click on a key in the Virtual Key- “Randomize”