Instruction d'utilisation FieldServer Profibus DP FS-8700-20

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif FieldServer Profibus DP FS-8700-20

Dispositif: FieldServer Profibus DP FS-8700-20
Catégorie: Lecteur
Fabricant: FieldServer
Dimension: 0.48 MB
Date d'addition: 10/27/2013
Nombre des pages: 22
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FieldServer Profibus DP FS-8700-20 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1


A Sierra Monitor Company

Driver Manual
(Supplement to the FieldServer Instruction Manual)

FS-8700-20 Profibus DP

Effective for all systems manufactured after May 1, 2001
Driver Version: 1.02
Document Revision: 4

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

FS-8700-20 Profibus DP Driver Manual Table of Contents Table of Contents 1. Profibus DP Description...................................................................................................3 2. Driver Scope of Supply.....................................................................................................4 2.1. Supplied by FieldServer Technologies for this driver....................................................4 rd 2.2. Provided by the Supplier of 3 Party Equipm

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

FS-8700-20 Profibus DP Driver Manual Page 3 of 22 1. Profibus DP Description The Profibus DP driver allows the FieldServer to transfer data to and from devices using Profibus DP protocol. The Communications Adapter card is included with the FieldServer. The FieldServer can function as either a Master or a Slave on the Profibus Network. When acting as a DP Master, the FieldServer requires a Profibus master configuration file in addition to its own configuration file. The Profibus

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FS-8700-20 Profibus DP Driver Manual Page 4 of 22 2. Driver Scope of Supply 2.1. Supplied by FieldServer Technologies for this driver FieldServer Technologies Description PART # SST 5136-PFB-ISA Profibus ISA card SST CD “For Profibus Interface Cards” Profibus connector without terminating resistor FS-8700-20 Driver Manual. rd 2.2. Provided by the Supplier of 3 Party Equipment 2.2.1. Hardware PART # DESCRIPTION Profibus DP Network Components PC for configuration tool Pr

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FS-8700-20 Profibus DP Driver Manual Page 5 of 22 3. Hardware Connections The FieldServer is equipped with a SST 5136-PFB-ISA interface card, which has a standard Profibus DB-9 interface available for connection to the Profibus network. If the FieldServer is located at an end of the network, termination will be required. For more information on Profibus cables and connections, please refer to the documentation provided on the SST CD. WARNING: Improper cabling can cause physical

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FS-8700-20 Profibus DP Driver Manual Page 6 of 22 3.3. Profibus Master Configuration If using the FieldServer as a Profibus master, provide a configuration file to fully describe the network connected to the FieldServer. The Profibus driver will accept a 2BF file or a BSS file. The 2BF file is created using COM PROFIBUS from Siemens. The BSS file is created using the SST Profibus Configuration tool. These files can be loaded onto the FieldServer using the FieldServer RUI utiliti

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FS-8700-20 Profibus DP Driver Manual Page 7 of 22 4. Configuring the FieldServer as a Profibus DP Master The sections below describe the parameters available for configuring the driver as a Client. Note that * indicates an optional parameter, with the bold legal value being the default. 4.1. General Section Title FieldServer Column Title Function Legal Values Provide a title for the Up to 15 alphanumeric Title configuration file (displays on characters RUI editor) Profibus DP

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FS-8700-20 Profibus DP Driver Manual Page 8 of 22 4.3. Client Side Connection Descriptions The adapter used for the Profibus driver must be declared in the connections section. Section Title Connections Column Title Function Legal Values Adapter Adapter Name Prof_DP Protocol Specify protocol used Profibus_DP Example // Client Side Connections Connections Adapter, Protocol Prof_DP, Profibus_DP 4.4. Client Side Node Descriptors For each Profibus slave that the

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FS-8700-20 Profibus DP Driver Manual Page 9 of 22 4.5. Client Side Map Descriptors Map Descriptors control when and how data is transferred to or from the Profibus slaves. Column Title Function Legal Values Map_Descriptor_Name Name of this Map Descriptor Up to 32 alphanumeric characters Name of Data Array where data is to be stored One of the Data Array names from “Data Array” Data_Array_Name in the FieldServer section above Data_Array_Offset Starting location in Data Array 0

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FS-8700-20 Profibus DP Driver Manual Page 10 of 22 4.6. Creating the Network Configuration File for the Master The output of this procedure is a bridge.bss file that has to be downloaded to the FieldServer. 1) Start the SST Profibus Network Configuration Tool and drag the 5136-PFB-ISA MASTER [Rev 1.3] Master device into the right-hand window pane. 2) Set the Station to be the same as defined under System_Station_Address in the config.csv file. Click OK to close the Master

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FS-8700-20 Profibus DP Driver Manual Page 11 of 22 4) Set the Baud Rate to a value supported by the Slaves and your cabling media. Choose a highest Station on the network if you wish to enhance performance, which will prevent the Master from scanning non-existant Stations. Click OK to complete the network configuration. 5) Drag your Slave devices onto the right window pane and configure them as per manufacturer’s instructions. Choose a unique Station ID for each Slave. There

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FS-8700-20 Profibus DP Driver Manual Page 12 of 22 6) Right-click on the PFB_ISA_MASTER Icon and select Export Binary and create a file called bridge.bss. Download this file to your FieldServer using Ruinet and restart the FieldServer. FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-9042 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email:

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FS-8700-20 Profibus DP Driver Manual Page 13 of 22 5. Configuring the FieldServer as a Profibus DP Slave Only The sections below describe the parameters available for configuring the driver as a Server. Note that * indicates an optional parameter, with the bold legal value being the default. 5.1. General Section Title FieldServer Column Title Function Legal Values Provide a title for the Up to 15 alphanumeric Title configuration file (displays on characters RUI editor) Profib

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

FS-8700-20 Profibus DP Driver Manual Page 14 of 22 5.3. Server Side Connection Descriptions The adapter used for the Profibus driver must be declared in the connections section. Section Title Connections Column Title Function Legal Values Adapter Adapter Name Prof_DP Protocol Specify protocol used Profibus_DP 9600, 19200, 93.75K, 187.5K, Profibus_DP_Baud Specifies network baudrate 500K, 750K, 1.5M, 3M, 6M, 12M Example // Client Side Connections Connections

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FS-8700-20 Profibus DP Driver Manual Page 15 of 22 5.5. Server Side Map Descriptors Map Descriptors control when and how data is transferred to or from the card buffers for an external Profibus Master to access. Column Title Function Legal Values Map_Descriptor_Name Name of this Map Descriptor Up to 32 alphanumeric characters Name of Data Array where data is to be stored in One of the Data Array names from “Data Array” Data_Array_Name the FieldServer section above 0 to maximum spe

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FS-8700-20 Profibus DP Driver Manual Page 16 of 22 Appendix A. Special Driver Parameters Appendix A.1. DP_Buffer Within the Profibus DP card, the FieldServer can access data from two distinct buffers. The Input buffer is the data that is sent from the slave to master. The Output buffer is the data sent from the master to the slave. Each Map Descriptor specifies which one of these buffers to access in the card. DP_Buffer Description Input Data to the master from a slave Output D

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FS-8700-20 Profibus DP Driver Manual Page 17 of 22 Appendix B. Driver Notes Appendix B.1. Understanding buffer types and Map Descriptor functions The following DP_Buffer types and Map Descriptor functions are normally used together when the FieldServer is used as a DP Master: DP Master: DP_Buffer Function Output WRBC Input RDBC The Buffer functions are reversed when using the FieldServer as a DP Slave: DP Slave: DP_Buffer Function Output RDBC Input WRBC The diagram b

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

FS-8700-20 Profibus DP Driver Manual Page 18 of 22 FieldServer Data Array Data Array DP_Buffer = DP_Buffer = Output Input RDBC Mapdesc WRBC Mapdesc * * External DP Slave 01 SST 5136 – PFB - ISA Profibus Network Card output buffer Card input buffer 0 1 243 0 243 …. 1 …. Card output buffer Card input buffer 243 0 1 0 1 243 …. …. DP Master . . External DP Slave 126 Card output buffer 0 1 243 …. Card input buffer 0 1 Note: The Node ID determines to

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FS-8700-20 Profibus DP Driver Manual Page 19 of 22 Appendix C. Troubleshooting Appendix C.1. FieldServer as a Profibus slave If no communications is being experienced between a Profibus Master and a FieldServer Profibus Slave, check for the following most common issues: • The baud rate for this driver must be specified in the Connections section of the configuration. • Baud rate must match the baud rate being used on the network. • The Node_ID must match the System_Station_Addr

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

FS-8700-20 Profibus DP Driver Manual Page 20 of 22 Hence, an Input buffer in the slave will write data to the master, and data will be received from the master in the output buffer. o Remember that as a slave, the FieldServer will have to write data into the input buffer (function=wrbc), and read data from the output buffer (function=rdbc). • The Profibus card may be faulty. • If this is the case, then there will be an error message in the FieldServer RUI error screen indicating th

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