Instruction d'utilisation Epson PSB.2003.04.003

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Epson PSB.2003.04.003

Dispositif: Epson PSB.2003.04.003
Catégorie: Lecteur
Fabricant: Epson
Dimension: 0.13 MB
Date d'addition: 6/13/2013
Nombre des pages: 7
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Epson PSB.2003.04.003 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Date: 04/01/2003 Originator: TC
PSB #: PSB.2003.04.003 Authorization:

Reference: N/A Total Pages: 2
Product(s): All EPSON Scanners
Windows™ and Macintosh® Operating System requirements for USB 1.1/2.0
and IEEE-1394/FireWire® Interface connectivity

This bulletin was created to inform customers of EPSON America’s support policy regarding
Windows™ and Macintosh® operating system requirements for USB 1.1/2.0 and IEEE-
1394/FireWire® interface c

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Windows 2000 did not support the USB 2.0 hardware specification at the time it was first released. Refer to Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 319973 Universal Serial Bus 2.0 Support in Windows 2000 for more information. Important Notes: 1.) Operating system must not be an upgrade from Windows 95. 2.) For Windows 2000 or XP you must be logged in as an administrator or as a user with administrator rights before you can install and use EPSON software. 3.) USB hubs must be self-powered a

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

EPSON PRODUCT SUPPORT BULLETIN Date: 3/4/2002 Originator: JD PSB #: PSB.2002.03.001 Authorization: Reference: TE01-320 Rev. A Total Pages: 2 Product(s): Perfection 610, 636, 640, 1200, 1240, 1250, 1640, 1650, 2450 & Expression 636, 800, 836XL, 1600, 1640XL, 1680 Series Scanners; StylusScan 2000, 2500 Subject: Compatibility Chart for Macintosh OS X Classic This bulletin provides information on compatibility for EPSON scanners and Stylus Scan series products running in Macintosh OS X Classic. Ma

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Twain Driver Installation: 1. Start your computer in 9.2.1. 2. Install the Twain driver. 3. Connect and power on the scanner. 4. Restart your computer in OS 10.1 5. Start Classic 6. Launch your scanning application Page 2 of 2

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

P S B EPSON RODUCT UPPORT ULLETIN Date: 10/02/2001 PSB No.: PSB.2001.10.002 Reference: N/A Originator: JD Authorization: Affected Product(s): Presto PageManager for Epson Scanners Subject: Links to PageManager Patches This bulletin provides information and links to patches for Newsoft’s Presto PageManager software that is included with several of Epson scanner products. The links provide instant access to the patch files on Newsoft’s web site. You can also access the patche

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

EPSON PRODUCT SUPPORT BULLETIN Date: 9/07/2001 PSB No.: 2001.08.002 Reference: TE01-045 Rev. B Originator: TC & JD Authorization: Affected Product(s): EPSON Imaging Products (Scanners, Digital Cameras, and Stylus Scan Devices) Subject: Compatibility Chart for Macintosh OS X Classic This bulletin provides information on compatibility for EPSON Scanners, Digital Cameras, and Stylus Scan Series devices running in Macintosh OS X Classic mode. Mac OS X provides the Classic envir

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

** Stylus Scan Notes: 1. You must install the Stylus Scan drivers in a true 9.1 environment. Do not install in OS X Classic, the installation will hang. From the Printing and Scanning Software CD, open the Epson Stylus Scan 2xxx folder and click on the icon to install the drivers. When prompted, restart the computer. Make sure the startup disk is set to OS X before restarting. Start Classic and install Smart Panel. 2. You must install Smart Panel from its own folder. From the Software CD

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