Instruction d'utilisation FieldServer FS-8700-64

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif FieldServer FS-8700-64

Dispositif: FieldServer FS-8700-64
Catégorie: Lecteur
Fabricant: FieldServer
Dimension: 0.24 MB
Date d'addition: 6/13/2013
Nombre des pages: 22
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FieldServer FS-8700-64 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

A Sierra Monitor Company

Driver Manual
(Supplement to the FieldServer Instruction Manual)

FS-8700-64 ATMI ACM

Effective for all systems manufactured after May 1, 2001

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

FS-8700-64 ATMI ACM Table of Contents Table of Contents 1. ATMI ACM DESCRIPTION...................................................................................................................2 2. DRIVER SCOPE OF SUPPLY..............................................................................................................2 2.1 SUPPLIED BY FIELDSERVER FOR THIS DRIVER ...................................................................................2 2.2 PROVIDED BY USER

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FS-8700-64 ATMI ACM Page 2 of 22 1. ATMI ACM Description The ATMI ACM driver allows the FieldServer to transfer data to and from devices over either RS-232 or RS-485 using ATMI ACM protocol. There are eight RS-232 and two RS-485 ports standard on the FieldServer. The FieldServer can emulate a passive client. ( A passive client is one that that consumes messages produced by an remote device.) 2. Driver Scope of Supply 2.1 Supplied by FieldServer for this driver FieldSe

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FS-8700-64 ATMI ACM Page 3 of 22 3. Hardware Connections The FieldServer is connected to the ATMI ACM Panel as shown below. Configure the ATMI ACM Panel according to manufacturer’s instructions ATMI ACM PANEL COM 2 8917-02 RJ45 CAT 5 Cable Connect to RS232 port P1-P8 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 R1 R2 N1 N2 RS485 10 Base T RS232 ETHERNET P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 R1 R2 Net 1 Net 2 Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Tx Rx Con Tx Rx Con FieldServer 8917-02 WIRE L

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FS-8700-64 ATMI ACM Page 4 of 22 4. Configuring the FieldServer as a ATMI ACM Client The ATMI ACM driver is a passive client driver. This means that it processes unsolicited incoming data. It cannot poll for data. For a detailed discussion on FieldServer configuration, please refer to the instruction manual for the FieldServer. The information that follows describes how to expand upon the factory defaults provided in the configuration files included with the FieldServer (See “.c

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FS-8700-64 ATMI ACM Page 5 of 22 Example // Data Arrays // Data_Arrays Data_Array_Name, Data_Format, Data_Array_Length DA_AI_01, UInt16, 200 DA_AO_01, UInt16, 200 DA_DI_01, Bit, 200 DA_DO_01, Bit, 200 4.2 Client Side Connections Section Title Connections Column Title Function Legal Values Port Specify which port the device is P1-P8, R1-R2 connected to the FieldServer Baud* Specify baud rate 110 –

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FS-8700-64 ATMI ACM Page 6 of 22 Example The following FieldServer settings are suitable for default ACM settings. // Client Side Connections Connections Port, Baud, Parity, Protocol, Handshaking, Poll_Delay P8, 9600, None, ATMI , None, 0.100s 4.3 Client Side Nodes Section Title Nodes Column Title Function Legal Values Node_Name Provide name for node Up to 32 alphanumeric characters Node_ID ACM units do not have a node ID contained in the serial da

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FS-8700-64 ATMI ACM Page 7 of 22 4.4.2 Driver Specific Map Descriptor Parameters Column Title Function Legal Values Node_Name Name of Node to fetch data One of the node names from specified in “Client Node Descriptor” above Data_Array_Offset Position in the data array to 0, 1 , 2 , 3 which data should start being written. Length Length of Map Descriptor. The 1 – 1280 length is required to help the driver validate the CSV file. Set the length to a multiple of 16. The multi

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FS-8700-64 ATMI ACM Page 8 of 22 4.4.4 Map Descriptor Example 1- Gas Values, Alarms & Warnings for all slots/ports. This example illustrates the map descriptors required to complete store ACM data for 80 areas. Each map descriptor tells the ATMI ACM driver where to store each component of ACM data. The gas number & area number determine the position in the array. Read section 6.1 for more information Map_blocks Map_block_Name, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, node_n

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FS-8700-64 ATMI ACM Page 9 of 22 4.4.5 Map Descriptor Example2 – Gas values for the current (most recent) port sample. This example illustrates a map descriptors used to store the data from the most recent port sample. The map descriptor stores the following information :- 1. Port Number 2. Up to 16 gas values (The gas name is not provided) The position in the array is based on the Gas Number. For example. A port may sample two gasses. The first is Gas #4 and the second may be

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FS-8700-64 ATMI ACM Page 10 of 22 4.4.6 Map Descriptor Example3 – Storing Malfunction Data This example illustrates a map descriptor used to store malfunction data reported by the ACM unit. When a malfunction is cleared then 100 st nd elements of the array are set to zero. When a Malfunction is present the 1 element contains the malfunction’s major type, the 2 element contains the minor type and element x (x=major*10+minor) is set to a value of 1. Additional information is provi

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FS-8700-64 ATMI ACM Page 11 of 22 4.4.7 Map Descriptor Example4 – Gas values for the current (most recent) slot sample. This example illustrates a map descriptors used to store the data from the most recent slot sample. The map descriptor stores the following information :- 5. Slot Number 6. Up to 16 gas values (The gas name is not provided) The position in the array is based on the Gas Number. For example. A slot may sample two gasses. The first is Gas #4 and the second may b

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FS-8700-64 ATMI ACM Page 12 of 22 5. Configuring the FieldServer as a ATMI ACM Server The ATMI ACM driver cannot be used as a server. 6. Driver Notes 6.1 Data position in the Data Arrays To understand how the driver stores data for the current port, read the notes provided with map- descriptor example 2 as the following notes do not apply. To understand how the driver stores data for malfunctions, read the notes provided with map- descriptor example 3 as the following notes

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FS-8700-64 ATMI ACM Page 13 of 22 6.2 Driver Stats The ATMI ACM Driver counts all incoming bytes as the ‘PLC Byte Received’ statistic. This can be viewed on the connection detail and overview screen. Typically this count will increase by approx 2500 bytes per full screen of area data. IN addition the driver reports one count of ‘PLC READ MSG RECD’ statistic for each map descriptor used to store information from a complete message. Typically this count will increase by 5 i

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FS-8700-64 ATMI ACM Page 14 of 22 The driver stores the following data. Array Contents Element (offset dependent on port number) 0 Not Used 1 ATMI_STAT_SCAN1 FieldServer Tech Support diagnostic. 2 FieldServer Tech Support diagnostic. Screen decoding abandoned because the area number was unintelligible (> ATMI_STAT_DECODE1 80) 3 Driver has found an end-of-screen ATMI_STAT_FINIS identifier. 4 FieldServer Tech Support diagnostic. The line number was unintelligible ( >

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FS-8700-64 ATMI ACM Page 15 of 22 17 When processing the most recent message, no map descriptors were found to tell the driver how to store the ATMI_STAT_STORE_NO_MAP incoming data. 18 Increment’s once for each time data is stored. Ie will increase by 5 for one screen full of data stored using 5 map ATMI_STAT_STORE descriptors. 19 Will increase by one for each screen full of data processed in which at least one ATMI_STAT_STORE_NONZERO gas value was non-zero. 20 Count of th

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FS-8700-64 ATMI ACM Page 16 of 22 ATMI:#3 Error. Incoming data on port=%d is being abandoned. MapDesc rqd. No map descriptors were found on the indicated port with which the driver could store the incoming data. Change the CSV file and reset the FieldServer. This message is only printed once even if the error occurs more than once. ATMI:#6 FYI. The mapDesc called <%s> is too short. Edit the CSV file. Increase the length of the map desc and reset the FieldServer. ATMI:#5 FYI.

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FS-8700-64 ATMI ACM Page 17 of 22 6.5 Timeouts See section 4.2 for information on how timeouts should be specified. Occasional timeouts may be expected when there are noisy messages or if the ACM device has been locked. Timeouts do not stop the driver processing the next valid screen of data. 6.6 Demand & Lock Scan The driver can process data from demand and locked scans. Incoming data is processed in the same way as normal scans and stored using the same map descriptors.

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FS-8700-64 ATMI ACM Page 18 of 22 Malfunction Major Type Mafunction Minor Type 1. INADEQUATE BYPASS FLOW 0. 1.TEMP_LOW 2. EMERGENCY SWITCH 2. TEMP_HIGH CLOSURE 3. LOSS_OF_NH3_FLOW 3. FAILED LEAK CHECK 0. 4. DSP FAILURE in module 0. 1. Bench timeout 5. FAILURE to get interferogram 2. Bench short scan 3. Zero ZPD value or address 4. Bench reports Bad Scan 5. Bench DREQ stuck TRUE 6. Energy

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FS-8700-64 ATMI ACM Page 19 of 22 When you use a “…-alarm” keyword then the driver stores a 1 when the gas is in an alarm condition and a zero when it is not in alarm condition. This means a zero is stored even if the gas in a warning condition. When you use a “…-warning” keyword then the driver stores a 1 when the gas is in a warning condition and a zero when it is not in warning condition. This means a zero is stored even if the gas in an alarm condition as well as when the

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