Instruction d'utilisation Rancilio epoca

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Rancilio epoca

Dispositif: Rancilio epoca
Catégorie: Machine à café
Fabricant: Rancilio
Dimension: 1.9 MB
Date d'addition: 8/10/2014
Nombre des pages: 21
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Rancilio epoca Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Uso e manutenzione
Emploi et entretien
Gebrauch und Instandhaltung
Use and maintenance
Uso y manutención
Uso e manutenção
Macchina per caffè
Machine à café
Coffee machine
Máquina para café
Máquina para café
● DE
● CD
● S

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Gentile cliente, grazie per averci accordato la Sua fiducia. Siamo sicuri che il prodotto che Lei ha acquistato risponderà in pieno alle Sue aspettative, come tutti gli altri articoli della produzione RANCILIO. Il prodotto che Lei si accinge ad usare è il risultato IT di approfonditi studi e meticolose sperimentazioni fatte dalla RANCILIO per offrirLe quanto di più funzionale, sicuro ed apprezzabile, anche sotto il profilo del design, si possa trovare sul mercato. Il libretto di istruzioni p

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

EUROPEAN UNION ONLY Trattamento dei rifiuti delle apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche. Sähköisten ja elektronisten laitteiden jätteiden käsittely Smaltire il prodotto seguendo le norme vigenti relative allo smaltimento differenziato presso centri di raccolta dedicati. Hävitä tuote noudattaen seuraavia voimassa olevia lajitellun jätteiden käsit- Non trattare come semplice rifiuto urbano. telyä koskevia määräyksiä asianmukaiseen jätteidenkäsittelylaitokseen. Per qualsiasi informazione nec

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

20010 Villastanza di Parabiago (MI) Viale della Repubblica 40 DICHIARAZIONE DI CONFORMITA’ CE - DECLARATION DE CONFORMITE CE EG-KONFORMITÄTSERKLÄRUNG - EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY DECLARACIÓN DE CONFORMIDAD CE - DECLARAÇÃO DE CONFORMIDADE CE Noi RANCILIO Macchine per caffè S.p.A. Dichiariamo sotto la nostra responsabilità che il prodotto: Macchina per caffè per uso professionale Déclarons, sous notre responsabilité, que le produit : Machine à café d’utilisation professionnel Wir erklären auf u

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Descrizione attrezzatura a pressione-Description de l’appareillage sous pression-Beschreibung der unter Druck stehenden Geräte- Pressure device description-Descripción de los equipos de presión - Descrição dos equipamentos de pressão Pressione - Pression Temperatura - Température Fluido - Fluide Capacità lt-Capacité lt-Fähigkeit lt- Druck - Pressure Temperatur - Temperature Flüssig - Fluid Capacity lt-Potencia lt- Potência it Presión - Pressão Temperatura - Temperatura Fluido - Fluído 2 gr. Cald

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

mod. DE 6 1 3 1 2 4 8 9 2 5 mod. S mod. CD 6 1 3 1 2 4 8 9 2 5 Fig. 3 8

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

L H D C 12 11 10 Fig. 4 7 Fig. 5 4 1 (Ø30mm) 2 (3/8"G) Fig. 6 9 B A Lovato

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

mod. CD - S mod. DE 3 - 4 5 E D C B A 6 10 7 11 2 1 9 8 Fig. 7 10

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

Fig. 8 Fig. 9 2 1 1 3 4 Fig. 10 Fig. 11 11

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

IT ITALIANO 12 -21 EN ENGLISH CONTENTS FR FRANCAIS 22-31 Machine identification data .......................... 43 DE DEUTSCH 32-41 1. General safety rules .................................. 43 2. Description .................................................44 EN ENGLISH 42-51 2.1. Specifications and composition ............ 44 2.2. Machine equipment .............................. 44 2.3. Mechanical protective devices .............. 44 ES ESPAÑOL 52-61 2.4. Electric safety devices ....

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

NAME: Coffee machine, EPOCA series MODEL: DE - CD - S VERSIONS: 2 GROUPS The label illustrated on the EC Declaration of Conformity of this instruction manual corresponds to the identifi- cation label placed on the machine Fig. 2. (Pos. A). 1 Manufacturer 2 Model and version 3 Voltage 4 EC conformity mark (if required) 5 Serial number 6 Boiler data 7 Machine total absorption 8 Protection level 9 Motor power 10 Heating element power 11 Frequency 12 Conformity marks 13 Year of manufa

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

2. DESCRIPTION The machines in the EPOCA series have been desi- The machine is composed of a steel carrying struc- gned to prepare express coffee and hot beverages. ture on which the mechanical and electrical compo- A positive-displacement pump inside the machine nents are fitted. These are completely covered with powers the heater in which the water is heated. By panels made of painted polyurethane and stainless pressing the appropriate buttons, water is supplied steel. to the spouts in t

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

The user must not: 2.4. Electric safety devices ● touch the hot surfaces and dispensing areas; The safety devices provided are: ● place liquids containers on the machine; ● put his hands under the spouts during use; ● 5V low tension push buttons an the DE control key ● transport the machine or carry out maintenance panel; operations when the plug is connected or when ● thermal protection on the pump motor; the machine is hot; ● safe resistance thermal. ● wash the machine with water or steam

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

6. INSTALLATION 6.1.2. Electric supply The appliance is only to be installed in lo- The machine is supplied ready for connection cations where use and maintenance is restricted to according to the required electrical specifications. trained personnel. Before connecting the machine ensure that the plate The machines are fitted with height adjustable feet. details comply with those of the electric distribution The support surface shall be levelled, dry, smooth, network. steady and stable and

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

6.2. Connections 7. OPERATION 7.1. Controls Fig.7 ● Place the machine on the horizontal sur- face previously prepared. 1 Main switch. Two-position switch with led. Before connecting, thoroughly wash the mains water Turn on the switch, led on, the machine is turned pipes: (apart from the boiler) and the pump is turned on ● Leave the water supply taps running at full pres- to fill the boiler; sure for several minutes. ● Connect to the mains water supply. 2 Boiler resistance switch. ● Connect

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

8 Supplementary manual water supply tap po- sitioned under the cup-stand grille and normally 8. USE kept turned off. Turn on the tap to fill the boiler and turn it off when The machine has a top shelf on which the cups are the correct level is reached. kept and heated, ready for use. This is very important to obtain good coffee as the 7.2. Control instruments (Fig.7) pre-warmed cup stops the coffee from growing cold too quickly. 9 Gauge with mobile needle on a fixed dial with a double sc

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

8.2. Preparing cappuccino (Fig.8) 9. ADJUSTMENT AND SETTING OF THE DOSE (where available) ● Make cup of cappuccino with the express coffee. 9.1. Models DE ● Use a high and narrow jug, half-filled with milk. It is possible to adjust the dose of coffee dispensed ● Place the jug under the spout so that the nozzle DE models. touches the bottom. 9.1.1. Adjusting the dose ● Turn on the steam tap and lower the jug so that The coffee dose adjustments are made by acting the nozzle is almost at the

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Cleaning the filters and delivery heads (Fig.9) 10. MAINTENANCE Maintenance operations have to be carried Operation to be carried out when the machine is off out when the machine is off and cold and and cold. the plug is disconnected. Some particular ● Prepare a solution of 4 sachets of detergent operations have to be effected when the powder Code 69000124 dissolved in a litre of machine is operating. boiling water in a stainless steel, plastic or glass Do not clean the machine by using

Instructions pareilles
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