Instruction d'utilisation Rowenta DZ5020

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Rowenta DZ5020

Dispositif: Rowenta DZ5020
Catégorie: Fer à répasser
Fabricant: Rowenta
Dimension: 0.97 MB
Date d'addition: 7/27/2014
Nombre des pages: 14
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Rowenta DZ5020 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

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mod. DZ5020

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

A U T Couv DZ500 correc 8/03/06 10:54 Page 3 6 5 4 3b* 7 3a 3c 8 3d* 3 9 10b 2 1 10a 10c 10d 11 12 13 O - O F F

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

A A U U T T Couv DZ500 correc 8/03/06 10:54 Page 4 fig. 1 fig. 2 fig. 3 fig. 4 fig. 5 fig. 6 N NO O O OK K fig. 7 fig. 8 fig. 9 N NO O O OK K fig. 10 fig. 11 fig. 12 O O - - O O F F F F

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Couv DZ500 correc 8/03/06 10:54 Page 5 fig. 13 fig. 14 fig. 15 fig. 16 fig. 17 fig. 18 NO fig. 19 fig. 20

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Couv DZ500 correc 8/03/06 10:54 Page 6 З праски витiкає Занадто часте натискання Робiть бiльшi iнтервали мiж вода. кнопки парового удару. натисканнями кнопки. Використовується Використовуйте тiльки необроблену дистильована/демiнералiзов воду з-пiд крана або наполовину ана або пом’якшена вода. розводьте воду з-пiд крана дистильованою/ демiнералiзованою водою. Виконайте процедуру Self Clean (самоочищення), а потiм почистiть праску. Пiдошва брудна або Використання крохмалю. Розпилюйте крохмаль т

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

DZ5000-1103899452-Mars06 9/03/06 11:44 Page 3 DESCRIPTION 1 Spray nozzle 7 Handle 2 Filling inlet 8 Thermostat control light* (with slide-button opening) 9 Temperature control dial 3 Variable steam control 10 LED display* a Dry ironing aYellow LED b Green LED b Steam max. position * c Red LED GB c Self Clean d Auto-off LED d Autosteam * 11 Water tank 4 Spray button 12 Maximum water level 5 Shot of steam button indicator 6 Cord 13 Soleplate SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS This appliance complies with t

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

DZ5000-1103899452-Mars06 9/03/06 11:44 Page 4 – the appliance is obviously leaking. In these cases the appliance should be returned to an approved Rowenta Customer Service Centre for repair. (See enclosed Service Centre addresses.) Repairs to electrical appliances may only be carried out by specialists. Improperly carried out repairs can cause serious danger to users. To avoid danger to users, a defective or damaged supply cord may only be replaced by an authorised Rowenta Customers Service C

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

DZ5000-1103899452-Mars06 9/03/06 11:44 Page 5 or demineralised water or rain water should not be used in your iron. Also do not use boiled, filtered or bottled water. 3 • Using for the first time Plug in the iron (fig.2) and set the temperature control dial (fig.3) to ••• to heat the appliance. A little smoke and a slight smell may be emitted, but this is only temporary. Unplug the iron (fig.4) and fill the water tank (§ 4 Filling the water tank). To remove any impurities in the iron's st

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

DZ5000-1103899452-Mars06 9/03/06 11:44 Page 6 Temperature Ironing label Fabric control Synthetic fibres, e.g. • viscose, polyester… Silk, wool •• Cotton, linen ••• Electronic temperature control*: The traffic lights tell you whether the soleplate is at the selected temperature (fig.10). The soleplate is still too cold for the selected YELLOW material. The soleplate is at the right temperature for the selected GREEN material. RED The soleplate is still too hot for the selected material. AUTO-

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

DZ5000-1103899452-Mars06 9/03/06 11:44 Page 7 quantity only when the iron is at temperature setting •••. Auto Steam function* Set the steam button to (fig.13) and the steam quantity will adjust automatically to the soleplate temperature. 8 • Shot of steam (from temperature setting •• upwards) IMPORTANT Leave an interval of 4 seconds between each shot and wait until the flow of steam is finished before standing the iron on its heel. Press the shot of steam button to generate a powerful jet o

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

DZ5000-1103899452-Mars06 9/03/06 11:44 Page 8 AFTER USE 13 • Emptying Unplug the iron (fig.4), pour away remaining water (fig.17) and set steam control to . Open and close the steam control several times (fig.18) to prevent the valve hole into the steam chamber from scaling or blocking up. 14 • Storing Allow the appliance to cool down before storing the iron standing on its heel (fig.19). IMPORTANT Do not wind the cord around the hot soleplate. Never store your iron placed down on the solepla

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

DZ5000-1103899452-Mars06 9/03/06 11:44 Page 9 Move the steam control to position after approx. 1 minute. Plug in the iron and allow the iron to heat up again. Wait until the remaining water has evaporated. Unplug from the mains and allow the iron to fully cool down. When cool, the soleplate can be wiped with a damp cloth. TIP Use the Self Clean function approx. every 2 weeks. If the water is very hard, clean the iron weekly. 17 • Cleaning the iron When the appliance has cooled down, wipe it

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

DZ5000-1103899452-Mars06 9/03/06 11:44 Page 10 None or too Steam control set on Turn the steam control to the little steam is dry position . required setting area. being emitted. Not enough water in Fill the water tank. the water tank. Anti-Drip* is active Wait for the soleplate to reach (§ 11). the correct temperature. Residues in the steam Use the Self Clean function then Brown streaks come through chamber or on the clean your iron. the holes inthe soleplate. soleplate and Use of chemical D

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

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