Instruction d'utilisation Radio Shack 12-519

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Radio Shack 12-519

Dispositif: Radio Shack 12-519
Catégorie: Radio-réveil
Fabricant: Radio Shack
Dimension: 1.01 MB
Date d'addition: 8/23/2013
Nombre des pages: 24
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Radio Shack 12-519 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

User’s Guide
All-Hazards Weather Alert Clock Radio with Skywarn
Thank you for purchasing your All-Hazards Weather Alert Clock Radio with
Skywarn from RadioShack. Please read this user’s guide before installing, setting
up, and using your new weather radio.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Contents Package Contents ........................................................................................................3 Features .........................................................................................................................3 Setup ..................................................................................................................4 Understanding Your Radio ........................................................................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Package Contents • Radio • AC Adapter • BNC-to-Phono Adapter • User’s Guide • Quick Start Features • Multifunctional design: alarm clock, radio, and weather radio • Receive FM,AM, seven NOAA weather channels, and Skywarn reports. • Digital SAME technology. • Programmed with all U.S. states and counties. • Sixteen alert volume levels. • Separate daytime and night timealert volume settings. • Different color LEDs indicate if thealert is a warning(r ed),watch (orange)

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Setup Understanding Your Radio Telescopic Antenna Adjustto receive best signalr eception. SNOOZE Pausethe alarm for 15minutes . Alert Indicators ADVISORY/WATCH/WARNING • Flashes for 60seconds when thealert begins, thenlights for the duration of the aler t. • Alternating flashes indicateloss of weather signal. Right Panel Back Panel ALERT ON/OFF DC 12V Turn audiblealerts Connectthe AC adapter . onor off. ALERT OUT AUX INPUT ALARM1 SET/ON/OFF, Con

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Setup Number Buttons Enter FIPS codeor Skywarn channel frequency. Manual/Scan/Program/Enter Refer to “ Using Skywarn” onpage 10. CLOCK FM/AM/ WX / SKYWARN Pressand hold Increase /decrease to set the clock. Select aband. volume. AUX M1 – M5 Menu and SELECT ,,, Listento an Radiostation Confirm external audio memory • Set time and settings. AUX source. locations. choose radio appears. stations. • Navigate and adjustmenu items. n Note: The power

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Power your Radio Connectthe supplied AC adapter tothe DC 12 V jack and plug into a standard household outlet. Install Backup Batteries 1. Openthe battery compartment cover. 2. Slidethe RCH/ALK switch to RCHfor rechargeable or ALKfor alkalinebackup batteries. . Install six AA alkaline orNi-MH rechargeable batteries (neithersupplied). Insert batteries as indicatedby the polarity symbols (+ and –) markedinside. RCH/ALK n Notes: • flashes

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Basic Operation Use the Antenna Telescopic Antenna External Antenna Forbetter reception, youcan install an external antennato your radio. 1. Pullout the installed telescopicantenna. 2. If needed, connectthe supplied BNC-to-phono adapter to the phono/RCA plugfr om your antenna. . Connectthe external antenna (Follow the installation instructions that came with your externalantenna.) BNC-to-Phono Adapter Phono/RCA plug 

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Basic Operation Set the Clock 1. If necessary, press CLOCK to switch to clock mode. 2. Brieflyhold CLOCK until thehour digits flash. . Use ,,,to set the hour ,minute and AM/PM. . After setting clock, press CLOCK or SELECT to confirm andexit. Set the Alarm 1. Slide ALARM 1or ALARM 2 to SET. 2. Press ,,, to setthe alarm hour , minute,and alarm source(buzzer loudness / / or FM / AM). . Aftersetting the ala

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Basic Operation Set Radio Station Memory 1. Press AM or FM to toggle between AM1, AM2, FM1 or FM2. The selected band indicator appearson the left side of the display. 2. Press  or to find a station. . Briefly hold a memory button ( M1–M5)until the selected memory indicator (M1–M5) appears onthe right side of the display. You can store up to five channels each for AM1, AM2, FM1, and FM2. . To listen toa pr eset station, press AMor FM to toggl

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Set Weather Channel Memory While theradio ison the desired channel, press andhold M1 to M5 until the selected memory indicator ( M1–M5)is displayed. Y oucan stor eup to five channels. Tolisten to a channel fr om memory, press M1–M5while in weather radio mode. Viewing Weather Alerts You can view the last four different weatheralerts r eceived bythe radio. When an alertis r eceived, thealert description scr olls across the

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

Basic Operation Skywarn About Skywarn Many areas of thecountry have amateur radio repeaters that havebeen designated as “Skywarn” repeaters.During times ofsever e weather, these repeaters are used to relay reports of severeweather dir ectly to meteorologists at a localNational Weather Service forecastoffice. Using the Skywarn feature in your radio, you can easily jump to your local Skywarn frequency and monitor these reports, in many cases hearingabout sever e w

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Advanced Operation Changing Radio Settings 1. Press MENU then press  or  to scroll through the features menu. A feature Feature and one ofits options appears. 2. Press or  toview the featur e’s options. . Press SELECTat the featur eyou want. An asterisk ( *) appears next to the selected feature. Feature option . Press MENU toexit or return to a previous level. Feature Options Select • Auto – the radiowill scan for the best weath

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

Advanced Operation Feature Options Signal When a weatherchannel is notdetected and there isno key Reminder pressed,the radio willsound a reminder message. • On – turns onthe signal reminder. • Off – turns offthe signal r eminder. When thesignal r eminder sounds, youcan pr ess any button to mute it. n Notes: • If the signal is lost, WARNING and ADVISORY alert indicators flash alternately, and WATCH indicator lights. • Press any button to mute signal loss rem

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Feature Options Set Alert You can turnof faudio alertfor specific alert events. Press or  to scrollthr ough theevents andpr ess SELECT to turnthe alert tone on orof f.See “NWS Alert Descriptions” on page 16 fora list of alertevents. n Note: Some events cannot be turned off. Set Selecteither Englishor Spanish. Language Alert Vol-Day • Press  or to adjust volumelevel forthe hours between6 AM to10 PM. * Alert Vol- •

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

Advanced Operation Turning Audible Alerts On or Off • To enable audible alerts, slide ALERT ON/OFF to ON. • To disable audible alerts, slide ALERT ON/OFF to OFF. n Notes: • You must slide ALERT ON/OFF to OFF while your radio is powered on, or the change will not take effect. This prevents accidentally switching off alerts. • Even if you’ve turned off audible alerts, the backlight will still light up and the event message will scroll on the display until the effective time expires. Con

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

Additional Information NWS Alert Descriptions Event Code Level Default Administrativemessage Advisory Off Avalanche Watch Watch On Avalanche Warning Warning On Biological Hazard Warning Warning On* BoilW aterW arning Warning On BlizzardW arning Warning On ChildAbduction Emer gency Advisory On Civil Danger Warning Warning On* Civil Emergency Message Warning On* Coastal Flood Watch Watch On Coastal Flood Warning Warning On ChemicalHazar d Warning Warning On* ContaminatedW aterW a

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

Adv Aanced Oper dditional In ation fo Event Code Level Default Flood Warning Warning On Fire Warning Warning On Flash Freeze Warning Warning On Freeze Warning Warning On Hurricane Statement Advisory On Hazardous Materials Warning Warning On* Hurricane Watch Watch On Hurricane Warning Warning On* High Wind Watch Watch On HighW ind Warning Warning On IcebergW arning Warning On Industrial Fire Warning Warning On* Local Area Emergency Advisory On* Law Enforcement Warning Warning On* LandSlide

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Event Code Level Default 911 Telephone Outage Emergency Advisory On Tornado Warning Warning On* Tropical StormW atch Watch On TropicalStorm Warning Warning On* Tsunami Watch Watch On* TsunamiW arning Warning On* Transmitter BackupOn Advisory Off Transmitter CarrierOf f Advisory Off Transmitter CarrierOn Advisory Off TransmitterPrimary On Advisory Off Volcano Warning Warning On* Wild Fire Watch Watch On WildFir eW arning Warning On* Winter StormW atch Watch On Winter Storm W

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

Adv Aanced Oper dditional In ation fo Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) What are FIPS codes and SAME signals? The National Weather Service (NWS) precedes each weather alert with a digitally encoded SAME (SpecificAr ea MessageEncoding) signal, then a 1050 Hz tone. The SAME signal includes a FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standard) code and anevent code that corresponds with the type of alert being sent. The FIPS code format is: Subdivisions State County 0-9 01-50 XXX (0=ent

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

How do I test my radio? TheNWS br oadcasttest alerts every weekon W ednesdaybetween 11 AM and 1PM. T ofind outthe specific test schedule in your area, contact your localNOAA (National Oceanic and AtmosphericAdministration) or the NWS (NationalW eather Service). These offices are listed in mosttelephone books or online at These test alerts are off by default.T ochange your alert settingssee “ Set Alerts” on page 14. w Importa

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