Instruction d'utilisation Dacor MWDV27

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Dacor MWDV27

Dispositif: Dacor MWDV27
Catégorie: Réchauffeur
Fabricant: Dacor
Dimension: 1.14 MB
Date d'addition: 3/12/2013
Nombre des pages: 12
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Dacor MWDV27 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Warming Drawer
Use and Care Manual
Models: EWD24, EWD27, EWD30, EWD36, IWD24,
IWD27, IWD30, MWDV27, MWDH27, MWDV30,
MWDH30, MRWD27, MRWD30, PWD27, PWD30
Table of Contents
Important Safety Instructions ................................ 1
Getting to Know Your Warming Drawer .................... 3
Operating Instructions ........................................... 4
Care and Cleaning ................................................ 6
Before You Call for Service ............................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

© 2007 by Dacor, all rights reserved. To Our Valued Customer: ® Congratulations on your purchase of the very latest in Dacor products! Our unique combination of features, style and ™ performance make us The Life of the Kitchen , and a great addition to your home. In order to familiarize yourself with the controls, functions, and full potential of your new Distinctive Appliance, we suggest that you thoroughly read this use and care manual, beginning with the Important Safety Instructions se

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Important Safety Instructions Installer: Leave theSe InStruCtIOnS WIth the danger appLIanCe. Customer: reaD thIS uSe anD Care manuaL COmpLeteLY ImPortant: to avoid the possibility of explosion or BefOre uSInG YOur WarmInG D ra Wer. Save It fOr future fire, do not store or use flammable or explosive vapors referenCe. It COntaInS ImpOrtant uSe anD Care InfOr- and liquids (such as gasoline) inside or in the vicinity matIOn. Keep YOur S aLeS reCeIpt Or CanCeLeD CheCK of this or any other ap

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Important Safety Instructions General Safety Precautions To reduce risk of fire, electric shock, serious injury or death when using this appliance, follow basic precautions, includ- ing the following: warning warning • r ead this manual completely before operating this • exercise caution when opening the drawer. Let hot appliance. air or steam escape before looking or reaching into the warming drawer. • use this appliance only for its intended use as described in this manual. use it only to

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Getting to Know Your Warming Drawer Gasket Drawer maximum capacity: 50 pounds Control Panel model/serial number label: On back of drawer front Drawer slide Drawer Front: Style and size varies with model Back of Drawer Front Humidity Vents Humidity Vents Humidity Control models IWD24, IWD27 and IWD30 are not equipped with the humidity control or vents. 3

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Operating Instructions Operation warning • When the warming drawer is on in continuous mode the warming drawer is equipped with four temperature (∞), it will remain on until turned off manually. to settings and a timer that can be set for one, two, three avoid a fire hazard or burns, exercise caution when or four hours. the warming drawer can also be set for operating the unit in continuous mode. continuous operation. See the table on the facing page for suggested settings for different foo

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Operating Instructions Control Panel Temperature and Humidity Control Setting Guidelines TEMPERATuRE MOIST-CRISP COVERED/ FOOD ITEMS SETTInGS SELECTIOn unCOVERED Bacon hIGh Crisp uncovered Beef - r are LOW moist Covered Bread - hard r olls LOW Crisp uncovered Bread - Proofing prOOf moist Damp towel Casseroles LOW moist uncovered Coffee Cake LOW moist uncovered Cooked Cereals LOW moist uncovered Dinner meD moist uncovered eggs LOW moist Covered enchiladas LOW-meD moist uncovered fish/Seafood LOW

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Care and Cleaning caution Painted Surfaces • to prevent permanent damage to the appliance f or the front face of warming drawers with a painted surfaces, do not use abrasive cleaners or scrubbers. finish, clean with a solution of mild detergent and hot • Do not allow acids (citrus juices, tomato sauces, water. rinse and dry with a soft cloth. Do not use abrasive etc.) to remain on the warming drawer’s surfaces. cleaners or scrubbers. they may permanently damage the the finish may stain. fi

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Care and Cleaning Slide mounting bracket under clip on slide. push in on tab. Clip on slide Slide pull up on drawer front. push drawer front down until tab locks in place. Drawer removal Drawer Installation Before You Call for Service Problem Solution Guide PROBLEM MAY BE CAuSED BY WHAT TO DO nothing works. power plug disconnected. Connect plug to a dedicated, grounded, three- prong electrical outlet. timer is not set. Select time duration according to the Operating Instructions section.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Warranty and Service outsIDe tHe FIFtY states oF tHe u.s.a., tHe Product Maintenance DIstrICt oF ColumBIa, anD CanaDa: LImIteD fIrSt Year W arrantY Do not perform any maintenance other than that instructed in the Care and Cleaning section of this If your DaCOr product fails to function within one year of manual. A qualified service technician should perform all the original date of purchase, due to a defect in material other service. or workmanship, DaCOr will furnish a new part, f .O.B.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11


Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Please visit to activate your warranty online. WARRANTY INFORMATION IMPORTANT: Your warranty will not be activated until you activate it online or return this form to Dacor. If you have purchased more than one Dacor product, please return all forms in one envelope or activate the warranty for each product online. Please rest assured that under no conditions will Dacor sell your name or any of the information on this form for mailing list purposes. We are

Instructions pareilles
# Instruction d'utilisation Catégorie Téléchargez
1 Dacor MWDV27 Manuel d'utilisation Four à convection 1
2 Dacor 27 Manuel d'utilisation Réchauffeur 0
3 Dacor 30 Manuel d'utilisation Réchauffeur 0
4 Dacor 24 Manuel d'utilisation Réchauffeur 0
5 Dacor ERWD Manuel d'utilisation Réchauffeur 0
6 Dacor 27 Manuel d'utilisation Réchauffeur 0
7 Dacor 36 Manuel d'utilisation Réchauffeur 0
8 Dacor ERWD27 Manuel d'utilisation Réchauffeur 0
9 Dacor ERWD30 Manuel d'utilisation Réchauffeur 0
10 Dacor EWD30 Manuel d'utilisation Réchauffeur 0
11 Dacor EWD27 Manuel d'utilisation Réchauffeur 0
12 Dacor EWD24 Manuel d'utilisation Réchauffeur 0
13 Dacor 30 Manuel d'utilisation Réchauffeur 0
14 Dacor EWD Manuel d'utilisation Réchauffeur 0
15 Dacor EWD36 Manuel d'utilisation Réchauffeur 0
16 Edelbrock 1472 Manuel d'utilisation Réchauffeur 1
17 Agilent Technologies 0634-90001 Manuel d'utilisation Réchauffeur 1
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20 AllTrade BAR916HG Manuel d'utilisation Réchauffeur 11