Instruction d'utilisation Cobra Electronics XR-1010

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Cobra Electronics XR-1010

Dispositif: Cobra Electronics XR-1010
Catégorie: Détecteur du radar
Fabricant: Cobra Electronics
Dimension: 1.33 MB
Date d'addition: 8/24/2014
Nombre des pages: 16
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Cobra Electronics XR-1010 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Operating Instructions for your Cobra® High Performance
10 Band® XR-1010
Radar/Laser Detector
With UltraBright™
Data Display
•4 Radar
•4 Laser
•2 Safety

Nothing comes close to a Cobra™

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Introduction Introduction Congratulations! You have just purchased the most and Strobe Alert™ Use of this product is not intended to, sophisticated RADAR/LASER DETECTOR available today. and does not ensure that the motorist This booklet contains instructions and information and any passenger will not be involved in a traffic accident. It is only intended designed so that you will be able to understand how to alert the motorist that an emergency the Cobra® XR-1010 works and how radar and (LIDAR

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Controls and Indicators Introduction Facts About the Safety Alert® Traffic 1. Power Button Facts About Warning System ® 2. Volume Control Safety Alert 11 BAND 10 FCC-approved Safety Alert® Transmitters emit microwave radar signals to indicate the presence of a safety-related concern. Depending on the 3. Mute Button TrafficWarning frequency of these signals, as set on the transmitter, the outgoing 4. Dim Button System signal can indicate whether the transmitter is on a speeding emergency vehicle

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

® How to Use Your Cobra XR-1010 Radar/Laser Detector Band Contents Introduction............................................................................A1 Safety Alert®/Strobe Alert™ Features of This Product Federal Law Governing Radar Detectors • UltraBright™ Included Accessories Data Display Controls & Indicators ..........................................................A2 Our Thanks to You ................................................................A3 •4 Radar Signals Customer Suppor

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Installation Installation Windshield Mounting Windshield Location Location Selecting the proper location to mount the Mounting Cobra® XR-1010 is very important for optimum performance. Both radar and laser transmissions pass through glass but not through other objects. For this reason the Cobra® XR-1010 lenses must not be blocked.The LaserEye® should have a view of 1 2 Attach cups to Attach bracket to the rear window to take advantage of its 360˚ bracket. windshield. detection capability. It is

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Installation Quick Start Turn On and Adjust Volume Dash Mounting Turn On and Dash Adjust Volume Mounting Note Display Dim, City/Highway, A Press the power button to activate the unit. and Muting mode settings In both tone and voice modes, the unit will are retained in memory announce “Testing” . when power is unplugged. 1 2 Peel protective Place on dash. B The volume control has 8 volume settings. paper off one side Note Adjust the volume up or down using the volume For more detailed of hook and

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Quick Start Quick Start Set Muting Mode Set Highway/City Mode Set Muting Set Highway/ Mode City Mode City Mode PRESS & For urban driving–reduces the number of false RELEASE radar alerts. PRESS & RELEASE Note Note Manual Muting The XR-1010 will retain the The factory default mode is Press and release Mute button to turn off chosen mode while OFF. Auto Muting. volume while signal is in progress. For more detailed For more detailed  Press and release City button. To Switch Between Modes operatio

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

X Operation Operation Set Volume Turning Turning On Your XR-1010 Adjust the volume up or down using the volume On Your rocker switch on side of unit. XR-1010 Plug power cord into 2 Plug power cord into 1 - detector. cigarette lighter. The volume control has 8 volume settings, Note levels 0-8. As the level is increased, “Voice Pressing the volume up Alert™” or the beep tone will allow you to hear button while you turn on the volume level. At level 8 a “beep beep” is unit will show all 10 Alerts

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Operation Operation Dim Button Highway/City Mode Dim Button Highway/City You may select from four levels of brightness for To select City Mode: Mode your Cobra® XR-1010 display: Bright, Dim, Dimmer The Highway/City function is controlled by a and Dark (Off). 2-step button. PRESS & PRESS & RELEASE RELEASE  Press and release Dim button once to reduce Note Note  Press and release City button and Cty will be brightness to Dim. A single beep confirms this Bright = “Beep-Beep” Use City Mode in or

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Operation Operation Selecting Auto Muting Mode (from Manual mode) Audio Muting Muting Muting In Auto Mute mode the alerts will be heard at the The Mute button is used to temporarily turn off set volume for 3 seconds, then automatically be the alarm and control Auto Mute mode. reduced to a lower level. Manual Muting Press this button to turn off the audio alarm. PRESS & RELEASE PRESS & RELEASE  Press and release Mute button for less than Note Note two seconds when no signal is being received. To

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

Operation Detection Band Detection Voice Alert™ Mode Band Voice Alert™ This detector is designed to detect X, K,  Press and hold MUTE button for more than Detection Mode Superwide Ka Band Radar, Laser (including LTI two seconds to switch between Voice and Note 20-20*, Ultra Lyte*, ProLaser* and ProLaser III* Tone Mode and Tone Only Mode. Voice Alert™ is the factory technologies), VG-2, Safety Alert® and Strobe When Voice Alert™ is selected “Voice Alert™” default setting. Alert™* signals. will b

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

X K Ka Detection Detection ® To turn the VG-2 Audio Alert “on”press and hold X, K and Ka Bands X, K, Ka Alert VG-2 Alert the Dim Button for 2 seconds.The Radar Detector The display will show illumination of the band will beep twice indicating the VG-2 Audio Alert has received (X, K or Ka).The signal strength will be been activated. indicated by signal strength LED’s which ® increase in size as you approach the radar gun. Safety Alert® Traffic Warning System Safety Alert Distinct tones will als

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

Detection Laser & LaserEye® 360˚ Detection Radar Frequencies Laser Radar The XR-1010 can separately identify four laser signals. There are three frequencies that have been Frequencies Note ProLaser, ProLaser 3, LTI 20/20, and Ultra Lyte approved by the FCC (Federal Communications The display does not Laser Guns. Commission) for use in speed monitoring indicate signal strength. equipment. They are: X Band (10.525 GHz), K Band (24.150 GHz) Note Ka Band (33.400-36.000 GHz) In Voice Alert™, the Yo

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

y t n a r r a Detection Limited One Year Warranty COBRA® ELECTRONICS CORPORATION warrants that its Does weather have any effect on LIDAR? Facts About COBRA® 10 Band® Radar/Laser Detectors, and the component Yes, rain, snow, smoke, fog, and airborne dust LIDAR (Laser) parts thereof, will be free of defects in workmanship and particles will all reduce the effective range, and materials for period of one (1) year from the date of first if sufficiently dense, may prevent its operation. consumer pu

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

Optional Accessories Accessory Order Form Item # Description Cost Ea. Qty. Amount 420-080-N-001 Straight 12V Power Cord 420-080-N-002 Curled 12V Power Cord 545-159-N-001 Windshield Mounting Bracket Prices subject to change without notice. Subtotal Tax Table (Tax if applicable) Illinois residents add 8.75% Indiana residents add 5% $4.00 Shipping/handling Michigan residents add 6 % Straight 12V DC Power Cord Curled 12V DC Power Cord Windshield Mounting Bracket Ohio residents add 5% Total Wisco

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

® © 2000 Cobra Electronics Corporation 6500 West Cortland Street Chicago, IL 60707 USA The Cobra® line of quality products If You Think You Need Service also includes: For technical assistance, please call our Automated Help Desk which can assist •Citizens Band Radios you by answering the most frequently asked questions about Cobra® products. 773.889.3087 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. •microTalk® Radios A Consumer Service Representative can be reached through this same number

Instructions pareilles
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