Instruction d'utilisation Whirlpool LA53OOXP

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Whirlpool LA53OOXP

Dispositif: Whirlpool LA53OOXP
Catégorie: Machine à laver/Séchoir
Fabricant: Whirlpool
Dimension: 0.72 MB
Date d'addition: 12/29/2013
Nombre des pages: 16
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Whirlpool LA53OOXP Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Refrigerator-Freeze Freezers, Dryers. Clothes Washers, Automatic Oehumldifiers, Condltloners. AM Room Compactors, Trash Ovens, lave
Capacity Large
2000 Design

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

(not \ It to out a to from or When or a 1. (from 2. from Informa- no to for 1 2 service. in-warranty required is that all is Proof-of-purchase return. registration warrantv is There Number Phone warrantv. and slip sales Company/ Service Guide,” “Laundry Your with Center tion Laundry the in book this Keep lJate Purchase spaces. these in information this Copy slip. sales date Purchase hinge]. Number Seria, the near lid the under plate bers Num- Serial and Model Complete

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

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Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

I. 2. 3. l to a l of to of to l l for or full found for For to a or too or of (17.3 L)’ (13.4 (9.5 L)’ fill load. with galsJ36.0 SMALL EX *Approximate L]* galW50.8 MED gaki65.5 LARGE ” items. load tearing wear cause can water little WASHER. OVERLOAD load big Too water. the in NOT DO freely move able be must load the results, cleaning best LEVELS WATER AND SIZES LOAD results. press permanent best level water LARGE the Use NOTE: Guide”. “Laundry your in be can

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

A. B. on a turn to It min- of 10 of C. out D. fill to out of for of minutes. number selected the agitate will washer the filling, After temperature. Knob. Control selected the water wash the pull washer, the restart with set you level the will To Knob. Control the in push washer The Knob. Control the time any at washer the stop To pulling by washer the Start Cycle. REGULAR the in agitation minutes shows clockwise. drawing The time. wash utes only turned and in pushed

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

What for different of on of When to a out, fills turns to OFF A for con- A for of A from fabrics. synthetic some and Press Permanent into setting wrinkles keep helps which rinse down cool necessary the with cycle special Cycle PRESS PERMANENT soiled. moderately are that fabrics loads regular cycle Cycle REGULAR soiled. heavily are that fabrics structed sturdily cycle Cycle HEAVY REGULAR ends- cycle the and points it until wise clock- knob the starts, agitation After sta

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

of on In rinsing. the with sprayed is water cold cycles, some cycles. some load spinning the parts spin the during spraying water sound the hear may You NOTE:

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

for a short Wash I or a of of fol- a Wash Cycle. by lowed be always should Cycle SOAK The detergent. amount niended recom- Use pretreatment. extra need that stains certain and soils heavy remove help time soak and agitation periods Brief Cycle SOAK u bag. laundry Speed Hlgh net in hose panty Time; hose nylon time. spin Selected and wash need WASH that items delicate Use Cycle SHORT

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

or I cycle. thls of use proper for Gulde” “laundry your See laundry. pre-washing soaking when needed is care Special

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

to out for l l to OFF l l to l out. l l out. l fill to 2 soak l For for l to a l out to l of l When or for a Wash on 7 of Guide!’ l \ / J I to for of l Lift off l Wash or of not l 10 place. into snap and barrel agitator the Replace removable. Is filter The barrel. agitator the bottom the in clean filter the wipe barrel. agitator the clean: To build-up. lint amount the vary will type load The Note: results. filtering best load every after filter Clean

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

a soft WHEN to off. off or finish. from on or for IWtS, not on or or 11 dryer. washer your near products these use Do finishes. and consoles dials dryer and washer damage can PRODUCTS PRETREATMENT SOME etc. tools. bolts, pockets Check washer. the in put be never should OBJECTS HEAVY OR SHARP zippers. metal Close washing. before clothes etc., buckles, pins, as such SHARPOBJECTS REMOVE the damage dull hoses. and can Spills away. right sptllt up Wipe Valve inlet water th

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

a of If or 1. off 2. a of 3. for a 41 ). run for 30 to 4. a com- of To me . to out 1. 2. to washer. the hoses Connect antifreeze. the hoses. and pipes water Flush clean gent again.. washer use deter- cup one with cycle plete through washer the Run ON water. and antifreeze the mix seconds about basket. hoses. inlet water it Let IO page [see the in antifreeze drain and nect automobile-type SPIN and DRAIN Discon- faucets. washer the Set quart Put water both Shut

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

service assistance, suggest follow four 1. calling for . often l or from find of l l IF FILL: out? IF l l cord l a or IF A l different IF l cord l to a IF l to l out. “ln- l on page next continued open? faucets water both Are Instructions:‘) stallation (See siphon can Water cycles. rinse and wash during draining be seem may washer The ISN’T... IT WASHER. THE IN LEVEL WATER THE THAN HIGHER IS HOSE DRAIN THE SURE MAKE cycle. the in number pointing is Knob in

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

2. If . . 4. If have a . . Whlrlpool our trom: 2) of our . (800) or if to: . . . . . ..(800)632-2243 Mr. F. & (800) 2534121 Whirlpool of 2000 49022 to *If or from or, if a of a of in- formation to to for 3. If service*. . . Whirlpool a of IS a to fulfill 0 8 0 nght our 2) or under: Pages Yellow directory telephone your in look Step (see number phone tele- assistance service COOL-LINE appliance Whirlpool new every build to used specifications exacting same the t

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15


Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

a 386897 01984 Whirlpool Ice MK Ranges. Umts. Surface and Ovens Bwlt-In Dishwashers. Makers. Refrigerator-Freezers. Freezers. Dryers, Clothes Washers, natic Corporation U.S.A. in Printed No. Part easier. little world your Makmg

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