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September 2003
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White Paper Z600 Preface Purpose of this document The Sony Ericsson Z600 White Paper is designed Software developers to give the reader a deeper technical understand- Support engineers ing of how the Z600 is designed, and of how it Business decision-makers interacts with other media. This document will make it easier to integrate the Z600 with the IT and communications solutions of a company or organi- More information, useful for product, service and zation. application developers, is
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White Paper Z600 Contents Purpose of this document .....................................................................................2 Key functions and features .......................................................................................6 Two displays ..........................................................................................................6 Built-in camera ......................................................................................................6 Quick
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White Paper Z600 Technical specifications ..........................................................................................51 General technical data .........................................................................................52 Exterior description ..............................................................................................52 Ambient temperatures .........................................................................................53 Supported Man-Machi
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White Paper Z600 Product overview Z600 is a dynamic and easy to use high-end mobile Z600 features an active flip, two displays and its phone. It offers complete imaging and messaging built-in camera makes taking a picture quick and capabilities that allow family and friends to capture, easy. Pictures can be used as wallpapers, in multi- share and preserve those special moments. media messages and in the phone book. Designed for fun-loving people, the Z600 features a distinctive clam shell bo
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White Paper Z600 Key functions and features Two displays The Z600 features two displays. When in the open When in the closed position, a status display with position, the user can enjoy the ultimate viewing 91x29 pixels is visible. This black & white display experience afforded by the 65,536 full colour LCD. has a blue background and lets you see who is The LCD has 128x160 pixels and is a 2” film diode calling when a call comes in and also shows infor- (TFD) type which is driven by a diode as
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White Paper Z600 Exchangeable front and back covers Exchangeable front and back covers are available Whether it’s to complement an outfit with colour as accessories. These covers come in an array of coordination, make a pleasant change to your wonderful colours that allow the user to change the existing phone, or simply match the way you feel, look of their Z600. Z600 exchangeable covers offer endless possibli- ties. New and innovative user interface The Z600 has a new, innovative user interf
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White Paper Z600 Actions and options The left and right soft keys perform the actions shown immediately above these keys in the dis- play. The most frequently used actions are always available on the left soft key. Other actions are accessible on the right soft key, directly on the key or via the More list. Since most of the common actions are carried out by the left soft key, the back key is conveniently placed immediately under it. Back and delete The Back key enables the user to go back
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White Paper Z600 Technologies in detail Pictures Pictures is the Z600’s image viewer. It enables you ply select a picture, add a message and send just to view and organise your photographs, including like an SMS message or build a slide show with pictures taken by the built-in camera plus images several images and your favourite sound clips. loaded from elsewhere, such as received via e- Mail. Pictures supports image types JPEG, GIF, Pictures of loved ones can be saved in Contacts. Animated
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White Paper Z600 Audio Themes With the sound recorder function in the Z600, it is With themes, the user can change the appearance easy to make a voice recording, for example a per- of the display, for example the background colours sonal rendition of “Happy Birthday”. The audio and the background picture. The phone comes function in the Z600 also allows downloading of with a number of pre-defined pictures, and it is sounds and melodies. possible to download additional themes. The maxi- mum n
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White Paper Z600 MMS objects Although MMS is a direct descendant of SMS, the Mobile picture transmission also offers inestimable difference in content is dramatic. The size of an utility in business applications, from sending on- average SMS message is about 140 bytes, while site pictures of a construction project to capturing the maximum size of an MMS message is limited and storing an interesting design concept for later only by the memory. That is why the key word to review. Editing a pict
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White Paper Z600 Benefits Essentially enabling the mobile terminal to serve as acts with the application being run on the MMS- image processor and conveyor, Multimedia Mes- enabled terminal to provide various messaging saging accommodates the exchange of important services. WAP is used as bearer of an MMS mes- visual information as readily as it facilitates fun. sage between the MMS-C and the MMS client Business and leisure usage of MMS will be dynam- (application). The WAP Gateway is used for
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White Paper Z600 Figure 2. The architecture of MMS Message conversion recognizes which formats are supported in the The MMS-C is able to perform limited message mobile phone, and adapts the MMS messages to conversion - for example, from MMS to SMS - so these formats. that processing and air time is not wasted in send- ing messages to mobile terminals that do not have adequate capability to receive them. It also handles OTA configuration service aspects such as store and forward, guaran- User
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White Paper Z600 Several sounds and melodies can be inserted in Pictures can be created and edited in the phone one message, and they can be combined with pic- using a built-in Picture Editor. Several pictures can tures. be inserted in one message, and they can be com- bined with sounds and melodies. Pictures and animations Phones supporting EMS include a set of pre- defined animations. New pictures and animations can be downloaded from the Internet or received in SMS messages. Messaging us
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White Paper Z600 Unified messaging call centres providing answers to questions about a The user typically receives a short message notify- product, vehicle positioning combining EMS with ing them that they have a new message in their uni- Global Positioning System (GPS) position informa- fied messaging box, with icons or formatted text tion, job dispatch with delivery addresses for sales further enhancing the message. or courier package delivery, using EMS in a retail environment for credit
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White Paper Z600 Java J2ME CLDC Sandbox MIDP Application running on MIDP/CLDC/kVM Internet HTTP/ Services and pages Datagram with response in HTML format User Interface Other networked JAR file Persistent devices (datagram resource Storage communication) Optional download features The Z600 supports J2ME CLDC/MIDP. It is ready to The browser can download JAR/JAD files from run applications written for handheld computers WAP and HTML pages provided that the server and mobil
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White Paper Z600 General information Note: For more information see “Java in Sony Eric- sson mobile phones” at www.SonyEricsson.com/ Implementation developer CLDC 1.0 MIDP 1.0 JSR 135 Support Over the Air Recom- mended Practice Permissions Net Access Memory Heap size (RAM) 256 KB Max no.of applications 50 Size of applications Approximately 60 KB File system size Up to 2 MB Number of simultaneous One executing applications Games Z600 has four games pre-loaded and more can be for network operators
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White Paper Z600 Gaming API Certification and deployment The gaming API provides all the functionality a Each game must be certified by Synergenix Inter- game requires. It provides platform independent active AB before it can be run on a mobile phone. video access, input, sound and communication. It This ensures there is no offensive content, that the also features a query interface that lets you adapt a game is of sufficient quality and that the gameplay game to the capabilities of the devic
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White Paper Z600 from the full support package that is available at http://www.SonyEricsson.com/developer Every- thing needed to begin developing games for Sony- left and up up right and up Ericsson mobile phones is available at these sites free of charge. left right select or fire Game controls Use the navigation key to move up, down, left or right and to select an item, or use the keys as fol- left and down down right and down lows: Other useful key functions: Select the options
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White Paper Z600 Break, depending on where in the melody they fit in. You compose a melody by adding music blocks to the tracks. Polyphonic ring signals Protocol The quality of the sound heard from the speakers The Z600 has a hardware synthesizer chip, built depends on many different things, for example on into the mobile phone. The software controls the the synthesizer, the amplifier, or the speakers. An MIDI files, and makes sure they fit into the hard- important factor for sound quality