Instruction d'utilisation GE WWA7304V

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif GE WWA7304V

Dispositif: GE WWA7304V
Catégorie: Machine à laver
Fabricant: GE
Dimension: 4.26 MB
Date d'addition: 10/10/2013
Nombre des pages: 24
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GE WWA7304V Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

get the best Irom
setting thecontrols
Use andCareof
Bleach Dispenser
Energy-saving tips
Sorting andloading p9

— aoosingdetergents
Your Direct Line toWneml Electric
TheGE* ercemkF800.626.2000

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Fy ?J(-j$ntwi-jiili ..g write dfmw-ii theIrmdd safetyMWNxkms. . . . . . . ...3.4 Beforeusi~ag Jm.w washer, -W@ o-_ and.serialnumbers. M%d. this bookCarefullye Howtoqxmte your’ It is intendedtohelpyouoperate Washero., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4,5 You’ll findthemona labelcmthe ‘--”- andmaintainyournewwasher lowerleftsidenearthefront. controls sellingguidefor properly. differentfabricsand~oads. . . .~,~ Thesenumbersarealsoonthe — ConsumerProductOwnership Keepit handyforanswerstoyour Howto use

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

@ Closesupervisionis necessary H’ARNING-—To reduce theriskof 7?0 Bninilnize thepossibility ifthisapplianceisusedbyornear fire, ekxtric shock,or injuryto Ofinjury: children.Donotallowchildrento r mmxms whenusingyourappliance, a Do notmixc~~orine b~eac~ with playinside,onorwiththisappliance followbasicprecautions,including ammoniaor acidssuchasvinegar oranydiscardedappliance.Dispose [hefo!kwing: and/orrustremover.Mixingcan ofdiscarded appliances andshipping or 9use this applianceonlyforMs producea

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

--— ---- ~TheWMh-ypmctxs canrake washandspinactionandprevent nmvspeedandpuHoutCycle .—- _. tiieflameretarckmcy Cm-npletkm ofthe cycle. selectorKnob03n%tart. ~_~~-f< %Q#+” moidsucha result$thegarment 9 @ Do notchangeSPEED manufacturer’s careirNructkms SAW ~ms~ SELE~ION whilewasheris should be followed verycarefully.’ operating.If a change in speedis ms~~uc~~o~s desired,pushjn CycleSelector lb’ washer @peFatiQn Knob to“SKIP” position andv~ait ~ Donotleavewasherlidup forwasherto stop:T

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Rflgdar fcyde- Kd$ fcyde—— soak set@iy-’– hvicks longerwashtimefor A combination ofagitationand Usewithmostsoakingaidsto mostcottons,linens,workand soakformoreeffectivepolyester loosenembeddedsoilsandstains. playclothes. knitslaundering. Seepage8. ! REGULAR ,8W1.$m REGULAR CYCLES CYCLES KNITS SUN CYCLE ‘$$3 @!!il smrr WASH & sow! \ Em: $) 2 F PeHm’3 PressCyw-’= Anextendedcool-downsprayrinse isprovidedto minimizethesetting ofwrinkles. OFF- 5?!!4 Coa DOWN PERMPRESS CYCLE WASH what HappeminEachsett

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Wash/spill 1.x9ad speed cycle CottonsandLinens White/Colorfast Normal Hot or Warm RegularCycle Bright/Non-colorfast Normal Warmor Cold RegularCycle WorkClothes Normal Hot RegularCycle 12minutesforsmallloads, Heavysoil 18minutesforallotherloads Hotor Warm RegularCycle 15minutes Average soil Normal PermanentPress,TreatedCottons, BlendswithCottons PermPressCycle Heavyor oilysoil Normal Hot PermPressCycle Average or lightsoil Normal Warm — Synthetics-Polyester,Nylon, AcrylicKnitsandWoven Fabrics Stu

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

._-_ .—_— Bkw.h special Instructions Liquidchlorinetype. If colorfastisunusuallysoiled,usehotwater.Usemaximumdetergentrecommended on -. _ page13. Onlynon-chlorine bleachwhenneeded. ——-— Whiteor colorfast,liquidchlorinetype. Usemaximumdetergentrecommended inguideonpage13. Non-coiorfast, onlynon-chlorine bleach whenneeded. Whiteor colorfast,liquidchlorinetype. Smallloadsreducewrinkling.Usemaximumdetergentrecommended inguideonpage13. Non-colorfast, onlynon-chlorine bleach whenneeded. Whiteor colorf

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

HOJV touse Howtousethe E~~wY-s~vi~gmp~:- th.eBImchmpmer soaksetting — If yourclothesandhouseholditems don’tlookcleanand freshafler washing,youwillprobablyre-wash .andthatmeansyou’llwaste them. . energy.Rememberto sortyour clothescarefi.dly, andloadthem properly,selectcorrectcycles,use enoughdetergentandchoosea watertemperature warmenoughto releaseandgetridof soil. ~ “SOAK”settingtemperaturewill ~Usethisdispenserwithliquid ~UseHotWash—up to 150 °F.—on bleachonly.If youpreferto use automatically b

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

-.... —-— —.- +_.—___ _ —-— fEs%--A m.- !a#atT —15:- fse$.fa . . ~ Howtosort the clothes E&M?’- —-: . . l$aw___ BIsis$.. ma%w -–-– ‘- sort bysurface texturesort bysoil npaysto checkandprepare —— w — -—- ~–, clothesfor washing. eparate Separate mN_ ~– yaz&— ~ Emptypockets,brushoutcuffs, —- zipzippem,snapsnaps,hooks - andbuttons. Ei.- ----- —. - ~ Doanynecessarymending—rips, - from from hems,tears. Checkallitemsforareasofheavy soilor stain. ~ Removestains.For STAIN REMOVAL GUIDE,SEEPAGE17. TurnPol

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Howtoloadyourwasher special recommendations for washing permanent press if you do not kwe a dryer. If youaremachine-washing PermanentPressclothesthatyou plantolinedry or drip-dry,use extracareto minimizewrinkling in thewashprocess: ~Becarefil nottooverload washer.PermanentPressclothes musthaveampleroomto move freely.A MediumsizePermanent Pressloadisthelargestthatshould be washed. * Usemorewaterthanyouwould fora regularload.Use a Medium — WaterLevelfora SmallLoad;a LargeWaterLevelfor a Medium Loa

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

Factorsto comider in selectingdetegenk andsoap Disadvantages Adwmtages Phmphtiw-— Performwellinhardorsoftwater Arenotavailable insomeareas. Powdered Detwgents Washalltypesoffabricswell. - –-. Canbeusedinhot,warm,or _- -. coldwater. Generallydonotcleanwellin Non-Phosphate– Performsatisfactorily insoft Powdered Detergd$ or moderatelyhardwater. hardwater. In someareasonlynon-phosphate Maybedifficulttodissolve, especiallyincoldwater. productsareavailable. Shouldnotbeusedincoldwater. Thosecontainings

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

me ofcarbona@ (II or moregrains)andif youwash _- Isyourwaterhard?If it is, and washersurfaces.Thehardness .— ifyouuse a carbonatetypenon- ofyourwaterandyourwashing just a fewlo~dsa week,ybumay seelimestonebuildupsinjust a few phosphatedetergent,youwill frequencywilldeterminehow mostprobablynoticelimestone* rapidlythelimestonewillbuild months. depo~its on y&r clothesand up.If~our wateris VERYHARD Exfed$ onClothw -mendd meti& to ~hlCI%WX3 US43 Ofbleaches, pIWOdW, packaged watercorditionem, prewash

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

_ . —— . How’mt~ch dete%ent should youme? . Theuseof a sufficientamountof If therecommendedamountof Howto usedetergent—granular delergent isoneofthemostimportant detergentproducestoomanysuds, or powdered: hingsyoucandoto makesureyour switchto a low-sudsing detergent Placedetergentinthefilterpanfor washcomesoutclean. brand,andfollowinstructionson normalconditions,but, forbest package. results,put it nexttotheagitator Amountrequired varies accordingto: aftertheclotheshavebeenloaded. 1,Waterhardnes

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Hard Yvater—do YOUhaveit? Beforeyoucandecidewhattodo If yourwateris SOFT,youhave — abouthardwater,youneedtoknow noproblem.Youcanusesoapor ifyouhaveit and,if so,howhard detergentas youpreferandforget it is. all abouthard water.If youhave HARDwater—less than10grains— ~If youliveina municipalarea, andyouusephosphatedetergent, contactyourwatercompany. youalsohavenoproblem. ~If youliveina ruralarea, or in But, ifyouhavemorethan 10 somesuburbanareas,contactyour grains,youwillneedto softenyour countyag

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

Laundry pl”(xkt and type m9vv to useit special instructions BLEACH ChlorineLiquid Useyour131each Dispenseraccordingto 1)Donotpourundilutedliquidchlorinebleachdirectlyinto suchasCloroxbrand instructions onpage8. washeror ondry clothes. 2) Someoftoday’swashablefabricsshouldnotbechlorine bleachedsuchas: 100%cottonflame-retardant children’s sleepwear, silk, wool,mohair,spandex,leather,or non-fast colors.Dilutebleachbeforeusingonanyfabric. 3) CheckManufacturers’ CareLabelsforspecial instructions. -.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

Howtoremovestiim L Tryto removestainsassoonas MainRemovalHint— Seenextpagefor possible.Thefresherthe stain,the UsingChkwineBleachfor easierit is to remove. WhiteandBleachableFabricse StainRemoval Guide. Formorecompleteinformationon 2. Beforeattemptingto remove Mix 1/4cup (60ml)chlorine anystain,take these steps: bleachwithonegallon(3.8liter)of stainremoval,requestgovernment bulletin,“RemovingStainsFrom coolwater—approximately 80”E * Findthefabricandthefinishin (27°C.)-in a sinkor pan. Soak Fabri

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

Shin removal guide -- Si.aiin white and Bleachable Fabrics —- EkeControl Setting (hide, Bleach on Page’7 other Wmhable Fabrics Rubwithiceor immerseinverycoldwater.Usedufltoolto Sameas whiteandbieachablefabrics. {Chewing Gum,etc.) carefidly scrapeoffas muchadhesiveorgumaspossible.Sponge witha safedrycleaningfluid;*thenlaunder. Anti-perspirants, Applyundilutedliquiddetergent.Rinse.If stainremains,bleach Sameaswhiteandbleachablefabrics Dmdomnts accordingtoStainRemoval Hintonoppositepage.If colorhas

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

.-2._— . —-. ————. .>. _% V*Z: - .-— ------- ——.—. *= Questions? —- .-— -— _+— ~~+ UseThisProblemSolver .— PROBI,EM POSSH3LE CAUSE ANDREMEDY aIncorrectso~ing ofc~otl-les,$+parate lint-producers (suchasterrytowekandchenille) LINTORRESIDUE fromlint-receivers (suchasman-madefabrics,velveteen,corduroy). ONCLOTHES e washing too long, especially forsmallerloads.Fornormalsoil,washoneminuteper poundofdryclothes. oUseofnon.phosphate detergents Which combine With hardnessmineralstoforma precipitatewhichca

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

— -%W=” .— POSSIBLE CAUSEANDREMEDY PRoBLEhl GRAYED *Washeroverloaded.Clothescannotmovefreelyto loosenandremovesoil,causing grayappearance.Followcorrectloadingproceduresfor sizeofload. CLOTHES (continued) ~Impropersoakingwithinsufficientdetergent.Usuallya 30-minutesoakis sufficient. However,whenusingextendedsoaksforheavilysoiledgarmentsyoumayneedto use twicetherecommendedamountofdetergent. ~Useofsoapin hardwater.Switchtoa phosphatedetergent,or followsixstepsat the bottomof page18. ~Washingtoolong

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

POSSIBLECAUSE ANDREMEDY PROBLEM —— SHRINKAGE, ~ Rekumtionshrinkagecanoccurin knitfabricsthathavebeenimproperlystretched KNITS andelongatedbythemanufacturer. Whenthisoccurs,garmentmaybepressedback intoshapeaftereachwashanddry cycle. ~Progressive ordelayedshrinkageiscausedwhenstarchor sizing(insomefabrics) is graduallyremovedbylaundering.Maybe noticedin oldergarmentsthathavebeen washedmanytimeswithoutpreviousshrinkage. Treatas forRelaxation Shrinkage above. ~Shrinkagecausedby overheating occursin

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