Instruction d'utilisation Whirlpool LA9800XK

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Whirlpool LA9800XK

Dispositif: Whirlpool LA9800XK
Catégorie: Machine à laver
Fabricant: Whirlpool
Dimension: 0.98 MB
Date d'addition: 10/22/2014
Nombre des pages: 16
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Whirlpool LA9800XK Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

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Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

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Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

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Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Washer put or 3 ?4 l 6 l It thP 2. to l 4n WIII l If to a ~ muc’- time ~ a WIII l Light It IS l If not a WIII In o IS FABWC l o If do not: ~ on a 8 a l l If a time ning 13 ) l l WASH tt l WASH COLD except selections all cancel will starts washer the before SPIN RINSE Touching Selection FABRIC the before Touch Selection FABRIC any to added be can SUPER it. before touched Selection RIC FAB- any cancel will CYCLE SOAK page [See away right spin- and dra

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

6. a l l h 7 IS l POWER - 1 - 1 POWER 2 3 1 7. l but l l If off or a l on WASH, WASH, 7. 2nd IS l or lift or l to OFF. IS oerlcd selection second eight the during or HOLD, on OFF, washer the when only POWER switch off goes Selector RUN the on light The HOLD time...touch -Any HOLC touching by lid. the washer the stopped hove you when HOLD spin...touch During - glows Selector HOLD the on light The Washer: the Stop To doing dasher the what knob you let to

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

to Water IP Watch An Item a c3me 78 295 139 526 205 776 Important 2 3. 4 5 n In high, I1 2 2 8 5 5 much a cm] In tubs for infor- 1 14-22). l l 6 load wash CI In used detergent of amount the percentage) or weight (by limiting laws with areas In banned are phosphates where areas In apply not do recommendations These * recommendations package Follow so11 of amount and brand the on depending ml] 325 to 80 [ cups , 1 to Detergents ilquld packagerecommendahons- -Follow p

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Washer I: POWER a a for (or of) 1 //ght WI// When l POWER l l 2. but WI// of l POWER l l POWER IS l 3 hght for (or of) l POWER l WASH 8 13 & together. used be can’t and can which on details are there selectron, each For selection. each during happens what tell Guide Care Use this of through Pages glow. to light indicator HOT the get to able be won’t you GENTLE, cycle rrnsing the finrsh KNITSi touched you if example, to or filling frnrsh to SPIN RINSE Touch Fo

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

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Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

~_~ e $t; ?!$f~ I;: 77 1 c mans WASH c’? 10 LOW ;;;;I; 4 WAS4 WASt- mans !5 mns WASH a 10 ) Agi!%on ) DRAIN t3age See pre-v,cst- as cased be can SUPER RINSE 2rd agitation) wasn SHCRl EXTRA or agltat,on) wash (6 SHORT onI\; COLD OPTIONS: DCWN COOL Rinses Option Spray + :;i + SPlN SPEED RINSE RINSE 1.1. page See ::‘s- cs ,Isec be can SUPER VNSE 2vd ag!tatlor) bosh (5 SPORT EXTR’ cr ‘a* og b;~sp rs (8 ‘WASH SKRT bVASti C3LD HOT OPTIONS: Option Rinses Spray 4 saf

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

WASH WASH a OPTIONS WASH ) WASH. a time time. IS It It a IS w w 8 w w 0 a w w w 10 Sets 8 Sets 8 aSecs. Selection). FABRIC the plus (pre-wash washes two for detergent enough Use loads. sollea heavily for wash double as Use Sets aSecs Sets a Sets. over CYCLE SOAK after use you Selection FABRIC the to orly added be should wanted, if bleach, Chlorrne product presoak or detergent tiith laundiy soiled heavily or grey yellowed, stained, for Use stops and water out spins

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

WASH WASH WASH WASH IS WA% s . OF WARM l * w 8 to for 11 wash. double the detergent enough use sure Be touched options and SelectIon FABRIC the to according washes and refills washer the DRAIN, PARTIAL the After Sets tivxt decide Ther, water the out Spin remain. .vIII ‘hater the of some stoos, washer the After OPTIONS AND FABRlC TOUCH ON POWER TURN DETERGENT) LlQlllD USE (OR ADDING. BEFORE WATER QUART IN DETERGENT DRY DlSSOLVE selection. other any with Seiec-icr FABR

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Wash Time Wash a a I, WI ~ !I WIII We $11 It 12 8 WASH When WASH, time WASH 11 11 WASH 8 6 WASH When WASH time rt I sho. ............ 5 ........... 5 .......... 5 12 minutes -KNITS/GENTLE minutes PRESS -PERM’T minutes REG/HEAVY - II _ to shortened *a extr IS Selection FABRIC each of agltatlon pre-set the SHORT, EXTRA SPIN RINSE or touch you SUPER CYCLE, SOAK SelectIon, FABRIC any for water wash cold want you If COLD Touch minutes -KNITS/GENTLE minu

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

OPTIONS a c [but POWER a IS a a a a rinse spin v o IS a spin B only ONLY. SPIN Touch on then off, power the Turn Interruption power by canceled or celed can- want you that load from water spin and drain to Use El SPIN HI-SPEED DRAIN 1 ~,~,~,~ off power the turning by or interruptjon power by canceled been that’s cycle finish to useful also It’s spin. apd rinse only need that loads for Use rinse second this during dispensed used) [if softener Fabric rinse extra that f

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Dispensers .,.:lnt ) l Put In In a WIT3 ’ 1 I a l Add _I, time l l liquid IS : f r It WII’ Removing l Put thumbs l l a a l 1 (250 for a full l a l With a to up. l not to to form l not run l IInt It In When IInt It IS a tub, It A s plug tub r overflo,inj an cause 5;’ ri and drain the can load llnty deep one for \'+PpPi fabric diluted lint. the for strainer drain the watch enougn hold ~‘1 3lspenser -be into drains washer your if on SOFTENER, F&‘l;jRI

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

l a trmpued 7 l Service or l POWER l s We IF l These l l Three l a 1. for . . . IF l IF FILL: l l ] 2. If : l In? l . :. IS just a IS a representative service TECH-CARE” franchised Whirlpool nearest your to away call phone lust help States. United the in anywhere service needs ever appliance WHIRLPOOL’ your If rebresentotrve servrce TECH-CARE” franchised Whrrlpool nearest vour to away call phone help States, United the in anywhere servrce needs ever applrance

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

a ma IS In .n ng WhIRLPOOL In - - - time, up & not number It find a Whirlpool 9 3. If a : In When from: (800) 632-2243 number & (800) 253-l 121 (800) 253-l 301 2000 33 If 49022 IS must a number, WII,, number, ) a IS In number Whirlpool hllchigan. BullI-in and and Condlhonlng U 5 4 I” Prlr’ed Systems Air Healing Central Dehumidiliers. Conditioners Air Room Compactors. Ovens Microwave Ranges. Units. Surlace Ovens DIshwashers. Makers. Ice Relrlgeralor-Freezers

Instructions pareilles
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