Instruction d'utilisation Sony Ericsson V600

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Sony Ericsson V600

Dispositif: Sony Ericsson V600
Catégorie: Téléphone portable
Fabricant: Sony Ericsson
Dimension: 1.5 MB
Date d'addition: 10/29/2013
Nombre des pages: 70
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Sony Ericsson V600 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

August 2005
The Stylish 3G Phone

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

White Paper V600 Preface Purpose of this document This White Paper will be published in several revisions as the phone is developed. Therefore, some of the headings and tables below contain limited information. Additional information and facts will be forthcom- ing in later revisions. The aim of this White Paper is to give the reader an understanding of technology and its main applications, as well as the main functions and features of the phone. Note: This document contains general descripti

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

White Paper V600 Document history Change history 2005-04-08 Version R1A First edition 2005-05-16 Version R2A Second edition 2005-05-27 Version R3A Third edition 2005-08-15 Version R4A Fourth edition This document is published by Sony Ericsson This White Paper is published by: Mobile Communications AB, without any warranty*. Improvements and changes to this text Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, necessitated by typographical errors, inaccuracies SE-221 88 Lund, Sweden of current informa

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

White Paper V600 Contents Product overview ........................................................................................................5 Key functions and features .......................................................................................6 Design features ......................................................................................................9 More in-phone functions ...........................................................................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

White Paper V600 Product overview This product is a small mass-market 3G phone of slim design and impressive functionality. Speed and multitasking make this phone suitable for business usage. Video call is the future of mobile communica- tions and this phone has it. Encased in a slim, futuristic design, this phone offers easy access to 3G services by the use of direct but- tons for video calling and Internet. The high speed offered through 3G facilitates multitasking. You can talk and browse

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

White Paper V600 Key functions and features Improved battery capacity The V600 is a triple mode (UMTS and GSM-GPRS) The phone has top class talk- and standby time. mobile phone. It supports handover (GSM–UMTS, Battery description: 3.6V, 900mAh, Lithium lon. UMTS–GSM) and simultaneous sessions (one Standby time: Up to 370 hours (GSM) and up to voice and one packet data session or two packet 290 hours (UMTS). data sessions). Talk time: Up to 8 hours 15 minutes (GSM) and up to 2 hours 10 mi

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

White Paper V600 Digital zoom Media player The camera has up to 4x zoom The Media player converts the (depending on selected image phone into a portable MP3, size) and 32x playback zoom. MPEG4, Real®8 and H263 player. Play music and video clips, streamed or downloaded. The folder system ena- Picture light bles you, for example, to organize your favourite The camera has a built in high songs into groups and create simple playlists. A quality light to improve taking pic- Play and pause fun

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

White Paper V600 supported via a radio link. Unlike infrared, MMS Bluetooth is not dependent on line-of-sight Reacting to the enormous communication. popularity of mobile phone messaging, Sony Ericsson has Several devices can be connected to the phone incorporated the latest messaging using Bluetooth up to 10 metres away. For exam- standard, along with a colour display for an ple, the phone can be answered with a Bluetooth enhanced imaging experience. headset, when it rings and the use

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

White Paper V600 Design features Display and keypad areas Ergonomics and balance The phone strives for a perfect balance in your hand. Ergonomics link together with design. Front A video call key is situated at the left side of the phone. The easiest way of initiating a video call is by pressing the video call key. The Internet button is situated at the right side of the phone. This button gives you direct 3G access to Vodafone live!. The circular background form around the naviga- tion ke

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

White Paper V600 Setup wizard MusicDJ™ The setup wizard makes it possible for the user to Polyphonic sounds and the MIDI quickly and easily prepare the phone for use. format has revolutionized the sound quality of ringtones in At the first start-up, the setup wizard starts and mobile phones. helps the user with a couple of core settings whilst giving hints about the functionality of some impor- By using the MusicDJ™ the user can play, tant keys. compose, edit and send melodies. The built-i

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

White Paper V600 SVG-Tiny is a subset of the SVG standard and has sheets. By adding a style sheet to the document been developed for use with PDAs and mobile the developer can control the presentation of the phones. An SVG animation is a text file, based on document, the colours, fonts, and layout. XML, that contains specific illustration tags and attributes that define how the animation should be On the Web, the de facto standard style sheet lan- presented. The V600 decodes the tags and the

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

White Paper V600 email communication in a powerful mobile phone. Constantly connected to a POP3, SMTP or IMAP4 email server anywhere on the Internet, the phone stores messages dynamically, depending on avail- able memory, and updates the inbox automatically and over the air. Check email anywhere. Reply to email on the move. Friends, family and business contacts know that when they send email, it can be received, read and acted on immediately. Pictures can be included in outgoing emails

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

White Paper V600 Technologies in detail This chapter offers a detailed description of the technologies available in this product. Encompassing a broad and rich range of functionality, they facilitate basic functions such as calling as well as the cutting- edge developments found in entertainment, imaging and connectivity. 13 August 2005

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

White Paper V600 3G Mobile telephony allowed us to talk on the move. The step towards IP is vital. IP is packet-based, The Internet turned raw data into helpful services allowing users to be “online” at all times, having to that people found easy to use in their everyday pay only for the sent or received data. The connec- lives. Now, these two technologies are converging tionless nature of IP also makes access a lot faster: to create third-generation mobile services. file downloads take less

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

White Paper V600 Multiple sessions Examples of use cases in 3G With regard to simultaneous connectivity, multiple sessions, Sony Ericsson supports the 3GPP™ (3rd mode Generation Partnership Project) specification 3GPP  One voice and one packet data session: TS 22.101 which states that 3GPP specifications shall enable the user of a single terminal to estab- Photo: A voice call is connected, a photo is taken lish and maintain several connections simultane- with the integrated camera and se

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

White Paper V600 How 3G works WCDMA 3G brings together two powerful forces: wideband radio communications and IP-based services. WCDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Together, these enable advanced multimedia serv- Access) is a wideband radio technique that pro- ices. vides far higher data rates than other radio tech- niques available today, up to 384 kbps, and highly Making 3G a reality depends on technology devel- efficient use of radio spectrum. opments in different areas. These includ

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

White Paper V600 Access Network and other radio systems such as The duration of the discontinuity experienced by GSM/GPRS. As a principle, the requirements on packet switched and circuit switched real time service continuity characteristics should be services should be shorter than that in the hando- according to the target network on which the serv- ver of voice calls over GSM/GPRS. ice is maintained. Requirements on multiple bearer Service continuity services handover from UMTS Service

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

White Paper V600 Handover in the V600 UMTS to GSM/GPRS This phone is compliant with the 3GPP R99 December 2002 release. The product supports packet switched data handover and circuit switched voice handover from UMTS to GSM/GPRS. GSM to UMTS The product supports circuit switched voice handover from GSM to UMTS. GPRS The introduction of GPRS was a big step in the The GSM system limits the ability to use all eight evolution of the GSM networks for enhancing the time slots, so the V600 uses u

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

Video Decoder Image Decoder Vector Graphics Decoder Text Audio Decoder Speech Decoder Scene Description Session Control Session Establishment Capability Exchange White Paper V600  Data communication  Provide settings Transfer data and access the Internet or an Receive GPRS configuration settings from the intranet with a computer, PDA or handheld provider OTA (over the air), making manual con- device connected via Bluetooth, infrared or figuration unnecessary. cable.  User-controlled setting

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

White Paper V600 Figure 1 shows the functional components of a  Capability exchange enables choice or adapta- PSS client. The functional components can be tion of media streams depending on different divided into control, scene description, media terminal capabilities. codecs and the transport of media and control  Session control deals with the set-up of the data. TS 26.233 “Transparent end-to end packet individual media streams between a PSS client switched streaming service (PSS); Gener

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