Instruction d'utilisation Roper AL3132W

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Roper AL3132W

Dispositif: Roper AL3132W
Catégorie: Machine à laver
Fabricant: Roper
Dimension: 0.84 MB
Date d'addition: 2/9/2014
Nombre des pages: 12
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Roper AL3132W Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

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Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Important Instructions n n n n off n n n smoke off Tips Wash 2 Page times. wash and cycles proper using - overloading; not - necessary. detergent; enough using - if Pre-soak stains. and spots Treat 7. clothes; sorting properly - seams. and hems loose tears, Mend 6. soils; heavy or stains pretreating - tangling. by: rewashing Avoid 6. prevent to sashes and strings Tie 5. loads. small washing ornaments. when level water the Adjust 5. and trim unwashable Remove 4. rinse

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Features (AL3132W) (AL3132W-not (For 3 Page 6.) page see mendations recom- loading specific etc. jeans, towels, than water the in move to room more have should knits synthetic and press Permanent water. wash in freely move should items results, wrinkle-free and cleaning best For evenly. and loosely washer into items Drop washer the Load light). and normal (heavy, soil of amount by Sort results. press permanent best the for level water highest Use colorfast). non- and colorfast

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Warm -Warm Wash 4 Page results. best for time wash less need items small few a only with Loads loads. soiled lightly for times wash shorter Use NOTE: knits. washable and delicates soiled lightly wash Gently min.) (6 Short fabrics. soiled ately moder- Wash min.) (10 Heavy Regular items. soiled heavily detergent, liquid a use or cotton) (i.e. fabrics constructed or washer, the to it adding before sturdily Wash min.) (14 Heavy Regular water warm of L) (1 quart one in cycles deter

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Wash -Warm 5 Page detergent. liquid a use or washer, the to it adding before wrinkling. from fabrics keep to water warm of L) (1 quart one in helps rinse Cool-down fabrics. synthetic detergent of amount recommended some and press permanent soiled dissolve water, cold using If laundry. lightly Wash min.) (6 Press Permanent wet spot-fade can detergents Dry colors. non-colorfast some fabrics; wrinkling. from fabrics keep to helps soiled lightly for water wash -Cold rinse Cool-down f

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Other Features Work 6 Page cases pillow 2 handkerchiefs 6 shirts 3 blouses 2 slacks 2 shirts 2 nighties 2 dresses 2 blouses 2 shorts pair 6 bras 2 tops 4 skirt 1 bathmat 1 coverall 1 T-shirts 6 panties 2 shirts 4 dress 1 cloths wash 10 jeans pair 3 pillowcases 4 slips 4 blouses 2 tablecloth 1 towels hand 8 shirts 3 sheet king-size 1 camisoles 2 slacks 2 sheet double 1 towels bath 8 pants pair 2 or sheets double 2 Delicates Knits Press Permanent Towels Clothes Heavy Load Mixe

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Common Washing Problems WHAT 7 Page page next on Continued completed has spinning lid. opening before cycle Complete firmly. lid Close before opened been has Lid wrinkles. fewer cause spin after and energy money, save but colder/wetter, loads leave rinses Cold cold is Rinse wet too Load fabrics. other than pill to likely more are Synthetics pilling. called fuzz surface a raises Laundering lint for mistaken being is Pilling detergent. more Use used is detergent Enough washing. befor

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

WHAT 8 Page clothing cotton of underarms detergent. of amount the Increase sheets; and pillowcases of middle the on found fabric-usually areas 130”F/54”C). least (at hot is water sure Make stained have may oils Body Yellow ironing. up touch require may Press” “Permanent labeled items vary, may finishes press permanent Since NOTE: time extended for basket laundry immediately. basket laundry or washer Unload or washer in left been has Load spin. the before water wash the of cool-down

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Tips n n off 9 Page economist. home utility public a consult or Office Service Extension Cooperative your ask mendations, recom- removal stain specific For . room. ventilated well a in solvents cleaning dry Use 1 stains. protein some of removal easier for presoaks enzyme or tenderizer meat Use . time. every it. through it use not do or softener fabric less of instead fabric the stain use happens, this If towels). and the force to stain of back to remover (diapers non-absorbent

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

For Washer off off off off 10 Page cycle. complete a through washer running and basket to detergent of cup one adding by antifreeze out Clean 5. outlet. electrical into cord power Plug 4. faucets. water both Open 3. Instructions. Installation to according hoses inlet water Reconnect 2. hoses. and pipes water Flush 1. again washer use To freeze. not will washer where Store 7. supply. power electric turn and cord power Unplug 6. water. and antifreeze supply. power electric mi

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

For Service WHAT n n n n n n n 11 Page out. siphons water washer. the in level washer. the in level water the or cycles rinse and wash water the than higher is hose Drain . during drains Washer than higher is it that so hose dram Adjust cycle. the in number running. without cycle. the a to pointing is knob control Cycle . drains and fills Washer in number correct on knob control cycle Set used. been has fuse time-delay if Check tripped. has breaker breaker. circuit Reset cap

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

WE WHAT WE HOW U.S.A. in Printed Corporation Whirlpool of Trademark TM Corporation Whirlpool 01991 A Rev. 3355695 No. Part action. your of us inform turn in will MACAP 60606 IL Chicago, Drive Wacker North 20 Panel Action Consumer Appliance Major problem: your resolve to failed have warrantor Brand Roper or servicer authorized dealer, the when only MACAP Contact industry. appliance major the of levels highest the at views consumer voices that experts consumer independent of group a is

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