Instruction d'utilisation Sony Ericsson REVISION C Z500A

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Sony Ericsson REVISION C Z500A

Dispositif: Sony Ericsson REVISION C Z500A
Catégorie: Téléphone portable
Fabricant: Sony Ericsson
Dimension: 1.84 MB
Date d'addition: 3/25/2013
Nombre des pages: 62
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Sony Ericsson REVISION C Z500A Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Revision C
June 2004

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

White Paper Z500a Preface Purpose of this document The aim of this White Paper is to give the reader an understanding of technology and its main applications, as well as the main functions and features of the phone. People who can benefit from this document include: •Operators  Service providers  Software developers  Support engineers  Application developers More information, useful for product, service and application developers, is published at, which cont

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

White Paper Z500a Online Developer Resources On, developers will find all documentation and tools such as phone White Papers, Developers Guidelines, SDKs and APIs etc. The developer Web site also contains discussion forums monitored by our Sony Ericsson Developer Support team, a searcheable Knowledge Base of support queries and solutions, Tips & Tricks, example code etc. To stay up to date on development issues, register and subscribe to the monthly Sony Erics

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

White Paper Z500a Document conventions The phone has a full graphic screen which supports 65,536 colors, referred to as 65K. The screen images in this document are in JPG format and are thus of a lower resolution than the images actually shown on the screen. The Picture Messaging feature is referred to as MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) throughout this document. 4 June 2004

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

White Paper Z500a Contents Online Developer Resources ....................................................................................................3 Sony Ericsson Developer Support ...........................................................................................3 Product overview .......................................................................................................................2 Key functions and features ......................................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

White Paper Z500a Product overview The Z500a mobile phone features the latest in advanced messaging and access technology with a rich offering of mul- timedia, imaging and entertainment functions. This includes for example, playing video clips with the media player, taking pictures with the built-in camera and enjoying the latest in gaming. Easy to use video communication provides a dedicated camera button and only five steps for taking and sending a pic- ture or video clip. Form follows functi

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White Paper Z500a Key functions and features This phone is the next step in imaging for Sony Ericsson screen for the external display shows the service products. The evolution of mobile communications provider, time, date, signal strength, battery charge level, towards imaging will greatly increase the scope for new and other information. applications and services. In the area of multimedia in mobile phones, Sony Ericsson can show its vast Voice control capability is also supported with the

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White Paper Z500a pictures of the location, and authentic sound clips, to Media player friends and family back home. When shopping, send a The Media player converts the phone picture of a bargain that a friend has been looking for. into a portable MP3/MPEG4/3GP player. Play music, watch pictures and With MMS, there are many interesting applications to slide shows, as well as streamed or subscribe to, for example, stock information, movie downloaded video clips. trailers and weather repor

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White Paper Z500a 3D Games Note: The availability of this unique application is lim- The Java 3D gaming software ited to specific markets, where relevant infrastructure introduces and supports cutting edge and agreements have been set up. 3D graphics. Audio developments such as 40 tones polyphonic sound Other technical details and force feedback provide a much richer experience. Security - Server communication is protected by Trans- With operator support, there is the possibility for port

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

White Paper Z500a MusicDJ™. The built-in sound synthesizer uses On the Web, the de facto standard style sheet language is wavetables, real instrument sounds, with 40 voice Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), specified by the W3C and polyphony. The new composer has an improved implemented in IE, Netscape, and Opera. For mobile graphical user interface to simplify melody handling. All phones, the OMA has identified a subset of CSS and new and edited melodies are stored in MIDI format. extended it wi

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

White Paper Z500a Personalization With themes, the user can change many settings in the phone, for example colors, images and ringtones, making it more personal. The phone comes with a number of preloaded themes and pictures, and more can be downloaded and exchanged – sports, movie, seasonal and other themes will be available on Sony Ericsson or operator sites. Other personalizable features are the start- up picture and the screen saver. Specific pictures and ringtones can also be set for

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White Paper Z500a Technologies in detail Entertainment Media player The Media player supports different audio and video mises. The small file size, together with the excellent formats, streaming as well as download and playback. sound quality, are the main reasons for the MP3-for- mat’s huge popularity. Music MIDI The Media player is a multi-format digital audio player Musical Instrument Digital Interface. which enables the user to carry and play a selection of Unlike the other formats, MIDI

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White Paper Z500a Songs may be stored in the internal Z500a user memory. A MIDI signal or file does not contain any music. It The folder system enables the user to organize songs into contains binary data (information) of how a melody is groups and create simple playlists of MP3 songs. played and when this data reaches a synthesizer, the synthesizer will translate the binary data to music, when Songs may be collected in numerous ways, including connected to an amplifier with speakers so that

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

White Paper Z500a The term streaming refers to the technique it is based on. Streaming/download of music video (on demand) Previously an entire file had to be downloaded before it Mike browses to the a Web page and decides to check could be played, whereas the use of streaming means the out the latest rock videos. He finds a video he wants to end user can almost immediately begin to watch or listen watch, so he clicks the link and then streams a one- to the content of a requested file. The dat

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White Paper Z500a Supporting J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition), the phone lets users download and run new games and applications. This is a great way to upgrade the game gallery, install work-supportive programs and personalize the phone. SMIL SMIL stands for Synchronized Multimedia Integration  AMR narrow band speech codec MIME media type Language and is pronounced “smile”. SMIL is an  MPEG-4 AAC audio codec MIME media type advanced XML-based protocol, and Sony Ericsson’s  MPEG-4 video codec MI

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White Paper Z500a  VGA (640x480 pixels) Auto-exposure control The camera has a fully automatic exposure control that Video format selects the optimal exposure time needed to get an Video clips can be recorded, played and sent using the excellent picture. The exposure time is automatically following codec: adjusted whenever changes occur in the viewfinder. H.263 Messaging MMS MMS objects MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) is expected to Although MMS is a direct descendant of SMS, the beco

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White Paper Z500a expression in communication messaging. Rather than Benefits with MMS sending a downloaded birthday jingle in EMS, a user By allowing the mobile phone to serve as an image can, for example, send a clip of his or her own personal processor and conveyor, Multimedia Messaging rendition of “Happy Birthday”. accommodates the exchange of important visual information as readily as it facilitates fun. Business and Pictures and themes leisure usage of MMS will be dynamically merge

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White Paper Z500a The architecture of MMS Message conversion subscriber preferences, operator constraints, and billing The MMS-C is able to perform limited message information. The MMS-C also vouches for high quality conversion - for example, from MMS to SMS - so that messaging, for example by format conversion. This processing and air time is not wasted in sending means that the MMS-C recognizes which formats are messages to mobile terminals that do not have adequate supported in the mobile

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White Paper Z500a reducing costs. with a PC, PDA or handheld device connected via  WAP over GPRS cable. Access the Internet via WAP at high speed and with a  Provide settings constant connection. Receive GPRS configuration settings from the pro-  Email over GPRS vider OTA (over the air), making manual configura- Remain connected to an email system while reading tion unnecessary. and preparing messages, (which are then sent at high  User-controlled settings speed). Take advantage of full use

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

White Paper Z500a Furthermore, The Z500a is multislot class 10 meaning up each input symbol in 8-PSK causes a phase shift to one to four time slots can be used for downlink data and up to of eight defined states. This is illustrated in the following two timeslots can be used for uplink data. This figure. configuration is commonly referred to as 4+2 with a maximum sum of 5. With EDGE, it is possible to achieve a data rate of up to 59.2 kbit/second per time slot when Modulation and Coding Sc

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