Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1
togetthebest from
use and care of
Model WA83M
Semgthe Controk
Bleach mdF*tic
Sofiener Dispensers
Using the Mhi”Basker
tub Jp7
Ener~-savhg tips
Choostig Detergenk
Stti removal
Save tie mdmoney
Before youcdlfor semice,
usetheProblem Solver
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2
helpyou.*.9 Read this use and care Book carefully setting the txmtl-’ok 4’45 It willhelpyou operateand How To Use B@ichand 6 lowerleft sidenear the front. maintainyour newwasher Fabric softener Dispensers properly. Thesenumbersare also on the How TOuse Mixli”BasketT~ 7 Keepit handy for answersto your Consumer Product Ownership TM? RegistrationCard that came with questions. Good Sorting Means Better 9 your washer.Beforesendingin Wa$hing ,, If you don’t understand something this card>pleasewrite t
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3
. .- . Important SafetyInstructions–SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS Read 2311 instructions beforeusingthis appliance —. WARPJING---When usingthis @Westronglyrecommendthat electricalappliancewhichis con- appliance,alwaysexercisebasic any servicingbe performed by nectedto the hot watersystem. safetyprecautions, includingthe This willallowany hydrogengas a qualifiedindividual foHowing: to escape.Of course, sincethe gas @The wiringdiagramfor this is flammable,do not smokeor use ~ Use this appliance only for
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%- amDQTtant SafetyI~~stmctions (Coktimwed) washand spinaction and prevent @ Thelaundry processcan reduce @ Do wttamperwithcontrols. completionof the cycle. the flameretarckmcyof fabrics. To * DOnot operate this applianceif avoid.such a result, the garment @Do not changeSPEED SELEC- it is damaged, malfunctioning, manufacturer’s care instructions TION whilewasheris operating. If partially disassembled,or has should be followedverycarefully. a changein speed.is desired,push missingor broken parts,
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-- -. setting chide Someadjustment to theserecommendationsmaybe desirabledependingon your particular washingconditions. = PolyesterKnits Permanent Press Cottons & Linens Synthetics& Blends Workclothes, Workclothes, Bright Heavyor Normalor Heavyor Normalor Whiteor Fabric dungarees, etc. dungarees, etc. Colorfast colors OilySoil LightSoil OilySoil LightSoil with heavysoil with normalsoil Gentle Normal Normal Gentle Gentle Gentle Wash & Spin Normal Normal Speed Wash/Rinse Hot/Coldor Hot/@ld ‘r Warm
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Howv touse the Howtouse Howtouse BleachDispenser theFabtic the soaksetting Softener Dispenser OFF ~ Ilfl m NORMAL }\ \ SOIL HEAVY @ Use this dispenserwithliquid ~ 66SOAK9’ settingtemperature @ Position the Fabric Softener bleach only.If you prefer to use Dispenseron the Filter-Flopan. willautomaticallybe cold. powderedbleach, pour it into the Fiker-Flopan or wash basket * Extra RinseCycleshould be @Pour manufacturer’srecoin-” along withyour detergent.Do not mendedamount of fabric softener OFF. p
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HowtoI.Jsethe Mni”Basket’”tube e Put 1Ato % cup (60to 80ml) Typesd IkMds whichcanbe The Mini-Baskettub isdesignedto detergentin Filter-Flopan. be used two ways: washedin theMirli-lhk!t tub. * To use Bleachand Fabric ~ %nallloads of regular fabrics . . . ❑The Mini-Baskettub can be Softener Dispenser,seepage 6. Up to 21Apounds. usedto handlesmallloads of regularfabrics—upto 21/2 pounds * Closelid and set controls as @ IMcate loads such as lingerie, —or for easyand economical follows: panty hose, g
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Emergy=savingTips Weare all consciousof the need 1. Use Hot Wash-140° (60°C)— IMPORTANT NOTE: If your to saveenergy—toprotect our on a regular basison[ywhen clothesand householditemsdon’t washingheavilysoiled look clean and fresh after washing, country’senergyreservesand to helpus savemoney.There are articles—suchas work and play what are you apt to do? Youwill probably then re-washthem ... severalthingsyou can do to reduce clothes. the amount of energyneededto and that meansyou’llwaste washyour
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betterwashing Goodsorti~lg means It paystocheck md EkN”t by soil S(M’$ by surface texture pl’epart? clothesfor ‘washing. Separat Separate 7 * @Empty pockets, brush out cuffs, zip zippers, snap snaps, hook Lint hooks and button buttons. Producers @DOany necessaryrnending— 13 rips, hems, tears. from from @Check all items for areas of . ● heavysoilor stain. @Removestains. FOR STAIN Lint Medium Collectors REMOVALCHART, SEE Soil PAGE 16. \3 \3 @Turn Poly Knitsinside-outto from minimizefabric surfaced
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— Howtoload yourwasher Specialrecommendations for washingpermanentpressif you .- do not hive a dryer. If you are machine-washing Permanent Press clothesthat you plan to hang or drip-dry,use extra care to minimizewrinklingin the wash process: @Be careful not to overload washer.Permanent Press clothes must have ampleroom to move freely.A MediumsizePermanent Press load is the largestthat should be washed. @ Use more water than you would for a regular load. Use a Medium Water Levelfor a SmallLoad; a
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Disadvantages: Advantages: IPduds: ~ ._ e Are not availablein some Perform wellin hard or soft PkBsphfa&——— areas. water. Powdered Detergents Washall types of fabricswell. Can be used in hot, warm, or cold water. Generallydo not cleanwellin Perform satisfactorilyin soft I’40rM?lK@M+-— hard water. or moderatelyhard water. PowderedDetergents May be difficultto dissolve, In someareas onlynon- especiallyin cold water. phosphate products are available. Should notbe used in cold water. Those containin
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The damagingeffects of Carbonate Detergents on.your clothesandyour washer. is your waterhard? If it is, and if The hardnessof your water and week,you may seelimestone you usea carbonatetypenon- your washingfrequencywill build-upsin just a fewmonths. phosphatedetergent,the determinehow rapidlythe lime- (seePage 14). unavoidableresult willbe limes- tone willbuild up. If your wateris stone*depositson your clothes VERYHARD (11or more grains) and washersurfaces. evenif you washjust a fewloads a How t
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13
Howmuch detergentshouldyouuse? -. How to use detergent If the recommendedamount of The use of a sufficientamount of Granular or Powdered—Placein detergentproducestoo many suds, detergentis one of the most import- the filter pan for normal condi- switchto a lowsudsingdetergent ant thingsyou can do to make tions, but, for best results,put the brand, and followinstructionson sure your wash comesout clean. detergentnext to the agitator after package. the clotheshave beenloaded. Amount I’equnh!dl var
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— Beforeyou can decidewhat to do If yourwaterisSOFT,youhaveno — problem.Youcan usesoapor about hard water,you need to knowif’you have it and, if so, how detergentas youpreferand forget hard it is. allabout hard water.If youhave HARD water—less than 10 ~ If you livein a municipalarea, grains-and youusephosphate contact your water company. detergent,youalsohaveno problem. ~ If you livein a rural area, or in somesuburban areas, contact your But, if youhavemorethan 10 county agent. grains,youwillnee
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other BauBldry products— Laundry special Instructions How’toUIM?it Product & Type 1)Do not pour undiluted liquidchlorinebleach Useyour BleachDispenseraccord- BLEACH ing to instructionson page6. directlyinto washeror on dry clothes. Chlorine Liquid 2) Someof today’swashablefabricsshould such as Clorox brand not be chlorinebleachedsuch as: 100%’o cotton flame-retardant children’ssleep- wear,silk, wool, mohair,spandex,leather, or non-fast colors. Dilutebleachbefore usingon any fabric. 3) Checkmanuf
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How toremovestains 1. Tr~rto remote stains as soon as stain removal guide possible. The fresher the stain, the easier it is to remove, Stain 2. Before attempting to remove any stain, take these steps: Adhesives(ChewingGum, etc.) @Find the fabric and the finish in the chart at right, and use only recommended methods. Antiperspirants, Deodorants @Check the hang tag instructions that came \vith the garment. @Test stain removal product on an in-side seam or sample of the material. Blood @Avoid use o
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‘white arid Bleachable Fabrics other washable Fabrics SeeWashhIgGuide,BleachonPage18. whiteand bleachablefabrics. Rub \vithiceor immersein verycold water. Usedull tool to carefully Sameas scrupeojjf[7smuchadhesiveorgum aspossible. Spongewitha safe dry cleaningfluid~thenlaunder. Applyundiluted liquiddetergent. Rinse.If stain remains,bleach Sameas whiteand bleachablefabrics exceptuse oxygen bleach. accordingto Stain RemovalHint on oppositepage. If color has changed,you may be able to restoreit by
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18
washingguidefordifferentfabrics imd. loads Wash Speed* Wash Water Temperature Load Hot or Warm Normal Co[tons and Linens Warm Gentle Knits— Polyester,Nylon, Acrylic Normal Warm l\osen Fabrics— Polyester,Nylon,Acrylic Warm Normal Permanent Press, Biends Warm Gentle, Light Rayonand SoilSetting .4cetate Hot Normal BabyClothes— Sturdy,such as Diapers, Nightgowns, Shirts, Pads, Sheets, ReceivingBlankets, Coveralls Warm Gentle BabyClothes— Delicate Warm 5 min. soak then Blankets— Normal speed,Light W’
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Bleach SpeciailInstructions For \vhiteor colorfast, useliquid If unusuallysoileduseho water.Usemaximumdetergentrecommendedin 4 chart on page 13. chlorinetype; for non-colorfast,use gentleoxygentype. For whiteor colorfast, useliquid UseGentle Spinif linedrying.lf unusuallysoiled, useNormalWashSpeed.Use chlorinetype; for non-colorfast,use maximumdetergentrecommendedin chart on page 13,Smallloadsreduce wrinkling. gentleoxygentype. For \vhiteor colorfast, useliquid UseGentleSpinif linedrying,If unus
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To save mm and Mmiy- bdkm you can forservice, cheektheProblem solver If you have a problem, it maybe minor. You may be able to correct it yourself. Just use this Problem Solver to locate your problem and then followthe suggested recommendations. The Problem Solver PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSEAND REMEDY e Incorrect sorting of clothes.Separatelint-producers(such as terry I-mrrOR RESIDUE ON CLOTHES towelsand chenile)from lint-receivers(suchas man-made fabrics, velveteen,corduroy). washing too long, espec